New table price season 3


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'm a cheap bastard. I want what I want at the cheapest price possible. There are few games I buy at release, because I have no problem waiting 9 months to a year down the road and getting it at 'Greatest Hits' prices. FYI, I'm talking PS3 gaming here. I've said it before, but I'll go ahead and repeat myself...when I bought the initial TPA 4 pack and then each release after, I ceased to play any other game for a solid 9 months. The only other game that has ever come close to taking that kind of hold on me was Guitar Hero/Rock Band. So I fall in the camp of saying TPA is absolutely worth it, problems and all.

Now my time with TPA has dwindled. You might say it's having too much of a good thing. I simply haven't kept up with playing each and every release, and next thing I know, I have 5 tables that I have barely touched. Part of that is I still enjoy the hell out of earlier tables, part of it is I've started playing other games again. That being said, I know I want it all, so buying Seasons is a no brainer for me.

Here's where my cheapness comes into play though...

Buying on one platform I'm all good with. In buying a season, I'm essentially doing what many people do with sports titles, buying the annual release. At $30 (I'm too cheap to justify Pro mode), that's half what said sports titles run new. Buying on an additional platform, well that's where I get a bit dodgy. I absolutely want to buy the game on Steam, but I have no problem waiting it out until a sale comes up (or somebody mysteriously gifts me it *wink wink, nudge nudge*). I would also like the game for my newly acquired iPhone, but at what cost? For me, the level of enjoyment the game offers does not increase 100 fold for each platform purchased on. It's the same game (in a general sense of things) just now mobile, or on my PC. The skeleton of the game does not change, only the skin. For myself, after a while I cease to see the skin, the glamor wears off, and it simply comes down to having fun.

Well, I already have the fun on my platform of choice, the PS3. Playing on the PC is more of a convenience thing, but until the DX 11 lighting comes into play, I have a better experience on PlayStation. I don't like touch controls on the iPhone, on top of the game being tiny. So buying at full price a 2nd and 3rd copy of the game is really really hard for me to justify.

Which brings me right back to the start. For one platform, whatever the platform you may choose, I think TPA is totally worth it. Do I think FS should discount other platforms on the basis I already purchased on a different platform? No. It is not up to them to reward my stingy nature. Would I jump for joy if there suddenly was a nice sale? You betcha, and I'll wait patiently for just that. That's on me. This is precisely how Zen has gotten me to buy for a second platform, killer sales.

My point is (geez, about time!), if you hated TPA with your first purchase, or were only mildly amused, then saying it isn't worth the asking price is a valid statement. If you bought and fell in love with the game, but months later started becoming disillusioned because things you wanted to see happen didn't, rumors and speculations in the forum didn't come true, or even statements being rewritten for the purposes of spin ticked you off...well the game hasn't changed, has it? What you thought was worth the money at one time, is still the same product. If you think future purchases are no longer going to sit well with you, so be it. I for one am not going to stop buying just because a new UI isn't out yet, that online hasn't happened, that textures haven't been upgraded yet. The bones of the game are what I love.

I will need a better carrot dangled though to get me buying the same game twice or three times. But only because I'm cheap.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
The season is a lot more reasonable than buying the individual tables, remember that.

How do you figure? I remember individual tables costing $2-4 each. In my mind $3 x 10 = $30 so it's about the same. Yes, that ignores the whole pro pack thing but I prefer not to think about those.


New member
Sep 12, 2013
How do you figure? I remember individual tables costing $2-4 each. In my mind $3 x 10 = $30 so it's about the same. Yes, that ignores the whole pro pack thing but I prefer not to think about those.

I'm pretty sure he's talking in comparison to buying Season 3 tables individually.

Individually, these tables will be $5 each, meaning $50 total. With the $30 Season Pass, 10 tables will be $3 each. That's a $20 savings... that's huge. And as you pointed out, it's almost the same as what we've gotten used to paying per table, so I don't see what all the fuss is about. $30 for 10 tables is a crazy good deal.

