This morning on Facebook Farsight announced that they hope to make an announcement regarding the PC version soon..![]()
I think they should sell a standalone version directly on their site (and it could be in addition to the Steam version). Not everyone likes Steam, so why not do what LittleWing does and sell the game on their website too? That way they could go ahead and get the ball rolling and get some PC sales while they wait for Valve to approve their game or whatever needs to happen there. As far as DLC goes, as I said in an earlier post: Why couldn't Farsight host their own DLC? You'd buy it in the game itself (perhaps via PayPal?), and then it downloads in-game direct from Farsight's server.
I agree wholeheartedly, by doing so they would get themselves the initial sales. Really i think they should do exactly what they did on the mobile platform and release the initial tables as score limited versions with the featured table of the month. They could accept payment through paypal, CC, email money transfer, echeck, whatever and sell tables individually or by packages. The core audience would buy the tables, start showing the sales potential, probably show Valve what they are missing out on. Not to mention that from what i've seen and have been doing (including my second blog article, which was about TPA) regarding how vocal we've all been about this game. I personally have convinced about 15 people to download a version or the other to at least see the game.
Having the game on Steam will help cut down piracy, it will still be pirated even if it's on Steam but at least it will be less than Farsight just having the game on their website...
Plus lots of people want it on Steam so they can have it digitaly stored and available to download at all times.
Lots of companies are switching to use 3rd party clients to run their game via Steam, Origin, ect.
It's the future of PC gaming and we just have to deal with it, like it or not...