Pinball Arcade now on Steam Greenlight!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Id imagine some free score or time limited version like on mobile, but then theres still the issue of drm, i wouldnt mind it as an xmas present

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Id imagine some free score or time limited version like on mobile, but then theres still the issue of drm, i wouldnt mind it as an xmas present

Why do you need DRM in a demo?

If they can do a demo on Android, surely they can on PC as well, right?


New member
Jun 4, 2012
*shrugs* just figured drm would be needed as they need to release the assests of at least one table...and we all know in the pc world the limit will be disabled within days.

Im all for a demo bring it on lol


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
I like the demo suggestion. Would love to iron out bugs (and relieve exhaustion of not being able to play this game)!


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Wow, huge disappointment. What about Origin?

Origin is EA's own system. The only way onto Origin is to have EA publish Pinball Arcade.

I haven't heard anything from managment yet on the greenlight.

I take that back, they opened Origin up to 3rd party developers now.

I personally prefer Steam over Origin. Greenlight is still fairly new for Valve on Steam, and I'm sure not every Steam user is voting yet.

We'll have to hang in there until The Pinball Arcade gets greenlit. Hopefully it wont be much longer.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I personally prefer Steam over Origin. Greenlight is still fairly new for Valve on Steam, and I'm sure not every Steam user is voting yet.

We'll have to hang in there until The Pinball Arcade gets greenlit. Hopefully it wont be much longer.

Sorry but why do you expect "every" Steam user to have a vote? Some accounts have been hijacked , some accounts are long since inactive , and some people just plain boycotted Steam after trying it. Steam users generally go to one or 2 games and seldom see the other parts of the website . The Pinball Arcade has shown itself with plenty of posts that proved it was a viable game for them. Valve has decided to ignore the requests , and now Im going to ignore them and about $100 dollars in games I have bought on Steam.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Sorry but why do you expect "every" Steam user to have a vote? Some accounts have been hijacked , some accounts are long since inactive , and some people just plain boycotted Steam after trying it. Steam users generally go to one or 2 games and seldom see the other parts of the website . The Pinball Arcade has shown itself with plenty of posts that proved it was a viable game for them. Valve has decided to ignore the requests , and now Im going to ignore them and about $100 dollars in games I have bought on Steam.

I don't expect "every" Steam user to vote. Most people wont bother. I'm just saying there's still a percentage of Steam users who haven't voted for TPA yet, because some didn't look through all Greenlight games yet, or some people don't like Pinball at all.

I'm sure there will be some changes to the way Greenlight works in the future.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm pretty angry and disappointed TPA didn't make it. In fact, ALL the games I voted for didn't make it. :/

I really don't care where TPA ends up, be in Gamersgate, Origin, etc. I already have accounts with those websites so it doesn't bother me. Really too bad about GOG though. I think they would've been the perfect fit. At least they actually care about pinball, having a lot of greats there already.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
About Steam Greenlight, they have 2 separate progress bars: one you guys have right now (the 88+%) and the top 100 ranking. As soon as you reach 100%, you will be moved into the rankings, which will compare how other games are doing. In that case, we will need to have even more voters for it to make it to the top 10, at the very least. If Valve decides to do another round with more than 10 games, then we might have a chance at the top 20. Otherwise, aim for the top 10. You'll be safe right there and ensure a Greenlit spot. Just make sure more voters come in.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
About Steam Greenlight, they have 2 separate progress bars: one you guys have right now (the 88+%) and the top 100 ranking. As soon as you reach 100%, you will be moved into the rankings, which will compare how other games are doing. In that case, we will need to have even more voters for it to make it to the top 10, at the very least. If Valve decides to do another round with more than 10 games, then we might have a chance at the top 20. Otherwise, aim for the top 10. You'll be safe right there and ensure a Greenlit spot. Just make sure more voters come in.

Thanks for that explanation - I had a read on the Steam website but couldn't make sense of what they saying. I want to be positive about Steam, but one can't help think that they make up the rules as they go along, and if they don't like something it won't ever get on there.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Sorry about that. I should've made it clearer a bit earlier in our campaign. LET'S GET MORE VOTERS IN!!!

Any idea on where we are right now, Farsight? As in an update on the progress bar?
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New member
Apr 8, 2012
I wanted to suggest to Farsight that they offer a Free Custom In game Pinball to everyone (IOS, Android, PS# etc) users that vote for Greenlighting TPA on Steam, just like is happening for the kickstarter tables. Once you vote Yes to Greenlight the game you can then take a screen cap and send it Farsight to prove you voted Yes. All Yes voters might be able to vote on the Pinball design offered by Farsight. This could get a lot of TPA users involved because ALL platform users could benefit, even if they have no interest in the PC version. What do you think of this ????

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I wanted to suggest to Farsight that they offer a Free Custom In game Pinball to everyone (IOS, Android, PS# etc) users that vote for Greenlighting TPA on Steam, just like is happening for the kickstarter tables. Once you vote Yes to Greenlight the game you can then take a screen cap and send it Farsight to prove you voted Yes. All Yes voters might be able to vote on the Pinball design offered by Farsight. This could get a lot of TPA users involved because ALL platform users could benefit, even if they have no interest in the PC version. What do you think of this ????

