PAPA Fathom Tutorial

Zac Wood

New member
Oct 15, 2015
Something downer related happens every time I post on Facebook. Not done it in a while but after my Fathom request, Mike Morse came on, asking Farsight to please do not make that table. It's ok to disagree but to ask them to not do it is so classless that I want to fart in his general direction and tell him a few other things while I'm at it ;)

Karl you say that how it was! Mike Morse is moronic in so many ways...

Wii U: "Wii-U is garbage"/ "NO!"
New Nintendo 3DS (pending): "A Waste of time!" (meme)
Rescue 911 release: "Daily Reminder"
Doctor Who: Masters of Time reward: "You guys could make a PROFIT out of this! and yet you don't have to do these Kickstarters anyway lol."
Corvette (pending): "Daily Reminder!"
Tales From the Crypt (pending): "Daily Reminder!"
Lights...Camera...Action! response: "They should do Rescue 911, because you know how many people wanted it? no wait... NO ONE!"
PBA rating 2014: "You guys are a joke!"
Amazon review reply: 0
Fathom: Don't do it!
F-14 Tomcat: "Daily Reminder!"
Last words on Facebook to Jon Norris: "those morons better you credit!"
His stance "I don't own FarSight lol, I don't tell them what to do!"
Referring to me as: "a moron", "a goofball", "another name on my block list"
Wishes: "stop messaging me and go kill yourself. Thanks!"
My description of him: a horror and TV junkie who is very irresponsible, selfish, self-arrogant and is a sin on Facebook (who also resembles a wanted child abuse suspect in Illinois.)

Mike was the root of why I was "aggressive" to Josh Smith, Jamey Maddison, Peter Oscars, to name a few. Also why I was credited as a recccomendation for everyone's block list.
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Zac Wood

New member
Oct 15, 2015
Kolchack357; Good point, and hopefully with Josh Smith and Jamey Maddison...

Those two were twice the chip on my shoulder then Mike was as a whole.

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