Pinball Arcade vs. Williams Pinball Hall of Fame ??

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The good news is you have 8 brand new tables (to you) to keep you busy.

It's a fair point. When TPA first came out, I was in a similar position to the original poster, a fan of PHoF on the Wii (I still am). I wasn't even counting too much on any DLC showing up; I was just jazzed to have four new-to-me pinball tables for a pretty low price, three of which were from the DMD era that Wii PHoF had omitted entirely, and I became an instant fan of Theatre of Magic and TotAN.

TPA is in a better state now than it was then, even on the XBox. Its future on the platform may be uncertain, but it was uncertain then, too.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Yes - It's £15
Don't think you can use MS points for some reason - no idea why.
(I got a load of MS points ready for TPA dlc, and now have nothing to spend them on!)

When was this? I know I tried looking for it on Games on Demand and failed (I would've bought it then and there...).

Then again, maybe because the EU publisher is still around is why it's up, and because I'm in Canada, Crave is dead...

Nik Barbour

When was this? I know I tried looking for it on Games on Demand and failed (I would've bought it then and there...).

Then again, maybe because the EU publisher is still around is why it's up, and because I'm in Canada, Crave is dead...

This was Sunday just gone (2nd).
I was going to buy it, but I couldn't buy it with MS points (I got a load of points for TPA dlc doing nothing).
I Didn't bother in the end.

I'm in the UK though.
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New member
Dec 4, 2012
Sounds Good I'd love to sell you my Williams disc, and I'd only charge u 20 bucks (it's around 40 on eBay).

If you still want the Williams disc though just pm me.
Great, thanks! I'll PM you in just a bit...

As far as the Xbox Pinball Arcade goes, I'll likely get it too. But I really want Firepower and Black Knight (and Taxi to some extent) so I still want Hall of Fame.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
This was Sunday just gone (2nd).
I was going to buy it, but I couldn't buy it with MS points (I got a load of points for TPA dlc doing nothing).
I Didn't bother in the end.

I'm in the UK though.

You can use MSpoints to buy Games on Demand.

Nik Barbour

Didn't look as though I could, it said £14.99, never saw an option for points.
Can't remember if I took it to the transaction screen or not though.

I'll have a look again tonight after work.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Yes - It's £15
Don't think you can use MS points for some reason - no idea why.
(I got a load of MS points ready for TPA dlc, and now have nothing to spend them on!)

Never was a fan of that type of two-tier pricing scheme. Some games cost money, others cost points which also cost money.....I'm sure there's a legit reason they do this, but man, it's annoying.

Nik Barbour

Never was a fan of that type of two-tier pricing scheme. Some games cost money, others cost points which also cost money.....I'm sure there's a legit reason they do this, but man, it's annoying.

Just got home - you can buy Williams classics in xbla with MS points.
If you go to the transaction screen, pressing 'x' switches between pay with card, or pay with points.

Purchased it and now downloading 3.4gb might take a little while.

Nik Barbour

Got it downloaded (PHOF) - really pleased with it. Well worth £15.

Black Knight is so much better than the Android Pinball Arcade version, and I prefer the moving cameras to Pinball Arcade's which only pans up and down, this pans left and right too. BK upper level cam you can actually see whats going on too - yay!

I'd forgotten about the credits/table unlock thing in this game.

Xbla download = no instructions though.
Figured out 2 tables are on free play, unlocked another by completing table goals on Gorgar, assume you get an unlock whenever you complete all goals for 1 table, or can unlock with 100 credits, but what happens if you run out of credits?
Are there other ways to earn credits other than when completing goals?
Anyone have a pdf of the instructions? (quick search of Google turned up nothing). Or could someone explain this?
Thanks in advance!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Figured out 2 tables are on free play, unlocked another by completing table goals on Gorgar, assume you get an unlock whenever you complete all goals for 1 table, or can unlock with 100 credits, but what happens if you run out of credits?
Are there other ways to earn credits other than when completing goals?
Anyone have a pdf of the instructions? (quick search of Google turned up nothing). Or could someone explain this?
Thanks in advance!
Completing all standard goals on one table lets you unlock one of the others. Alternatively, 100 credits will unlock a table.

Credits can be earned by completing goals or by earning credits on the actual table. Unlike TPA, replays and specials are credits in PHOF, not extra balls.

Nik Barbour

Completing all standard goals on one table lets you unlock one of the others. Alternatively, 100 credits will unlock a table.

Credits can be earned by completing goals or by earning credits on the actual table. Unlike TPA, replays and specials are credits in PHOF, not extra balls.

Thanks Sean!

Nik Barbour

Is this download available in the U.S.?

I think it might be UK only because of the US publisher Crave going bankrupt.
The UK had a different publisher 'System 3' which is why I think it's still available here.
Chase it down though - well worth it.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
It's pretty easy to find a physical copy for cheap. Amazon has them new (and used), eBay has them used.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Completing all standard goals on one table lets you unlock one of the others. Alternatively, 100 credits will unlock a table.

I found that the 100-credit buy-in was probably not worth it, because if you've got 100 credits, chances are you're close to completing all the standard goals on a table. This tends to happen pretty rapidly.

I imagine that if you really ran out of credits, you'd just have to keep banging away on the tables already on free play until you managed to unlock some more. In practice, the credit system is tuned generously enough that it doesn't turn out to be much of an issue; it's just an extra little motivator for your early enjoyment of the game. You get them all unlocked pretty rapidly if you play a variety of tables.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Yeah, I unlocked all the tables through standard goals and wizard goals (and jive time through the Williams challenge, of course), never used a single credit in the game, even for playing an unlocked table. :p It's decent fun that way, the credits just seem superfluous. I have a ton of them on my Xbox profile. :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I started with a hundred credits or whatever ended with more than that and half the tables unlocked after just a few hours of gameplay before I sold the game off.

Most standard goals can be completed on a table on your first game.