Newsletter #13 riddle for April release


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Gorgar that totally makes sense but since I want White Water so badly I must now ignore your logical theory. It has to be White Water! What's next, the world is round? :D


New member
Sep 1, 2012
I had to mull this one over for a while, but now I think I've come up with not just one, but four possible answers! Here's what I came up with:

-Straight new vs. re-release, straight description: If we're meant to read this month's riddle completely straight, then the new table will have the opposite of a space theme, which strongly points towards Earthshaker. The re-release is a little more up in the air, though—it probably would be Whirlwind (for the cellar, as others have pointed out), but Sorcerer (which definitely has the darkest color palette of any of the remaining re-releases) is also a legitimate possibility, as is Space Shuttle (as it takes you into the void of space).

-Reverse new vs. re-release, straight description: This option yields a new table that will take us into the darkness and a re-release with the opposite of a space theme. Centaur's black-and-white color palette makes it the lead candidate for the former table, but either Black Knight 2000, Class of 1812 (whose backglass art clearly indicates a nighttime scene) or Johnny Mnemonic (for its Power Down wizard mode) are also intriguing possibilities. Interestingly, the main options for a re-release with the opposite of a space theme are the same as the re-release that takes us into the darkness—Whirlwind falls here for similar reasons to Earthshaker, while Sorcerer's fantasy theme opposes sci-fi, which has strong associations with space; in addition, Tee'd Off and Victory have themes that are quite earthbound, making them contenders in this scenario.

-Straight new vs. re-release, reverse description: Now, we have a new table with a space theme and a re-release that will take us into the light. The possibilities are quite numerous for the former, but Space Station is the lead option here, with Stargate as the one I really hope gets in (it doesn't precisely have a space theme, but you know how when you translate something from English into another language back into English on Babelfish, you often end up with something different from what you started with? That's how you can justify Stargate in this setup). Meanwhile, the re-release only has one real option, that being Pin*Bot (as its goal is to reach the Sun and get the Special)

-Reverse new vs. re-release, reverse description: By reversing both the descriptions and new table vs. re-release we get a new table that will take us into the light and a re-release with a space theme. The only table leaping out at me for the former is Jack*Bot (since it has the exact same playfield as Pin*Bot). The re-release with a space theme would also only have one real option, that being Space Shuttle (perhaps also Pin*Bot, but I doubt FS would put two tables that were that similar together).

Well, that's about all I could come up with. Personally, I think that reverse new vs. re-release, straight description is what we'll get (probably meaning Centaur and Whirlwind), but I hope we end with straight new vs. re-release, reverse description & a Stargate/Pin*Bot pack.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
I personally can't wait for these tables to be revealed. Last month's new table clue was extremely poor as Cactus Canyon has specific references to Arizona rather than Texas. This month the clues are framed by a statement that has everyone interpreting them completely different from each other. Any good riddle is never so completely vague that it offers too many possibilities.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think I just need to go back up and visit so I can take more photos, photoshop alter them, and then have you guys decode what they are based off the tiniest of information I didn't happen to photoshop over!

I will say this...I didn't see an Earthshaker when I was up there in December, so if that indeed were to be one of the tables, I'd be shocked. And stoked. That be one of my fave tables ever.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
• Table Add-On Pack #13 will LIFTOFF! in mid April on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire and Mac.

Hmmmm seems kind of obvious....


New member
May 18, 2012
Space Shuttle, cool table. I hope the artists that did FirePower will work on this one, they know how to make good graphics. (As opposite to those who did CC.)


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Here's a new hint from Pin Wiz:

• Table Add-On Pack #13 will LIFTOFF! in mid April on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire and Mac.

So it's pretty obvious one of the tables is Space Shuttle.

Space Shuttle and Earthshaker then, both qualified for 'liftoff', Space Shuttle lift off from the ground towards space while earthshaker is lifting the ground of ... well ... the ground :p


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Guess it depends...Is shuttle the gold title, or the second one no one cares about (ie. Central park) :eek:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Space Shuttle would be the rerelease. The other would be a new pin.
Sad to hear you don't like Central Park. I'm having fun playing it.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Shutyertrap, I am curious. Can you confirm if Farsight had a Central Park machine when you visited? If they did not have an Earthshaker, it will probably be Whitewater. Maybe they are going for a black and white type of thing. If they did get an Earthshaker since December, I don't understand why they would rush it when they have all of these other tables waiting to be digitized. But I still believe that Earthshaker fits the clue perfectly.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Space Shuttle would be the rerelease. The other would be a new pin.
Sad to hear you don't like Central Park. I'm having fun playing it.

I tried playing Central Park, one out of every second balls just drains, doesn't even go close to one of those min-flippers, its maddening. :p


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I don't remember seeing a Central Park machine, but I get where you're going with that. I know of 3 machines that were in the offices that were of the new variety that haven't been officially announced. Obviously they've bought more in the 3 months since I was there. We know they have a Centaur up there now too. I think a table like Central Park would come together quickly though, as opposed to an Earthshaker. I also know that when possible, Bobby likes to pair an alpha numeric with a DMD. Space Shuttle being the former, I gotta believe the new will be a DMD table. And for me, the first thing I thought of when thinking the opposite of space was water, because they actually are kinda the same yet completely different. You know, NASA practicing in water and all, the ocean being just as undiscovered as space (or at least according to James Cameron!).

So who knows. What I do know is Space Shuttle will be the 'B' table for me, as I've never cared much for it. Maybe if it were Space Station I'd be happier.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I wasn't thrilled when CP came out, but it's not nearly as drain happy as I feared it would be, and it's perfect when I want just a 5 min game of pinball. And once you get the special lit, the game can last for some time. I'm very happy with it.
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