Orbals OFFICIALLY RELEASED (and retracted) for iOS


Staff member
May 8, 2012
There are truly evil IAP models, and not so evil.

Sky Force 2014 is a game that is not so evil. It uses a model called single-currency.

That means that any upgrades or power ups you need to purchase in game can be done so using the currency you pick up in the game. In this case they are stars, and they are liberally dropped. You can pay for some more stars in a bulk lot, but only if you don't want to grind to earn more of them by playing the levels and as a result getting better at the game anyhow.

The Mojo 2 model seems to be stingy single currency. That is the currency dropped in game is tightly issued by the game, which makes me want to rage quit and send hate mail to the developer.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Time to troll Facebook with links.



OMG it gets worse! Orbals is basically a remake of one of Farsight's earlier titles...


Shirt the bed, this is a bloody debacle.
Wow, it's lucky I took screen caps of this conversation, because FarSight has expunged the conversation from their page!

Perhaps I should go repost it on the Orbals page (so all the 47 likers can see it).


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
While I understand the animosity felt by many for the simple fact that FarSight has used a chunk of their limited resources to develop another game rather than fix outstanding issues and expand and evolve The Pinball Arcade, I have to say that I'm extremely disappointed with the public lynching and outright slandering that's taking place in this thread...something that this forum was created to get away from when the same thing was taking place (and still is to a certain extent) on The Pinball Arcade Facebook page. I see absolutely ZERO constructive feedback in this thread and I have to say, this is not the type of community that we all worked so hard to build together. I really hope this isn't the beginning of the unwinding and disintegration of our mostly peaceful and enjoyable community.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
as a company we are all infested in tpa, dto see farsight put out such a subpar prpduct is beyond beilieve, if we cant tell the truth who can? ive never sugarcoated tpa nor have most regulars, dissapointed in what exactly pinwiz? yku will defend such a product?

devs must do what they can dor a paycheck but fatsight managment hav ****d this ship up.

orbals deserves nothing but the most hprrible death

long live tpa.

this is not a product this comoany should yranish its alreqdy far
gie name with gimmicky iap
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
For the record, the conversation Josh and I were having on Facebook was actually starting to develop into some constructive feedback about specific ways to improve the product. Unfortunately FarSight deleted the conversation.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
if i see one more defense of this "product" im off to the funny farm im layal as anyine but this is ****ing nonsese


Staff member
May 8, 2012
It would have been better if Farsight acknowledged the comments Josh and I were making, and explained what happened. Even if they said "Whoops, this is totally an alpha build that slipped out of the building" I would have been more accepting of the fact.

But silently toasting the post?

Dodgy. Dodgy. Dodgy.

There is no way of explaining away that.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
as a company we are all infested in tpa, dto see farsight put out such a subpar prpduct is beyond beilieve, if we cant tell the truth who can? ive never sugarcoated tpa nor have most regulars, dissapointed in what exactly pinwiz? yku will defend such a product?

devs must do what they can dor a paycheck but fatsight managment hav ****d this ship up.

orbals deserves nothing but the most hprrible death

long live tpa.

this is not a product this comoany should yranish its alreqdy far
gie name with gimmicky iap

I completely understand what you're saying, but this community has always told those who would outright bash The Pinball Arcade to either post constructive feedback to help improve the product or move on to something they are more willing to invest their free time in.

Now that FarSight has released (for a short time anyway) another game that wasn't to THIS pinball community's liking, many have decided to turn on the standards we have set for this community and pull themselves down to the level of those we were trying to distance ourselves from.

I'm not going to sit here and debate my point...I've made it loud and clear so I guess I'll sit back a bit and see which direction the members of this forum decide to go in.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
one kast kine,

when all points are entirely vaild something needs to be said

im off for some ribs

i draw the line at orbals tbh
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I'll make this short and sweet...I'm not defending Orbals (as it doesn't appeal to me), I'm protesting the behavior being exhibited in this thread which is the type of behavior that is normally found unacceptable on this forum.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
My constructive feedback is the same as it's been earlier in this thread and for months: put the time and resources into polishing TPA and adding more features and you'll make more money from it, which is something Orbals will never do. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I'm extremely disappointed that Farsight chose to go this route, so I can't help expressing dissappointment as it seems like a big waste of resources that they won't get back, and if Orbals doesn't make money for them then it means Farsight is in worse shape than they were before and that doesn't help the future of TPA.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
I'll make this short and sweet...I'm not defending Orbals (as it doesn't appeal to me), I'm protesting the behavior being exhibited in this thread which is the type of behavior that is normally found unacceptable on this forum.

yeah got ha the first time but its not without rewl cause, civility is all well and good but somis freedom of expression kid,

whort and sweet


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Sorry Jeff, I did catch your post, but it was mostly drowned out by the overwhelming negative posts in this thread and I was just trying to make a point so the "absolutely ZERO" in my earlier post should actually read "very little".
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
I have to say that Orbals never interested me. I only have so much time to play games anymore and will drop cash on only the most polished. TPA has been somewhat of an exception because it allows me to play pinball tables that I just can't afford or find on location. I deal with the bugs and such because I love real pinball (not a Zen fan) and the emulation of it is satisfying enough for me. The most constructive criticism I can give FarSight regarding this game is "I'm sorry but competition in the app market is too extreme to think that this game is going to be profitable."


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Orbals is certainly valid discussion, not only for the off topic forum but to tpa in general. A large deal of the points relate very strongly with the experience the customers if tpa have experienced. For example the repackaging of a previously created game, awful promotionand communication, releasing an untested and/or faulty product, etc. sound familiar? As a practice of exploring how a company operates, one needs to look at how they handle all their goods and services, not just one. Not only are the concerns voiced extremely valid in large part, I think they are critical topics that must be discussed amongst those supporting tpa and farsight.

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