Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.

Wish I never asked now


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.

Hi Loafer,
I don't think it's so bad over here. As a veteran I know an ascerbic environment when I see one. Facebook is a whole other ballgame though, so I'm not going there either. I have only two issues with Farsight: foremost their lack of communication and secondly some issues with tables that don't get fixed. I try to contain those issues in the threads where they should be. Why don't you get over to the "table of the week" threads? We'll be happy to have you there!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.

I haven't been active as a moderator for awhile (lack of updates and very few post modifications) and I deeply apologize for that, but maybe it's time for some Spring cleaning here on the forum.


Jan 30, 2013
I understand farsights "lack" of communication. I say "lack" because personally I think they still communicate a lot - twitchstreams, beta's, facebook etc. But ok. They used to happily communicate a little more, but it became somewhat "damned if you do, damned if you don't." When they communicate, some people always manage to turn it into negative sh*t and ***** about it. Nothing is ever enough. Just like now. We finally get TAF. Not enough. They throw some 12 days of xmas for fun. - A lot of complaints it's not enough.
Farsight were like naive before, thinking people would appreciate things for what they are, meaning well. But now they are jaded and realize it's better not to say too much because some people will always look at the negative side of things and be disappointed with everything they are presented.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
What amuses me to no end is the same people who complain about Farsight over-promising also complain about Farsight under-communicating.

The. Same. People.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The table will be out this month. What more info do you need?

I see the OP asked for videos and such of the making...and sure that'd be great, but we know from previous Kickstarters that this sort of thing wasn't going to happen. You should know what to expect from Farsight by now.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think it's just a case of enthusiasm. Folks are just excited for the Addams release and want any tidbit of info they can get. It's like Christmas Eve, hard to be patient. Plus I think a lot of people are curious about what art art changes were made because of licensing.
But hey, we waited years for Addams Family, so another week or two shouldn't kill us.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I think it's just a case of enthusiasm. Folks are just excited for the Addams release and want any tidbit of info they can get. It's like Christmas Eve, hard to be patient. Plus I think a lot of people are curious about what art art changes were made because of licensing.
But hey, we waited years for Addams Family, so another week or two shouldn't kill us.

Well said, my man.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
From beta testing, the retouched Fester face between the flippers looks fine. Until I found a photo of the playfield in real life, I seriously thought they forgot to retouch the playfield.


Jun 27, 2012
Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.

I feel that the attitude of this forum likely makes Farsight staff hesitant to post here. When they do post they can barely do it without being jumped by the users and their demands or complaints.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, let's keep in mind that one main purpose of the forum is to provide feedback, and yes even criticism. I'm pretty sure Farsight's skin is thick enough by this time to handle it.

If you think this forum is bad, go check out some of the major video game forums on the web. I think you'll quickly change your opinion. This is one of the tamest forums I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot.

I think it's a over-generalization to say the overall attitude of the forum is bad, and that it's mostly complaints and demands. Sure there is some of that, but it's not all that. Also, there wouldn't be so many demands and complaints if Farsight did a better job of delivering on features and such that they dangled in front of us years ago, so we can't really blame anyone for getting restless when it comes to certain things we've been waiting on for quite awhile. If we never made our complaints known, then Farsight would see those things as even less of a priority.

Anyway, my advice is to stop dwelling on negative posts and look at the positive things like the Table of the Week club, Podcasts, Off Topic section, etc. If the complaint and demanding threads bother you so much, then there's always the option to simply not click on those threads :)
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Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Thank you Jeff for your post.
I enjoy this place because it's really open-minded and you can express yourself freely about the game itself or Farsight as a company and their good/bad moves.
Of course we're fans and we can sometimes complain about this or that. For me it's like a deal between all of us.
I think our common aim is to keep this game alive because it means a lot, as a game but also as a piece of our culture. Big word but true thought.
A lot of great guys here, speaking about a lot of different things. A friendly forum for sure.
Pinball is serious (we're all wizards :p) but pinball is FUN !
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Thank you Jeff for your post.
I enjoy this place because it's really open-minded and you can express yourself freely about the game itself or Farsight as a company and their good/bad moves.
Of course we're fans and we can sometimes complain about this or that. For me it's like a deal between all of us.
I think our common aim is to keep this game alive because it means a lot, as a game but also as a piece of our culture. Big word but true thought.
A lot of great guys here, speaking about a lot of different things. A friendly forum for sure.
Pinball is serious (we're all wizards :p) but pinball is FUN !

Thank you, good sir.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Imo people only complain or get upset because they care. I love TPA and thus love Farsight and want them to succeed. They seem to promise much less lately. I only expect what the TELL me is coming, anything else is a pleasant surprise. I just would like for them to do what they say within reason. Looking forward to hopefully many more seasons and improvements!


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
At least they posted an update on The Big Lebowski's progress :/


Imo people only complain or get upset because they care. I love TPA and thus love Farsight and want them to succeed. They seem to promise much less lately. I only expect what the TELL me is coming, anything else is a pleasant surprise. I just would like for them to do what they say within reason. Looking forward to hopefully many more seasons and improvements!


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