Pro Pinball


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
[MENTION=340]SilverBalls[/MENTION]: Anything new in the "super secret" forum at Pinball Pro? I find myself visiting here more for updates on this since Farsight decided to "Crap Out" on their cab support.

There hasn't been much of interest although stuff is being done. Here are the last two updates (I am writing this with my collar up, with my hat tilted forward to disguise my face :D).

18th Mar:

Generating low view graphics. Now have 768, 800, 900, 1024, 1080 and 2160 ready. 1050, 1200 and 1440 still to come.
Windows: Added XInput and DirectInput controller support, with analogue nudging, though that needs some tweaking
Windows: Started adding vibration support for XInput controllers
Started to add an option screen for customising the controls

The medium view drop targets and gates are now being rendered.

24th Mar:

Generated low view graphics resolutions 1050, 1200 and 1440. Now on 1600 and 1800 for Retina Macs
Windows: Added vibration support for XInput controllers
Pause key now also unpauses and can be customised
Adding an option screen for customising the controls

The medium view gates and jets are now being rendered.

Ben Logan

New member
Jun 2, 2015
I love the physics, graphics, and lighting -- just not crazy about the table theme. Wish these slowpokes would create another title.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Well they have at least three other Pro Pinball tables they could give the Timeshock treatment: The Web, Fantastic Journey and Big Race USA. They also did a great Nintendo DS table: The Ancients Beckon (great theme and toys). Maybe they will do another table quicker because they have the engine in place now? I'm curious if they would be succesful if they do another Kickstarter for the other tables. It was not exactly smooth sailing with Timeshock (they needed a rebooted Kickstarter) and Timeshock is probably their best known IP off all tables. I would love to see a port of the Nintendo table to other platforms!


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I loved big race USA back in the day. It would be cool if they do the same remake with this one...
But... Well...
Do I really need to make a joke about how long it would be to get released?


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Nov 23, 2013
Maybe finally I can enjoy this but the download is painstakenly slow... I had 90 % downloaded but then played another game that crashed the computer after 3h. Now I have to wait 6 more on my 100 mbit connection...

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Hmm. Low view won't do anything good on cabinet.
Other improvements?


  • Added the low view

  • Added controller support (Windows only at the moment)
  • Only in-game support, the menus still require a mouse
  • Rumble is supported on XInput controllers
  • DirectInput is supported, but no rumble

  • Added an options screen for customising the controls
  • Added low latency graphics option for increased controls responsiveness
  • Added options for full screen mode and vsync
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


New member
Jan 26, 2014

  • Added the low view

  • Added controller support (Windows only at the moment)
  • Only in-game support, the menus still require a mouse
  • Rumble is supported on XInput controllers
  • DirectInput is supported, but no rumble

  • Added an options screen for customising the controls
  • Added low latency graphics option for increased controls responsiveness
  • Added options for full screen mode and vsync
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

thanks. really intrigued what the low latency settings do... only thing I get is half the framerate, stutter, stutter.
postet this over at the pp forums.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I didn't get any free time to try the new version however in the forum about cabinet mode they said:

No cabinet mode, I take it?

I didn't enable the option as it's still the version that generated the first screenshot I posted, which didn't look like it would be any use. You can turn it on by adding <graphics_cabinet_mode_enabled>true</graphics_cabinet_mode_enabled> to the config file, probably with <graphics_screen_rotation>2</graphics_screen_rotation>

The first view posted wasn't great so he didn't enable it, but you can try it at least this way, knowing a better view will come later. He also mentioned before there will be controls to adjust the cab view.

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