Lack of Addams Family info/news!!!???


New member
Nov 28, 2012
You want the table fast, get the pc/mac/ios/android/amazon. Otherwise, why complain?
PA has been growing strong for 3 years now, their formula isn't going to change.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
When have they given any project completion dates that they've not met? I mean actual hard dates? Such as "we aim to have X360 availability again on Month/Day/Year?"

From a business standpoint, they're prioritizing monthly income, which is their only income, over making updates that will only cost them money because the base game d/l is FREE?

I'm sorry if you don't like Sony's approval process. Complain to Sony, not to Farsight. Farsight have to pay their bills and if that means not releasing content on some platforms and releasing it on others as soon as they can, so be it. I suggest you try running a small, independent, game development shop in a somewhat out-of-the-way location, with a tight monthly turnaround on your primary income stream over multiple platforms, and do any better.

Also, what is your source regarding the profitability of their monthly table releases? Quoting details like that is frowned upon around here.


Jun 4, 2014
You want the table fast, get the pc/mac/ios/android/amazon. Otherwise, why complain?
PA has been growing strong for 3 years now, their formula isn't going to change.

I keep forgetting, some people don't understand what a FORUM is all about, to discuss. Why have a forum if you can't praise and complain?

It's my own fault, I knew better.

When have they given any project completion dates that they've not met? I mean actual hard dates? Such as "we aim to have X360 availability again on Month/Day/Year?"

From a business standpoint, they're prioritizing monthly income, which is their only income, over making updates that will only cost them money because the base game d/l is FREE?

I'm sorry if you don't like Sony's approval process. Complain to Sony, not to Farsight. Farsight have to pay their bills and if that means not releasing content on some platforms and releasing it on others as soon as they can, so be it. I suggest you try running a small, independent, game development shop in a somewhat out-of-the-way location, with a tight monthly turnaround on your primary income stream over multiple platforms, and do any better.

Also, what is your source regarding the profitability of their monthly table releases? Quoting details like that is frowned upon around here.

Which specific year do you want in regards to XBOX360 being released? 2013? or 2014? They're STILL aiming to have 360 released this year, but still nothing. They've lost a lot of fans, (Aka income, from a business standpoint) because of this.

Again, I'm sorry if the facts upset you. I've been supporting the company for years, from past video games on PS2, to games on PS3, to TPA merchandise. It's not like I'm some boogeyman that's out to spew venom on the company for kicks. This is a forum, ya know, where people discuss things, positive or negative. I'm sorry if it bothers you. Like I said, I knew better.
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New member
Oct 31, 2012
It's made perfect sense:
  1. TPA players on mobile devices and PCs do not want to wait an extra 6 to 8 weeks for the console versions to pass certification.
  2. FarSight, from a business standpoint, does not want to wait an extra 6 to 8 weeks to get income from newly-developed tables.
  3. Therefore, DLC is released on each platform as soon as possible, regardless of its availability on other platforms.
If you want your DLC faster, migrate to a platform that doesn't require lengthy certification processes. You may not like that choice, but that's just how it is and how it has been for nearly 3 years now.

That's why I finally got PBA on my PC, I'm not buying all the tables (maybe someday), but as of now I will have some of the newer tables before my PS3 has them.
Bring on TAF cause as Sponge Bob would say, "I'm ready, I'm ready..........


New member
Jun 4, 2012
i dont think people take issue with many of your points, more that you seem to hint some info that requires detailed access which frankly most dont have even with ndas. i realise yiur speaking for long term experience but maybe you should make it clear its true opinion and not fact

know what i mean ss?

I keep forgetting, some people don't understand what a FORUM is all about, to discuss. Why have a forum if you can't praise and complain?

It's my own fault, I knew better.

Which specific year do you want in regards to XBOX360 being released? 2013? or 2014? They're STILL aiming to have 360 released this year, but still nothing. They've lost a lot of fans, (Aka income, from a business standpoint) because of this.

Again, I'm sorry if the facts upset you. I've been supporting the company for years, from past video games on PS2, to games on PS3, to TPA merchandise. It's not like I'm some boogeyman that's out to spew venom on the company for kicks. This is a forum, ya know, where people discuss things, positive or negative. I'm sorry if it bothers you. Like I said, I knew better.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Glad you asked. would be a good pick. I get that people get po'ed and on some points like communication, FS needs to do way better. So people should be allowed to make their point and that is cool.

But then the same 3-5 people such as yourself make the same complaints or express their same frustration over and over and over again, to the point I am not liking the idea of logging in much anymore and I know two other members who are starting to feel that way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Seriously what is the point of logging in? This sites very existence is supposed to celebrate TPA and other virtual pinball software. Is this celebrating???

Truth be told, and I know I will surely be reprimanded for this and I guess it's going to be earned as I am starting to have problems with the moderation of this site more than with the nega-nannies. I am a staunch believer that censorship is bad and am a defender of personal opinions but in a case like this I would hope it's ok for board moderators not to ban or edit personal opinions, but to send a pm to these same 3-5 members and just tell them it's gotten old, their point is made, now be patient, have fun or move the heck on.

Anyone with regular attendance here can see this sites staff work their butts off on a daily basis so I don't get it, must be some site doctrine to let the loonies run the asylum. Anyway this is not an attack on mods though I could see it could be read that way, it's not meant that way.