Thanks for the suggestion, I forwarded it on to management.


New member
Apr 8, 2012
Thanks Pinballwiz45b! Yes i am the same PinBalt from the Gopinball forums. I love all Pinball and really want to see TPA on a PC Cab that I wish to obtain next year.
Oct 22, 2012
Postal 2 really Valve ????? a crass POS FPS game about peeing on people and doing disgusting things to woman, got a greenlight?

Kinda off the mark there my friend. Sure, you can pee on people, but hardly what the game is about (and I'm not sure where the 'doing disgusting things to women came from' as there is no such content in POSTAL 2).

Anyway, I'm a big Pinball Arcade fan and I was surprised and disappointed FS didn't make it through too, but don't forget they got a bit of a late start compared to the Greelit games so far (POSTAL 2 page went up in August, and back then there were fewer games fighting for the votes). Also where FS are on the back foot a little, is that many of their supporters are not PC gamers with Steam accounts, but have their game on Smartphones, Consoles ect. POSTAL 2 being a PC game meant even with a smaller fanbase we were able to reach out to tons of people with Steam accounts, who would then ask their steam friends to vote too.

I actually e-mailed FS support to see if they wanted RWS to publicize their greenlight effort via our own GL page (our fans are great, they would vote on PA for us even if they are not into Pinball much), sadly got no response, guess they didn't wanna be associated with us which is fair enough. All good though, look forward to the PC release when it comes!


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Kinda off the mark there my friend. Sure, you can pee on people, but hardly what the game is about (and I'm not sure where the 'doing disgusting things to women came from' as there is no such content in POSTAL 2).

Anyway, I'm a big Pinball Arcade fan and I was surprised and disappointed FS didn't make it through too, but don't forget they got a bit of a late start compared to the Greelit games so far (POSTAL 2 page went up in August, and back then there were fewer games fighting for the votes). Also where FS are on the back foot a little, is that many of their supporters are not PC gamers with Steam accounts, but have their game on Smartphones, Consoles ect. POSTAL 2 being a PC game meant even with a smaller fanbase we were able to reach out to tons of people with Steam accounts, who would then ask their steam friends to vote too.

I actually e-mailed FS support to see if they wanted RWS to publicize their greenlight effort via our own GL page (our fans are great, they would vote on PA for us even if they are not into Pinball much), sadly got no response, guess they didn't wanna be associated with us which is fair enough. All good though, look forward to the PC release when it comes!

Welcome to the forums , as for Postal 2 , what irks me beyond reason, is that POSTAl 2 has been counted in lists for the worst PC games of all time! It's usually in the top 20 , and that The Pinball Arcade is somehow deemed unworthy of the Steam store , or below Postal 2 .

from the wiki:
GMR and Computer Gaming World each gave Postal 2 scores of zero;[12] CGW stated that "Postal 2 is the worst product ever foisted upon consumers."[13] In response, negative quotes from Computer Gaming World's review ended up being proudly displayed on the box art of the Postal Fudge Pack.

as for FarSight , between managing FaceBook pages , handling important bug reports we gave them here, and doing whatever it takes to keep new DLC and updates rolling out for impatient fans (like myself) , I guess Farsight can't keep up with the demand in their tiny office in Big Bear , so it's not that they don't want help with Greenlight , it's probably a slight oversite .
Oct 22, 2012
Welcome to the forums , as for Postal 2 , what irks me beyond reason, is that POSTAl 2 has been counted in lists for the worst PC games of all time! It's usually in the top 20 , and that The Pinball Arcade is somehow deemed unworthy of the Steam store , or below Postal 2 .

We have a strong fanbase, the game got badly rated by some who found it offensive, but that's the good thing about Greenlight, it gave us chance to prove to Valve that there was demand for our product. We were deemed unworthy by Valve for years I can assure you :) The fans spoke for us, and they will for PA too, as I said before one of the bigger problems FS face is they have a massive amount of fans that don't have a Steam account. So the key is to reaching out to those that do to promote the game places where people are more likely to have them. For example one thing I did was run a promotion for a few weeks where anyone posted in a discussion thread on the Greenlight page, showing they were promoting our efforts in various communities they were already part of, gets a free game key on release. (see here:

I'm not saying that this is what FS should do as our game is older so giving out free keys is more reasonable, it's just one example of viral marketing and it gave us a pretty big boost. PinBalt's idea is another example.

TBH with the PA, I strongly believe if FS has submitted the same game a year ago it would have been taken no questions asked, but due to them wanting to push their new Greenlight system, they are more likely to put independent publishers through it. This helps grow awareness of Steam and Greenlight, but also I think in the long run it will work out well for FS, as it's building more awareness on Steam about it's future release. Rather than just coming out and getting buried right away, many people who are not that aware of PA will see the page and take time to find out more about it, and build up anticipation for this great product.

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