New table price season 3


Apr 13, 2012
If you compare the price to what you would pay in an arcade then TPA is a clear winner. But it has to compete with countless other games that are cheaper and provide the same fun.

5 bucks per table will reveal the hardcore pinball fans and I can only hope there are enough. And if the license holders think they can melk FS, the result will be: RIP, TPA. :-(


Nov 9, 2012
As a Mac-head myself, you make a very valid point. At the same time, it's iDevice users that beetch about paying .99 for an app.

Complaining and the ever-downward pressure on app store pricing is universal. Still, I'd rather develop for iOS than for Android. Or both. Both is good.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
I'm ok with the new plans of 10 games per season and one game per release pack.

I'll take what I can get. I already have 40+ tables that I can play, so it's not like I'm going to have nothing to play. It's not like I won't want to play previous season tables and only play new ones. They aren't new VERSIONS of the same tables, they are NEW tables.

I'm ok with the price of the games now being effectively double what they were per table.

The price is still a BARGAIN for entertainment value received.
Business decisions are business decisions. Sure, I'd love to have them cheaper, but I'm not going to stop purchasing the new tables simply because of this price increase. In fact, I've already purchased the season 3 pro pack on one platform.


I am not at all amused by what appears to be clear contradictions in FarSight's statements about the tables previously featured in the PHOF games.

I can understand and accept mistakes made, bugs in programs and other similar things. I have a much harder time understanding and accepting what could very easily be characterized by some as being lied to.

I'll not personally take the final step to say that we were absolutely lied to, as I don't have all of their statements directly in front of me to compare. It does seem to me though that some comments made by FarSight employees and some official statements by FarSight seem to be at odds with each other.

I sure would love to get a bit more of an explanation from FarSight explaining their statements made about these "re-released" games.

For me personally, I am far more disappointed by this "contradiction" in their statements than I have been for any previous bugs or issues with The Pinball Arcade. Trust and respect are hard to earn back. An honest and open explanation is generally the first step.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I believe FarSight had just tried to 'spin' the new pricing structure to a more positive light. What FarSight didn't count on was the long memory of their early adopters to contradict their 'spin'.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
That is some weird, alternate reality that Heretic lives in. I hope he was kidding. If not, the facts on purchases made by Mac vs. Windows (or iOS vs. Android, for that matter) are pretty clear cut. Cheap, my ass.

On topic, US$30 for a season is a bargain, any way you slice it. Oh, and those "cheap" Mac users will have to go with Steam to get that price. The Mac App Store version doesn't have a Season 3 option.

if you knew my history youd know its very tounge in cheek.

just coukdnt resist theres always someone wholl find it offensive lol


New member
Mar 24, 2012
I believe FarSight had just tried to 'spin' the new pricing structure to a more positive light. What FarSight didn't count on was the long memory of their early adopters to contradict their 'spin'.

The internet has a very long memory.

Just like how you shouldn't post drunk pictures of yourself on facebook, businesses (and everyone else) should be very careful of what they post on the internet.

You should consider anything ever posted on the net as if it was carved into a stone tablet for all time, to be later presented to current and future employers, relatives, friends and family. Usually at a very inopportune time.

For businesses it also includes present and future customers as well as business partners.

Honesty is always best, as you never have to remember what story you previously told.
Don't post something that can come back to haunt you if you change your story.

I've been using the internet since it was ARPANET and then NSFNET.
I use the Internet constantly, both as a consumer and professionally.
I don't post on Facebook.
I don't post on Twitter.
I know better.
Last edited:


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The internet has a very long memory.

Just like how you shouldn't post drunk pictures of yourself on facebook, businesses (and everyone else) should be very careful of what they post on the internet.

You should consider anything ever posted on the net as if it was carved into a stone tablet for all time, to be later presented to current and future employers, relatives, friends and family. Usually at a very inopportune time.

For businesses it also includes present and future customers as well as business partners.

Honesty is always best, as you never have to remember what story you previously told.
Don't post something that can come back to haunt you if you change your story.

I've been using the internet since it was ARPANET and then NSFNET.
I use the Internet constantly, both as a consumer and professionally.
I don't post on Facebook.
I don't post on Twitter.
I know better.

It's actually a very real possibility that future generations only know our society as having strange boxes that are connected in large buildings by wires. If we ever have a societal calamity and collapse, i lot of the 21st century will probably vanish.


Jul 11, 2012
so will season 3 be 10 tables? thats almost a whole year if its 1 a month. $30 intsead of $50 theres some savings. I dont like the idea of purchasing a whole season before its out especially on PS3 that takes 2 months to everybody elses 1 that could stretch out the season almost 2 years!


