new layout/update


New member
Aug 2, 2014
I just realized that it's going to take at least a year for the bugs and various issues pertaining to the new UI to be fixed on most platforms.

This is what happens when you are a small team supporting like 15 platforms and you're concurrently working on a new app that will support 8.

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
I'm actually quite happy with this new UI, (i did not like the caroussel principle so much in the previous one) but indeed, the table icons are just too small to read the table names, (im on iphone 6+)., so it would be great if this will be corrected.

Im also very happy with the sound options, personally i never liked it so much to hear that guitar sample playing again and again as soon as the app starts, and its nice to adjust the table sounds.

BUT., theres a bug here because the app doesnt store the changes being made, and starts with the default settings when the app is restarted.

And yes indeed, i would be nice when the tables which are not purchased are mapped separated

Thanks for fixing the issues
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Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Another bug here., in the main table selection screen i have : "My Rating" selected which is nice, because now my favourite tables are up front,

But when i return to this selection screen after playing a table, it jumps back to "DEFAULT AZ" order, so also here the app doesnt store your preferred settings, would be great if this will be fixed also
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New member
Dec 18, 2015
Oh my... What a disaster. A 4 yr old had no problem navigating the old UI in the iOS version. Now I have to start each game. Have these "programmer's" looked up game design? What utter crap.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
You made me curious so I just checked. It takes less than 15 seconds to scroll through every single table on PC. Not long at all.

I'm not on the PC version. I was speaking to scrolling on the ios version, which I found to be a hassle. I should have clarified that. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
But I think you hit on another issue. It's very difficult to creat a UI for all of these platforms. Having the same UI for a phone and a console or PC is not the best situation.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I'm not on the PC version. I was speaking to scrolling on the ios version, which I found to be a hassle. I should have clarified that. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
But I think you hit on another issue. It's very difficult to creat a UI for all of these platforms. Having the same UI for a phone and a console or PC is not the best situation.

Gotcha. That makes sense.
I can see how you could prefer the multiple table icons for navigation on a mobile device.

On cabinet, PC and console it's bad. They could do whatever they wanted to the UI and I wouldn't care if they made it so we could launch games individually from a command line. That way it would be cab friendly and I'd never need to see the UI.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
For your amusement, I present to you a thread of people complaining about the old ui that everyone now seems to like.

About the old UI, nobody said it was ugly, but it could have been more functional.

The new UI is more functional (still very clunky in some parts), but FS succeed to make it VERY UGLY.

Visually, it's clearly a regression. And it gives a very bad impression for a newcomer.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Visually, it's clearly a regression. And it gives a very bad impression for a newcomer.

Huge regression visually. I'm slowly getting used to it, but it still is giving me bad flashbacks to the menus of badly programmed Jaguar and 3DO games of yore.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Resizeable buttons is a must.
Said it before, but at this rate it just looks like this


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
About the old UI, nobody said it was ugly, but it could have been more functional.

Actually, tons of people said it was ugly

I'll admit I'm a bit mystified by Farsight's inability make UI or even UI graphical elements. Their UI interface (and the visuals) for their old disc-based pinball hall of fame collections was superior to Pinball Arcade. For instance, why couldn't they just port over the assets from the PS3/360 builds of the old virtual arcade? Those textures and the building geometry were fine. They wouldn't look bad today. It makes me wonder if the staff members who created the environments and/or the old UIs have left the company. Right now it seems that they don't have a single person there who has any experience with making UIs. Yet they have fine texture artists, as seen by the tables themselves. Nobody can take a day to replace the terrible, mid-90s PC game UI graphics?

Thoughts? Ugly, dated, difficult to navigate. Needs a rethink. Just keep it simple, a grid of backglass would be fine.

I like the way it works, just visually it's pretty terrible. Basically linear gradiants with bevel and emboss filters on top. Kinda thing we used to see all the time when photoshop was first released. When I saw it in the beta I assumed it was temp graphics, but the release having them freaked me out a bit.

I'm guessing it was put out that way to have a release in time for christmas, which is fine I just hope These weren't considered to be final.

Menu looks ugly. When is TPA going to hire professional graphic artists?

And this is just a small handful of people complaining about the looks of the old ui.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
The biggest part of the UI I don't like is the inability to tell which tables are bought and which are for sale... the store icon shows all the tables and doesn't really tell me if I already own it. Ditto custom balls - do I own them, or do I not?


New member
Oct 26, 2014
I was actually hopeful for the new interface. But man it is terrible, everything about it I hate. It's ugly, I don't like the layout, the music sucks. It's bad to the point that I don't even want to open it.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Actually, tons of people said it was ugly

Yeah, true, but it was about the main menu page, with the old 6 color rectangles (My Tables, New Tables, Leaderboards, etc.) > " Basically linear gradiants with bevel and emboss filters on top. Kinda thing we used to see all the time when photoshop was first released. "

FS replaced them later with a folder icon, which looks more acceptable.

Also remember than the table images in the scrolling list were low res back in time.

I never read somebody complaining about the table menu itself:

- attract mode >
- table settings >

Which was OK, not perfect, but far nicer than the new UI visuals, although the new UI is more functional (fortunately... as everything else is failed).


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Well on Steam its review score has dropped all the way down to mostly negative with only 37% giving it a thumbs up.
Will probably continue to drop and deservedly so. Hopefully that spurs them to either completely re-design the new one or bring back the previous one.


Sep 21, 2012
I haven't had TPA installed on my phone for a while. So I saw this thread and opened the recently-updated app on my Nexus 7 tablet. I'm used to pressing "cancel" when I launch the app, as I do not want Google Games to track my progress or whatever it does, but the new interface is truly awful!


New member
Oct 26, 2014
There isn't even a My Tables option. Basically I have to scroll through entire lists of games I don't own or want to play, just to find the ones I do. And what's up with the new artwork? Centaur looks creepy as hell with just a closeup of the girl's face.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
I agree about the "my tables" thing, my humble request is to have a way to filter to show only tables you own. I'd also like to see the seasons separated, I just bought season 3 pro (thanks for the sale on Steam!) so right now a way to see Season 3 tables on a page all by itself would be really handy! There's just a ton of tables now and filtering them down is a necessity.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Well on Steam its review score has dropped all the way down to mostly negative with only 37% giving it a thumbs up.
Will probably continue to drop and deservedly so. Hopefully that spurs them to either completely re-design the new one or bring back the previous one.

Neither of these things will happen.

Feedback was pretty negative when they previewed the new UI almost a year ago. People were saying a lot of the same things back then. They didn't listen to any if it, it looks the same. They truly do not understand how to build a modern interface and don't care to learn.

The old UI was also pretty ugly, but it was more straightforward and simple. I dunno, guys, I think FS makes TPA because all they need to do is copy assets. They can't make original ones that look nice. They're glorified tracers.


New member
May 24, 2013
such fuss over a UI ,like Sir Claudio would say " DILLY DING DILLY DONG" you don`t play a UI you play a table.:cool:

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