Collectors and pinball junkies (like me) who buy every table will still receive excellent bang for their buck, and everyone who wanted single table packs also get their wish... for the same price as a 2-table pack that doesn't include some abomination of a table (in their opinion) to get in the way and taint their precious cabinet. Yeah, people can be quite silly. Anyway, I think it'll all work out in the end.

Can't wait to play Class of 1812, Victory, Cue Ball Wizard, El Dorado: City Of Gold, and Fish Tales on PS3! Sony always takes their sweet time...


New member
Jun 13, 2012
£21 for ten tables? Seems quite cheap to me. Even if I wanted to add the price of the season 2 ball pack it's still less than I'd pay for one of these as a standalone piece of software.


Jul 29, 2013
£21 for ten tables? Seems quite cheap to me. Even if I wanted to add the price of the season 2 ball pack it's still less than I'd pay for one of these as a standalone piece of software.

How do you feel about the fact that this is only a 30% discount, whilst US customers get the promised 40% off?


Jun 27, 2012
I'm in $100 for 51 tables. Good deal when it costs $1 to play the real thing. I'll make up for it when I get braid, fez, and others for two bux.


Jul 29, 2013
Do UK and EU customer also not pay a VAT?

That's not the point - the individual table price is £2.99, x10 is £29.90. The IAP blurb promises a discount of "nearly 40%" - the actual discount is a tad under 30%.

If you do the maths on the US table price of $4.99 compared to the Season Pass at $29.99, it does work out at the correct discount. The UK Season Pass should be £17.99 if their promise of 40% is to be taken seriously.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
How do you feel about the fact that this is only a 30% discount, whilst US customers get the promised 40% off?

I've lived here for twelve years - I'm used to paying £1 for something sold in the States for $1. Given I can live quite comfortably here on the salary I was making over a decade ago in the States it doesn't bother me too much to pay a little bit over the odds. After all I pay nothing for prescription drugs or visits to the doctors office!


Jul 29, 2013
I've lived here for twelve years - I'm used to paying £1 for something sold in the States for $1. Given I can live quite comfortably here on the salary I was making over a decade ago in the States it doesn't bother me too much to pay a little bit over the odds. After all I pay nothing for prescription drugs or visits to the doctors office!

Again - not the point. The sales pitch in the app specifically states something which isn't true. If you see a sticker in a shop promising a certain discount in the sale, the actual price paid should reflect this. I believe someone at Farsight has made a simple error of calculation - I am loathe to buy the Season Pass with the incorrect price, as the difference is the cost of a single table pack. As I have already invested way more in this app than any other, I don't think I'm being unreasonable, either - £3 is a fairly sizeable amount by appstore standards.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I'm not going to do it, but that would seem to be a case for raising a complaint to Apple and getting them (Farsight) to either modify the wording or lower the price.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm not going to do it, but that would seem to be a case for raising a complaint to Apple and getting them (Farsight) to either modify the wording or lower the price.

Right. Complaining about it here doesn't seem like there's much of a point.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
That's not the point - the individual table price is £2.99, x10 is £29.90. The IAP blurb promises a discount of "nearly 40%" - the actual discount is a tad under 30%.

If you do the maths on the US table price of $4.99 compared to the Season Pass at $29.99, it does work out at the correct discount. The UK Season Pass should be £17.99 if their promise of 40% is to be taken seriously.

They could have clarified this by saying " Discounts quoted are based on USD pricing. App store conversion rates will vary, and this will affect the appearance of the discounted price".
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2013
As it happens, I heard back from Farsight last night on this:

There was an error with the discount system on Sony's end for quite awhile, unfortunately you'll need to inquire with their support to get a refund.

Of course, I haven't actually bought it yet, so I'm not clear as to what this means - it implies the error is a thing of the past, but the IAP info hasn't changed.


New member
Mar 26, 2013
While I don't mind the new price for the single table packs, as they are still a huge bargain, I have to agree with others that Farsight's explanation is kind of BS... just say you have to charge $5 now.

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