PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #6 - Stern/Data East/Sega (Closed)

What Are Your Top Ten Most Wanted Stern/Data East/Sega Tables

  • Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 199 56.2%
  • Big Game (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 41 11.6%
  • Catacomb (Stern, 1981)

    Votes: 93 26.3%
  • Checkpoint (Data East, 1991)

    Votes: 109 30.8%
  • Freefall (Stern, 1981)

    Votes: 32 9.0%
  • Galaxy (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 33 9.3%
  • High Roller Casino (Stern, 2001)

    Votes: 174 49.2%
  • Hot Hand (Stern, 1979)

    Votes: 27 7.6%
  • Laser War (Data East, 1987)

    Votes: 92 26.0%
  • Lightning (Stern, 1981)

    Votes: 37 10.5%
  • Magic (Stern, 1979)

    Votes: 29 8.2%
  • Meteor (Stern, 1979)

    Votes: 55 15.5%
  • Monopoly (Stern, 2001)

    Votes: 243 68.6%
  • NASCAR (Stern, 2005)

    Votes: 163 46.0%
  • Nine Ball (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 56 15.8%
  • Nugent (Stern, 1978)

    Votes: 20 5.6%
  • Quicksilver (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 44 12.4%
  • Rollercoaster Tycoon (Stern, 2002)

    Votes: 244 68.9%
  • Seawitch (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 138 39.0%
  • Secret Service (Data East, 1988)

    Votes: 97 27.4%
  • Sharkey's Shootout (Stern, 2000)

    Votes: 153 43.2%
  • Star Gazer (Stern, 1980)

    Votes: 45 12.7%
  • Stars (Stern, 1978)

    Votes: 26 7.3%
  • Stingray (Stern, 1977)

    Votes: 23 6.5%
  • Striker Xtreme (Stern, 2000)

    Votes: 96 27.1%
  • Tales from the Crypt (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 267 75.4%
  • Time Machine (Data East, 1988)

    Votes: 160 45.2%
  • Trident (Stern, 1979)

    Votes: 28 7.9%
  • Viper (Stern, 1981)

    Votes: 47 13.3%
  • Viper Night Drivin' (Sega, 1998)

    Votes: 119 33.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Real shame the 80s table are getting barely any love. 90s to now tables are fine, but there has to be some room for just plain good 'ol high scoring fun tables from before DMD. :sigh:


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I'm glad to see the love for TFTC, Monopoly, and RCT.

Interesting point Rudy. What would these polls look like if we only voted for 5 or even 3 pins? Could be drastically different.

I agree that results would probably be drastically different and I bet it would add separation to the titles that most people really want from the list. On the other hand its usually pretty clear what the top few vote-getters will be so the polls probably produce more useful information by expanding the selection.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Real shame the 80s table are getting barely any love. 90s to now tables are fine, but there has to be some room for just plain good 'ol high scoring fun tables from before DMD. :sigh:

I haven't voted yet but will probably spread most of my 10 votes over the late 70's and 80's tables.


Real shame the 80s table are getting barely any love. 90s to now tables are fine, but there has to be some room for just plain good 'ol high scoring fun tables from before DMD. :sigh:

This is a problem with mixing eras. Over and over players vote claiming I want DMDs. But then Tables like Centaur and PinBot come out and there is all this support and love for them. So I don't trust these poll results completely.

We are being asked to compare apples to oranges.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
It isn't just the DMD though, it's the recognizable theme. If Monopoly and Nascar were pre-DMD tables then they'd be getting plenty of the votes from being fun tables anyway.

I'm just glad that some pre-DMD games are creeping into the top 10, if these can compete against DMD tables then there's a strong possibility that they're good enough to be considered.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
The Top 10 Stern Tables (save for future notice):

1. Tales from the Crypt
2. Monopoly
3. RollerCoaster Tycoon
4. Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
5. High Roller Casino
7. Time Machine
8. Sharkey's Shootout
9. Seawitch
10. Viper Night Drivin'

Very interesting selections here.

Tales from the Crypt was spoiled by Gary, we'll probably see it here like what happened with Haunted House.
Monopoly is a Pat Lawlor design and it's lightyears above the other Sterns on the list.
RollerCoaster Tycoon was also spoiled, I'd rather this be placed up one more spot.
Rocky & Bullwinkle is based on a great cartoon... it's on Boomerang at the moment, maybe it could be put on here.
High Roller Casino's fun, but wasn't it designed by the Gottlieb guy?
NASCAR is an interesting Lawlor design in that it uses a "fan" layout instead of his tried-true playfield.
Time Machine has an awesome theme song. 'Nuff said.
Sharkey's Shootout might not be worth it, it's more of the same.
Seawitch needs some redemption after narrowly losing the Stern poll.
Viper Night Drivin' is the only Sega here, that's really it.


