New member
- Mar 29, 2012
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I'm not really sure if it makes sense right now. There might be an established fanbased... but is it large enough already to fulfill the kickstart goal? 55.000 aren't peanuts. Right now we're at 15.000something and the growing number of backers is going slow already... and I'm a little worried that the amount of people who want to give their support is drying up. (I hope to be proven wrong, though!) In my opinion they should at least have waited until the first wave of DLC made it to the consoles. Heck, the actual game isn't even out on some of them, let alone in some regions!Its a kickstarter, not a kickestablishedmodel. Most of these projects ask for money before they can show anything, apart from perhaps conceptart. The timing for this makes most sense now, both from an already established user/fanbase as an expansion opportunity and PR standpoint.
Anyway, I pledged some money.