But what the hell do I know? I'm just a member and a virtual pinball newbie ;). If I end up being banned for voicing my opinion on this, consider I've been known as an extremely patient man in the virtual pinball world, so what does that tell you? Anyway, it's a moot point, I'll ensure I don't let the door hit my rump on the way out. Too bad, this site mission is an awesome one.

Glad I'm not the only one who notices. I stopped coming here so often because the only thing I want to do is call people out for constant moaning. It is the same three people over and over again as well. They never contribute to any conversation in any meaningful way and only gripe and make snide one liner comments.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Well, let's keep in mind that one main purpose of the forum is to provide feedback, and yes even criticism. I'm pretty sure Farsight's skin is thick enough by this time to handle it.

If you think this forum is bad, go check out some of the major video game forums on the web. I think you'll quickly change your opinion. This is one of the tamest forums I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot.

I think it's a over-generalization to say the overall attitude of the forum is bad, and that it's mostly complaints and demands. Sure there is some of that, but it's not all that. Also, there wouldn't be so many demands and complaints if Farsight did a better job of delivering on features and such that they dangled in front of us years ago, so we can't really blame anyone for getting restless when it comes to certain things we've been waiting on for quite awhile. If we never made our complaints known, then Farsight would see those things as even less of a priority.

Anyway, my advice is to stop dwelling on negative posts and look at the positive things like the Table of the Week club, Podcasts, Off Topic section, etc. If the complaint and demanding threads bother you so much, then there's always the option to simply not click on those threads :)

Jeff, I think the "moaning about the moaners" thing is largely regarding a select few who, like I said in my last post, simply never contribute to the conversation, but just constantly moan about not getting daily updates and constant information, not just about TAF, but all.the.time. When that's not the topic, it's usually just liitle, constant digs at TPA and FS.

I get it when someone who will usually add something to the conversation normally, will have a minor vent here and there, or take part in a discussion about a bug, a problem, or some dumb design decision, but when that's the only thing a person talks about, it adds a certain toxicity to the environment and discussion.

I'm not going to name names and probably shouldn't have to really. The point I'm trying to make is that while I like to argue about things vehemently, and sometimes heatedly at times, I like when a conversation can move forward.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
anyhow reguard adams family, ive skipped most of season four but i guess ill have to play, my parrots love the theme tune they can even sing it mostly fyi


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Agreed. I also thought he was great as M. Bison. He was a very underrated actor.

One of my favorite Julia films is Presumed Innocent, with Harrison Ford.
His portrayal of Bison was pretty well the only good thing about that movie.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Nothing like having the GI lights be completely blown out. I'm guessing this is a JP mod? Not a fan of the flaring either. That only happens to a camera lens, not the naked eye. Whatever happened to the VP author Scapino? He used to do some amazing night versions of tables. They played like crap, but looked fantastic!
I don't think anyone knows what happened to Scapino. He made some incredible tables for vp8 but even his own site hasn't been updated in quite some time.

Some authors are still learning the new additions to vp. Some are going to surge ahead with them. I'm sure jp will figure stuff out with time. Though I wish him and groni would work together again.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
We actually call that 'magic hour', or even 'tragic hour'. Everybody scrambling to get 2 hours of work done in the 45 minutes that are actually usable!

Golden Hour is the term we have for the 13th hour of the day. If we work one minute into that, we get paid the full hour even if the day ends 5 minutes later. At double time. Unfortunately production is all too aware of this, and since they're paying for it anyways they'll work us all the way to hour 14. Great for the paycheck, bad for your health.
Golden hour, light-wise is generally used in still photography. Really only accurate for the setting sun but the first hours of the morning are great for those dramatic blue hues


Jun 4, 2014
His portrayal of Bison was pretty well the only good thing about that movie.

No argument there!

It's funny, I saw that film in theater. The theater had also just put in a new pin, which happened to be Rescue 911. I went back a few years later, as it was a theater that was kind of out of the way of where I lived at the time, to see Dragonheart. I vividly remember being so bored out of my mind with that movie, that I was thrilled to see Rescue 911 STILL there, as I walked out midway through the film.

Street Fighter > Dragonheart :p
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
No argument there!

It's funny, I saw that film in theater. The theater also just put in a new pin, which happened to be Rescue 911. I went back a few years later, as it was a theater that was kind of out of the way of where I lived at the time, to see Dragonheart. I vividly remember being so bored out of my mind with that movie, that I was thrilled to see Rescue 911 STILL there, as I walked out midway through the film.

Street Fighter > Dragonheart :p

Man that would be cool to have a part of your youth still sitting there.

Did you get a chance to play it?


Jun 4, 2014
Man that would be cool to have a part of your youth still sitting there.

Did you get a chance to play it?

Yes, I played it both times I went. It's one of my favorite Gottliebs, and one of their few best. Sadly, however, it seems to get bashed a lot because of the big, bad, terrible helicopter toy!!! I heard Jay mention it last year in an interview, as a possible for next season. So, here's hoping!


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I don't think anyone knows what happened to Scapino. He made some incredible tables for vp8 but even his own site hasn't been updated in quite some time.

Some authors are still learning the new additions to vp. Some are going to surge ahead with them. I'm sure jp will figure stuff out with time. Though I wish him and groni would work together again.

Funny to read this, I had the exact same wish back in my VP days, do you remember the short-lived JPG pins? The great graphical and table building & design by both and the meticulousness from GRONI in tuning everything until it played absolutely perfect was a great combination. I also thought JPSalas was retired from table making? Now you made me go visit again! :)

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