Official Twilight Zone News

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Im a little confused... Will TZ still be available to buy for people who didnt donate or will just the kickstarters get that table?
  • If you didn't donate at least $10: You may purchase the basic TZ table at its regular price for each platform.
  • If you donated at least $10 but less than $100: You will get the basic TZ table free on one platform. You may purchase the basic TZ table at its regular price for additional platforms.
  • If you donated at least $100: You will get the "special" TZ table with its operator's menu unlocked free on all platforms.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think this Kickstarter is about to make a new record for kickstarters going backwards!. This morning the total rose to over 63K but since then a few people have either lowered their pledge or dropped out. Its pretty obvious whats happening here, with the promise of ST-TNG if we meet the 110k stretched goal a lot of people increased their pledge, now its becoming plaqin to see that we aren't going to get there people are thinking ' wait....I just doubled my pledge for nothing ' and are dialing it back. Lets hope this trickle of people dropping back isn't going to turn into a torrent.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I wouldn't worry too much just yet. The rollback atm amounts to 3 or four people max.

I can appreciate the fact that people are restless waiting for new tables but the shear amount of full on whining on the facebook page is rather tiring.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I can appreciate the fact that people are restless waiting for new tables but the shear amount of full on whining on the facebook page is rather tiring.

Its what facebook was invented for heh, its pretty crappy to see a very small dev team work flatout only to see very unreasonable idiots demand things and give bad app ratings, if they hate the game so much why are they even playing?

One guy even gave a 1 star review because he didnt like the menu, if i think im nuts all i needa do is go look at facebook

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The problem is that, since Star Trek: TNG is only a stretch goal, there isn't the risk-free element to pledging that one has when pledging for the main goal. Everyone's credit card will be charged if the Twilight Zone goal is reached, whether Star Trek is funded or not. So people who are only interested in the Star Trek table (and there surely are some) don't have as much risk-free incentive to pledge. A dedicated Kickstarter for Star Trek: TNG would probably do better.

That said, I don't think the original Twilight Zone goal is in much danger. We were nearly there when the second goal was announced, and Twilight Zone pinball fans are likely to keep it over the hump by the time the Kickstarter ends.


May 23, 2012
I hate to be on team whiner but I will be pulling my whole TZ pledge if there is no DLC for PS3 by the time the kickstarter for TZ ends. Consider it a vote of no confidence in the company. No DLC after 2 months, no explanations, no solid dates. My battered wife syndrome will only keep me supporting FS for so long.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, they HAVE provided an explanation - it's been submitted and is sitting with Sony. They have no control over it at this point, they can only sit and wait until Sony approves it and slots it in one of the weekly updates. It's a bit like a movie that's completed, but has to be scheduled by the studio.


May 23, 2012
More likely the hold up is MS. If you don't put out content first or concurrently with competing platforms MS will not let you put it out at all. It would explain why the DLC is mentioned in the new demo for PS3 but not available and the error code that goes along with the demo, breaking a feature at the last minute will do that.

So PS3 owners are being held hostage by xbox....great.

Besides, that explanation is over 3 weeks old at this point, at the very least can we get another "just wait 3 more weeks" bs release from FS?


New member
Jun 4, 2012
More likely the hold up is MS. If you don't put out content first or concurrently with competing platforms MS will not let you put it out at all. It would explain why the DLC is mentioned in the new demo for PS3 but not available and the error code that goes along with the demo, breaking a feature at the last minute will do that.

So PS3 owners are being held hostage by xbox....great.

Besides, that explanation is over 3 weeks old at this point, at the very least can we get another "just wait 3 more weeks" bs release from FS?

*looks shifty*

i have your updates if you wanna see them EVER you will stand on one foot and cluck like a chicken!

Farsight are just playstation haters, i wouldnt let it stand man!

Heh, if they cant do anything they cant do anything dude bit silly to start pulling funds over a matter they cant control.

They like unhappy customers , infact i hear them lauging now!

Sorry man couldnt resist:)


May 23, 2012
*looks shifty*
Snipped the rest of the quasi retarded response.

If you don't know how the xbox store policy works you probably should refrain from the insults.

Microsoft insists on simultaneous or first release of content. Period.

This is not a "Im all butthurt and going to take my hundred bucks and go home" comment. However, I am not in the habit of giving people money who can't deliver, no matter how much I might enjoy the product they might eventually produce if they continue to prove they can't deliver and do not provide reasonable communication on the issue. They missed the 3 weeks and not a word about it.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Well Zen studios never appear to have all these problems getting there Pinball DLC's out in a timely fashion and they always arrive on each platform (Sony and Microsoft) in the same week!, so not sure what FS are playing at or maybe Zen Studios carries more clout


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Snipped the rest of the quasi retarded response.

If you don't know how the xbox store policy works you probably should refrain from the insults.

Microsoft insists on simultaneous or first release of content. Period.

This is not a "Im all butthurt and going to take my hundred bucks and go home" comment. However, I am not in the habit of giving people money who can't deliver, no matter how much I might enjoy the product they might eventually produce if they continue to prove they can't deliver and do not provide reasonable communication on the issue. They missed the 3 weeks and not a word about it.

Just so it's clear, FarSight stated that the DLC was at least three weeks away.

