PS3 Pinball Controller WIP


New member
Jul 19, 2012
Groni, the way to deal with really small solder points is to not solder to the points directly. Build up some solder on the wire that you're going to solder to the board, build up some heat on the wire and then connect the soldered wire to the board. If you're already using this technique then just ignore me. ;D

The controller looks cool!!!

Exactly how i use to do it. But on the original PS3 controller, the soldpoint is 0,2 mm. Also the single points have a distance of 0,2 mm. So very hard to see and sold. So I crashed it. But now I have a non Sony controller, with big soldpoints, so its easier.


Jul 11, 2012
Subwoofers are cool in anything! Seriously though, the vibration in the cabinet when the motors arnt running. Like on CV when you complete first CIRCUS challenge and then your main adiou could come frome your TV or stereo speakers. Why put a subwoofer in a driving seat? Its cool! It helps connect you to the experience, plus why not pimp that thing out more? You have room kinda and it maybe should have been done, but that box would provide great acustics with a smaller subwoofer like an 8" center mounted up top non ported.


New member
Jul 19, 2012
there is not that much room inside, even if it look like. The Nudgebox uses many space. Also the cable function for the plunger needs free space to pull. And when the electronics are inside with all the buttons wired, there will be not that much space. Also it means, that another extra cable needs to be add to the box. I prefer playing with cable because of the lag. Also the light needs power.


New member
Jul 19, 2012
Ok, the board is wired, and all microswitches and of course the leaf switches are attached to the box. Now I only need to connect the wires to the switches.



New member
Jul 19, 2012
Ok here is the final Status for today. I added the Illumination to the Buttons and added the first Logos on the Box. Only one Side till yet. Tommorow i do the rest of the logos. Then the final step is
to wire the Buttons. Hope i can test it out tommorow evening with a first playtest.


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New member
Jun 20, 2012
ok let me close my mouth and wipe off the drool coming out , just fantastic what you have accomplished, I say that as a artist and illustrator , verryy nice bit of engineering ....


Jul 11, 2012
LOOKS AMAZING! I still think theres room for a subwoofer on the back, with a grill over it. Lets see those LEGS! I was thinking...with the width and lack of depth it will bump easier forward so, maybe a 5th contact point up front WITH your spring feet, so you can really lean on it! :)


Jul 11, 2012
Oh! and a bigger motor! RC CAR motor same weight from contoller just make the motor/s bigger? or you need to boost the poer somehow?


New member
Jun 12, 2012
it's just amazing what some people can do; you have all my respect. very impressive Groni, don't know what else to say.


New member
Jul 19, 2012
LOOKS AMAZING! I still think theres room for a subwoofer on the back, with a grill over it. Lets see those LEGS! I was thinking...with the width and lack of depth it will bump easier forward so, maybe a 5th contact point up front WITH your spring feet, so you can really lean on it! :)

Well the spring feets i had planned are not working well. I found some nice legs for it, but i have to wait till new money arrives :) This Controller rips off my moneypocket :) For now i will just put some foam under it. Same effect :) Also the Nudgebox do have some springs too now.


New member
Jul 19, 2012
Ok, the first playtests are done.

All in All the Controller feels more than realistic. And because of the original Pinball Leaf Switches, you have a much quicker response of the buttons. A small flipover in RBION is possible now easier.

The only thing i need to improve is the Nudge. It works "ok" but i have to admit that it is not that sensible as i hoped. A kind of delay from the nudge on the box to the nudge in the game
is also noticable. So I need to find a method to improve the sensiblity to make it easier to nudge.

The Plunger cable function is the last point that is missing till yet. But I will make that mechanic tommorow.

When the Controller is finished and working well, i will make a Video.




Jul 11, 2012
Groni try inverting your nudgebox, gravity will help but it will be opposite left to right wich would help since you bump opposite direction laterally?....or place it higher, it being on the ground takes too long to transfer the kinetic energy...but if placed higher it would change the leverage of its orientation, you'll probably have to recalibrate your weight. just throwing out ideas I know now its all sealed up it'd be a pain so other than nuge its good?


New member
Jul 19, 2012
I can´t place it higher anymore, cause its all wired already. The main board sitting in the Nudgebox. And I really don´t want to rewire all 30 wires :) I will find a way. Just needed a break from it for a few days to think about it, and of course i worked 4 Days on it nonstop :)

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