New Bobby King Podcast from


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Btw: Congo has a volcano multiball if I am not mistaken

It does but I would like to see a jungle themed table with the volcano more integrated to the playfield and also have the theming based around the volcano as a main attraction. Plus they could have pinballs flying upward and landing wherever which is totally doable in real life (without glass) but would damage a table. This is realism and could be done on a virtual table with no negative consequences.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
So, if you can't stand AC/DC, Metallica or Daft Punk, none of these pins are going to be particularly enjoyable to you.

I don't see how the flow and gameplay of a game requires you to like specific music.
Also, Daft Punk is alright, and their Tron soundtrack is amazing.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Well, I believe there is one or two independent companies that are working on a zombie themed pinball machine. The main reason why Stern has not done it is probably that pinball companies have alway been concerned about the Family friendly part of things like zombies.

Considering they did a Playboy table a while ago, Sopranos, etc... I doubt zombies is going to be an issue. :)


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Stern don't really make non-liscenced tables anymore, and the only Zombie theme that matters right now is The Walking Dead, if they can't get that then there's no point making a table that wouldn't sell (hint: the liscence alone doesn't make the table expensive, the lack of a large production run is)


I think he was saying that the only zombie license that matters is The Walking Dead.

Still disagree with that idea. I think that if some one could put together a good Romero Zombie trilogy series pin, or a set of pins it would have a certain weight with collectors and pull with younger audiences as well.

If it weren't for Romero Zombie films, Zombies wouldn't be the cultural vehicle for expressing discontentment and isolation that they are today.



New member
Feb 21, 2012
I think zombies are hot enough that a well done table could do well just by having the word zombie in the title. That game Zombie Vs. Plants or whatever sold well and it was pretty crude looking. They have the zombie app where you can make yourself look like a zombie and that has done really well. Zombies and pirates have been hugely popular the last 5 or so years and no end in sight. I would say if you could do something with quality similar to Medieval Madness for a knight fantasy theme but on an unlicensed zombie theme (or most any theme for that matter). Stern has upped their production quality and JJP is putting out tables that would sell with a license or not because they are going back to great design. Add zombie and it will be extremely popular.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I don't see how the flow and gameplay of a game requires you to like specific music.
Also, Daft Punk is alright, and their Tron soundtrack is amazing.

You stated that you would prefer FarSight to strip the AC/DC license and music from the table and digitize it. That could never and would never happen. You said that you "can't stand AC/DC's music." If you can't stand the music that's being played by the table, how are you going to enjoy it?

It's the presentation and integration of the theme that's making some of these new pins so enjoyable. As far as flow and gameplay go, there's not much left in the way of complete originality anymore. All these tables have strong similarities to past one's. What I'm getting at is if you don't like the AC/DC theme but are interested in its flow and gameplay, then just play T2.

Other similarities
Metallica - Monster Bash
Tron - Funhouse

Just for sh1t's and giggles
WOZ - Twilight Zone


New member
Jun 3, 2013
I was surprised to learn Farsight has never seen a dime from the sales on the 360. Maybe that was common knowledge but it never dawned on me that Farsight wasn't getting paid prior to the bankruptcy. Ouch.

Yeah this was interesting to me too. Something the average customer has no idea about. I also don't think the average customer has a clue about development costs and licensing fees. If you look at the TPA Facebook page, half the people on there think Farsight is rolling in money and are only doing Kickstarters because they are greedy. :rolleyes:


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm quite sad to hear that FarSight never saw any money from X360. This means I've never actually supported FS with a single cent, with the exception of my PHOF purchase and Kickstarter.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
AC/DC with Bon was my favorite band. Would love to see it, but they think they have a better chance with Metallica. Either would be great. Would definitely help them sell more real tables.


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Basically the goodness/badness of any band does not have anything to do with the goodness/badness of any table connected with bands.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'm quite sad to hear that FarSight never saw any money from X360. This means I've never actually supported FS with a single cent, with the exception of my PHOF purchase and Kickstarter.

I guess PinWiz took all the data down when he stopped putting up the sales tracker for Xbox but it was averaging about $1000/day of gross revenue during the first three months. $30,000 for that 3 month period. That's definitely a lot of money in addition to the money they aren't getting by not having packs available. to support the entire course of releases.

I also wonder if Microsoft did not get paid? I imagine it would initially filter through the system and either all proceeds go to Crave and Microsoft sends them a bill for "royalties" or Microsoft takes their cut and then gives the remaining proceeds to the publisher. Recouping money from Crave may be impossible so it may be best that they AREN'T selling the game anymore so if there is an alternate publisher, they can get sales later and actually receive payment.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
I also wonder if Microsoft did not get paid?

Fat chance that Microsoft didn't get their cut up front. So unfair since the whole debacle is their fault anyways, since they required Farsight to use a publisher in the first place. Crave or Microsoft: which company is Farsight sick of more? :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Did Bobby SERIOUSLY just mention the South Park table? That is, by far, one of the biggest pieces of crap (pun intended) that I have ever had the displeasure of playing.

Good Capcom news. OMG BIG BANG BAR!!! He mentioned it!!! **** yes!!!
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