Nov 9, 2012
Checkpoint and Laser War need votes. They are just out of the top ten, and the sympathy votes for Sega's Viper Night Drivin' have it currently in the 10 spot.

I love the tachometer in Checkpoint, and Laser War is a lot of colorful fun.

Glad to see Seawitch in a comfortable nine spot.


New member
Jul 10, 2013
Personally, I like the machines that have many adventures or missions to achieve...along with a lot of slides!

#1: RollerCoaster Tycoon is ahead of the class (who doesn't like the slide behind the flippers?!)
#2: Monopoly looks like it has a deep game within a game plot
#3: Rocky & Bullwinkle also looks like it takes you through a zany journey through the table
#4: High Roller Casino with the roulette table in back looks promising
#6: Striker Extreme has a unique layout with that third flipper
#7: Sharkey's Shootout looks challenging and interactive
#8: Time Machine
#9: Viper Night Drivin'
#10: Tales from the Crypt looks fun but the layout is all too familiar


New member
Jun 10, 2012
visible results today thoughts:

Way too many votes for Checkpoint. Played it at Zapcon. Little to do, not so fun. Worst DMD usage ever candidate. Not worth a vote IMO.

RCT is too close to Monopoly. Played both, same place, same day back-to-back, Monopoly is much better IMO, and they are quite similar (Pat Lawlor did a little recycling).

Stingray has cool backglass art (which neither link provided by Pin Wiz show) and deserves a few more votes for it.

Nascar is a solid game, but not amazing, and might be the must expensive license on the list, so that might be worth considering before voting. It's the reason why it missed my 10.

Glad to see Nugent is last.

I think Viper has the best backglass art I've ever seen (Very Soriyama - tough competition though), and I still didn't vote for it, because it looks like a bore to play.
Last edited:


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
And to think I've been choosing tables based on gameplay and rulesets. I'm sorry folks, I'll pay more attention to the backglasses from now on.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
visible results today thoughts:

Way too many votes for Checkpoint. Played it at Zapcon. Little to do, not so fun. Worst DMD usage ever candidate. Not worth a vote IMO.

Definitely disagree. I spent a ton of time playing that game at PAPA and recently at an arcade that was set up with over 20 other machines, including a TAF that was right next to it. I just couldn't stop playing it even though it's not a very complicated game. Definitely going to be one of the next real machines that I buy.

It's also the ONLY machine that I voted for on this poll. Though, looking at the current results, there are a few that I wish I did vote for now.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The poll standings for this poll are now hidden for the duration of the poll series. The Top Ten Most Wanted Stern/Data East/Sega Tables, as voted by the pinball community, will be revealed on Friday September 6, 2013.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
visible results today thoughts:

Way too many votes for Checkpoint. Played it at Zapcon. Little to do, not so fun. Worst DMD usage ever candidate. Not worth a vote IMO.

I've never played Checkpoint,so I won't point out its pluses or minuses,since I don't know them. But on IPDB CPt is supposedly the first DMD on a pin table ever. So it deserves points/kudos for that.

In the end,my opinion on the Stern/DE/Sega post is the same as the Gottlieb's one. While I did vote for ten,and since they are tables & I would enjoy playing most of them - I'd much rather have more of the 80's/90's Williams/Bally tables before these. The majority of the Sega/DE/Stern pins I'd like to have are licensed ones. Even the Gottlieb I want the most (since it looks like Haunted House is a go) is Stargate. The licensed pins-at some point are going to be something that FS is going to have to deal with,one way or another...


New member
Jun 8, 2013
This is a problem with mixing eras. Over and over players vote claiming I want DMDs. But then Tables like Centaur and PinBot come out and there is all this support and love for them. So I don't trust these poll results completely.

We are being asked to compare apples to oranges.

I agree. Apart from tables which require a license, in which case of course prioritizing spending is a major factor, how about changing the voting criteria? Maybe machines should be grouped by system or era rather than manufacturer? This would give TPA a good broad historical view of pinball and should satisfy most if every DMD table comes with one that isn't. Just an idea I'm throwing out because I'm pretty sure lots of voters don't really care who the manufacturer was as long as they get a good game.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
While I do understand the need for diversity in The Pinball Arcade, the fact remains that FarSight is, first and foremost, a business that needs to make money to keep the doors open so they can continue to bring us these wonderful tables for years to come. Also, even though we all chose Flight 2000 as the classic Stern we wanted to see released first, that table pack has done somewhat worse in sales than most other table packs and I don't think that the fact that this pack contained two early Solid State tables was just a coincidence. The Classic Stern poll goes to show that separating polls by era doesn't necessarily mean more money for FarSight. Most members of this forum are considered hardcore pinball fanatics and these polls only go to show which tables would bring in the most revenue for FarSight since we are the one's choosing to pick the more popular System 11 and DMD tables over the majority of the older Solid State tables.

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