Well Zen studios never appear to have all these problems getting there Pinball DLC's out in a timely fashion and they always arrive on each platform (Sony and Microsoft) in the same week!, so not sure what FS are playing at or maybe Zen Studios carries more clout

Wasn't Marvel Pinball : Avengers Chronicles supposed to be released last month? Zen Studios is currently in the same boat and according to them, the tables were sent in for approval weeks ago, just as FarSight did. You haven't seen Zen having these problems in the past because they only release tables about twice a year, so you really don't know how long it takes them to get their tables approved. Now that Zen tried to hit a specific time frame (like FarSight did), you are seeing them having the same problem getting their tables approved as FarSight is.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Well Zen studios never appear to have all these problems getting there Pinball DLC's out in a timely fashion and they always arrive on each platform (Sony and Microsoft) in the same week!, so not sure what FS are playing at or maybe Zen Studios carries more clout

Well let's head over to the zen studios forums than shall we, where we try to find out when Zen 2 (released alongside Marvel Pinball Avengers) will come out, and has been send in to consoles a while back.

Hey look, a post from their CM....
Originally Posted by BarbieBobomb
I agree, it is ridiculous that we don't have a date yet. We've been publishing on digital platforms for about 5 years now, but I can tell you, each submission/certification process is unique. Once we submitted it, the time frame for the release was mid-May. Obviously that did not happen and we missed the window we wanted (as close to the movie release as possible). We kept waiting to hear back on a date, and Sony & MS kept pushing it back further because the game wasn't ready. I know it's frustrating for you guys to have to wait, but it's frustrating for us to submit a game and have it turned down because it isn't ready, then we have to go back in and fix the problem. I don't blame Sony or Microsoft though, I'd rather it go out later than expected than come out on time and full of bugs.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I've tried to maintain my position as a voice of reason on these forums, but this is becoming increasingly difficult lately...

This is not a "Im all butthurt and going to take my hundred bucks and go home" comment. However, I am not in the habit of giving people money who can't deliver, no matter how much I might enjoy the product they might eventually produce if they continue to prove they can't deliver and do not provide reasonable communication on the issue. They missed the 3 weeks and not a word about it.
Yes it is. You're illogically taking it out on FarSight over a process that left their control 3 weeks ago. And they said it would take at least 3 weeks before the DLC was available, which means 5 to 6 weeks to anyone with any experience whatsoever in software development and/or distribution. (But FarSight couldn't actually say 5 to 6 weeks, because then the peasants would revolt at how slow everything was going.) They're not saying anything because they have nothing to say until Microsoft acts. And quite frankly, given the noise storm and sheer irrationality on display on their Facebook page, I wouldn't say anything if I were them, either.

This isn't some side project for FarSight; this is their day jobs, their income. Do you really think they're not even more upset than we are that their DLC is not available yet on the consoles making money for them?

As far as slapping them in the face by threatening to withdraw from the kickstarter goes, it's your money and you're free to spend it or not as you please, but that's really low, even by Internet standards.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
Actionball is being pretty unreasonable. And if you're so knowledgeable about approval processes, why are you blaming FS?

What I think the long approval times for consoles comes down to is that MS and Sony actually play the games before approving, and make sure all functions, scoring, progression, bugs, etc. are up to an acceptable level. This clearly takes a good amount of time. As opposed to Android which has no certification, and Apple which basically makes sure the game has nothing vulgar/offensive/virus. In the end the console versions should be excellent, once you guys start Highwire Multiball on Voltaire or MultiBall Madness on MM you will be singing praise to FS.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Just so it's clear, FarSight stated that the DLC was at least three weeks away.

Wasn't Marvel Pinball : Avengers Chronicles supposed to be released last month? Zen Studios is currently in the same boat and according to them, the tables were sent in for approval weeks ago, just as FarSight did. You haven't seen Zen having these problems in the past because they only release tables about twice a year, so you really don't know how long it takes them to get their tables approved. Now that Zen tried to hit a specific time frame (like FarSight did), you are seeing them having the same problem getting their tables approved as FarSight is.

I stand corrected then


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I'm actually kind of surprised that FarSight hasn't updated somewhere to confirm that the leftover money will go towards ST: TNG. It's definitely come up quite a bit on here and on Facebook. I would like to assume this will be the case, but without something official I'm left to wonder.

They did update on the Kickstart website and they also provided a video as well. It is official.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I've tried to maintain my position as a voice of reason on these forums, but this is becoming increasingly difficult lately...

Yes it is. You're illogically taking it out on FarSight over a process that left their control 3 weeks ago. And they said it would take at least 3 weeks before the DLC was available, which means 5 to 6 weeks to anyone with any experience whatsoever in software development and/or distribution. (But FarSight couldn't actually say 5 to 6 weeks, because then the peasants would revolt at how slow everything was going.) They're not saying anything because they have nothing to say until Microsoft acts. And quite frankly, given the noise storm and sheer irrationality on display on their Facebook page, I wouldn't say anything if I were them, either.

This isn't some side project for FarSight; this is their day jobs, their income. Do you really think they're not even more upset than we are that their DLC is not available yet on the consoles making money for them?

As far as slapping them in the face by threatening to withdraw from the kickstarter goes, it's your money and you're free to spend it or not as you please, but that's really low, even by Internet standards.

Folks, I am sure the approval process for any game has slowed a bit particularly this month as E3 is going on right now and all of the companies efforts have been channeled to that event in one form or another at the moment. You will be happy to hear that The Pinball Arcade game was in the Sony Presentation on the big screen. Although it was not mentioned, you did see a clip of it for a second or two ... and that my friends is a HUGE highlight for TPA.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I hate to be on team whiner but I will be pulling my whole TZ pledge if there is no DLC for PS3 by the time the kickstarter for TZ ends. Consider it a vote of no confidence in the company. No DLC after 2 months, no explanations, no solid dates. My battered wife syndrome will only keep me supporting FS for so long.

Well you are free to do as you wish with your own funds of course but Farsight has explained the situation so many times I can't imagine what more they can do, maybe draw pictures of the situation?
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