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
It's actually a very real possibility that future generations only know our society as having strange boxes that are connected in large buildings by wires. If we ever have a societal calamity and collapse, i lot of the 21st century will probably vanish.

The only thing to survive would be Keith Richards


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Just an internet hoax. He is alive and better than ever. Must have renewed the licensing rights contract with the devil.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
They just doubled the price. But the current tables don't sell that well and they wouldn't sell better with a lower price.

Last week was very successful for TPA, though. Participation on the leaderboards doubled at least. More than 10000 submitted a HS for TOTAN until Wednesday. BH had more than 2500 submitters. Usually it has 600. Victory had only 600 and might go to the bottom.


New member
Nov 2, 2013
I lost all the interest for now for TPA on PC. 5€ per table (non kickstarter) is NOT worth it...
No Directx 11 lighting, no new better resolution playfields, not a single tournament for steam. And meanwhile FS is busy with a terrible ****ty looking new game (that "Orbals" aberration)...
Meanwhile Christmas Steam sales and 0% discount for TPA...

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I lost all the interest for now for TPA on PC. 5€ per table (non kickstarter) is NOT worth it...
No Directx 11 lighting, no new better resolution playfields, not a single tournament for steam. And meanwhile FS is busy with a terrible ****ty looking new game (that "Orbals" aberration)...
Meanwhile Christmas Steam sales and 0% discount for TPA...

It's going to be 5 per table regardless of platform. And on PC, it will always release day 1. No waiting for approval like consoles. Fish Tales released 4 days early on PC over even the mobiles.

And even with DX9 it looks slightly better than the PS3 version. That's more than good enough for me.

Discount doesn't bother me because I've already got everything anyway.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
I just noticed that threads are being locked or outright disappearing on the TPA Steam forum. I'm so incredibly disappointed in FarSight right now. I'm starting to doubt that I'll be buying any more table/season/etc. packs from them in the future and that's a shame because they have a good product. :(


New member
May 18, 2012
I don't have a problem with the new table price as long as the quality will be as high as we see on Fish Tales. I don't know what FarSights plans are, if they are still working with different teams, because I don't see myself or anyone else paying 4,49/5 euros for mediocore sloppy graphics FarSight is notorious for. They are delivering great fabulous recreations or bad flat-blurry looking tables, it's fingers crossed each month. So I do hope they keep the team that worked on Fish Tales.
The explanation that was given by FarSight about season 1 & 2 price is a joke. But of course no-one really care about us as valuable pinball lovers, we are just money, we are a business model at best, that's the way it is, and as long as we don't forget that, no-one feels like this type of behavior as a big disillusion. I doubt if the price for a single table will be a smart move for new folks, but time will tell.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
I lost all the interest for now for TPA on PC. 5€ per table (non kickstarter) is NOT worth it...
No Directx 11 lighting, no new better resolution playfields, not a single tournament for steam. And meanwhile FS is busy with a terrible ****ty looking new game (that "Orbals" aberration)...
Meanwhile Christmas Steam sales and 0% discount for TPA...

Keep in mind that Direct X 11 *is* coming and it will cost ZERO Euros for that update, just like it costs zero for all the other updates to tables.

Future tournaments on steam, if they follow all of the other platforms, will also cost ZERO. They've announced future tournaments right in the app, so they will be available some time in the future.

In the meantime, the tables are available NOW, and you could still play them as they are, if you wish... Knowing that these issues are all going to be addressed at no additional cost.

Resolution on the tables? I have no way of knowing if or when we might get higher resolution or better scans of the table elements. I can't speak for FarSight, as I have no inside information, but my inclination is to believe that any such update to the resolution or to replace scans also wouldn't cost existing purchasers anything additional.

As far as the price for the tables and discounts are concerned... while there certainly are others that agree with you, there are PLENTY of folks that still consider the price WELL worth it for the entertainment value.

I clearly have a few issues with some things FarSight has said and done, but complaints over the price of the tables doesn't even make my mild annoyance list. I could easily spend 5€ in a single hour in an arcade, while for the same money, I could play a TPA table for thousands of hours. I'll continue to be able to play the table for several more years at the minimum, without spending a single additional €, $, £ or ¥.

Could there be improvements?

I personally and profoundly disagree with you on the matter of the tables not being "worth it".
Value for price is a matter of opinion that we simply don't share.

It's why the automobile market offers vehicles ranging from the Ford Focus to the Bugatti Veyron. They both have 4 wheels and will get a person from point A to point B.

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