Pro Menu upgrades for TPA - Xbox 360


New member
Dec 28, 2022
steps into the silent message board…

Hi all, if anyone sees this…

I’m trying to find out how the ‘Pro Menu’ updates were delivered to Xbox 360 users, all those years ago.

According to the Wikipedia page on TPA, a number of the tables received these updates on 360 as well as other platforms. The first upgraded table was TOTAN, others followed.

I assume these took the form of separate DLC which had to be downloaded. If you have them- can you confirm they are still available to download from your download history…?

If possible I’m looking for details of which folder these updates went into, if at all. If you don’t know what I mean, don’t worry ;)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Xbox 360 was such a terrible case, it was basically a forgotten platform until Addams Family came along, then it was forgotten again.

The last update was the pack containing Monster Bash and Gorgar -- Pro Menu wasn't a thing. The final patch included all content up to and including Addams Family.


New member
Dec 28, 2022
Thanks so much for coming back on this. The reason I even asked is because the Wikipedia page for TPA shows pro menu upgrades in the 360 column of its cross-platform table guide:

Is that defo fake news then? If so I might edit it out!


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
No, I'm 100% certain there was Pro Menu -- just not until Addams Family (and every other table before it) came along.


New member
Dec 28, 2022
So there are developer patches for 360 games that get delivered from Microsoft, and there are DLC add-ons that are optional.

Are you saying that the access to pro menus was a developer patch, that unlocked pro menu on all the tables you owned that could have one? Or was it delivered as part of the Addams Family DLC?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
It was all delivered as a final update, up to and including Addams Family. As far as which tables got Pro Menu, I'm not sure. Xbox 360 users are more likely to testify than me.

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