PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Every Playstation and Xbox console was shown to posess a promising graphic ability.

and every time THEY SQUANDERED the potential on un imaginative games , using the graphic engine for pretty cutscenes , but rarely used it for games .

I like Sony's platform because they are most likely to do something more "innovative" , but you usually slog through a year of genre games before those unique games are released . By taking themselves ahead of E-3 , Sony avoided the one upmanship of a suprise microsoft or Nintendo reveal , this buys them more time to generate PS4 E-3 momentum .

^^^^ THIS!!!!

You guys weren't suppose to be taken over fully yet by the PS4. This was just the announcement. More to come when E3 comes around. I think by that time MS will announce their system as well.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
^^^^ THIS!!!!

You guys weren't suppose to be taken over fully yet by the PS4. This was just the announcement. More to come when E3 comes around. I think by that time MS will announce their system as well.

Yes, they will , whether it's ready to be unveiled or not , more smoke and mirrors coming from the house of Gates , I remember when they showed Xbox tech demos supposedly in realtime , but the hardware to show the demos was a impossibly highend PC workstation (beyond Xbox specs) . From this conference 2 things I inferred about PS4 not showing up , in other words the actual product in their hands.

1> Sony is still deciding on the final PS4 design

2> Sony is more interested in emphasizing the hardware capabilities over a curious design choice they made , and they are going to keep us guessing with an air of mystery.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
4 gigs was PLENTY. 6 would have been OMG awesome. 8 is just. How. The. WOW... I worry for Sony's BOM now, tbh, but, 8 gigs of GDDR5 if that is a reality then... there are no words for that.

As for games, remember. Look at Resistance Fall of Man, the premier PS3 launch title. Compare that to the games on Sony's machine today. Yeah.

Also, if you have ANY doubts of the power of this thing, then you have not seen Capcom's Deep Down.

Destiny was one of the worst looking out of the bunch, and it's no surprise, since that is multiplatform, has to be made with the weak Nextbox spec in mind. I think Bungie wants out, giving Sony exclusive DLC hopefully with Destiny 2 and 3 they just outright ditch MS and code exclusively for PS4. With 8 gigs of GDDR5 and a more powerful GPU to push it, there's no limit to what they can achieve with Destiny. Nextbox will simply hold back their vision...

With that said. The fact Destiny is on PS4 means I can get my Halo fix on the system. Which means I can get a PS4 and never look back, never need to pick up a nextbox. Gran Turismo is just as good as Forza in fact, probably better, and with the power of PS4 GT6 is going to crush Forza 5. That leaves, what, Gears of War, which IMO is simply played out. I didn't even bother with part 3 or Judgement.

MS would need to do some serious tweaks to their hardware to get it even remotely in line with Sony's. Stranger things have happened. If you recall Sega's Saturn getting lots of last minute changes to get it in line with PlayStation. Still, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
How many of us really care what it looks like though? I haven't look at any Sony boxes and thought "that is beautiful, I must own it?" I bought the thing for the games, not the design of the box.


New member
Jun 27, 2012
How many of us really care what it looks like though?

You would be surprised. How many people buy a new cell phone for hundreds of dollars because it has a few new pointless features and is no better than the version before it? People always want new and shiny. That's how these companies survive. Look at apple ffs.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'm going to save a lot of my thoughts until MS shows their cards. I'll say this, I am very impressed with PS4 and I have a few decent pieces on in on my facebook.

Barring some serious last minute changes... and I mean serious ones.... if you're a real gamer, then PS4 should be your console. Sony is building a games machine. Microsoft is going for a set top kinect box. The specs are not close, at all. You're looking at 3 distinct tiers of power here. Wii U, Nextbox, and PS4.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Sony always has good design of it's consoles and products. I wouldn't have any worries there. PS2 was by all accounts, ugly as hell. But PS1, PS3 were good looking consoles. Honestly though, who cares? One thing I'd like to see though is an edgier, redesigned logo. Hopefully the PS4 logo is just a placeholder. I mean it's just the same exact branding as PS3, with a 4. Lame IMO.

With that said actually, I was hoping the console would be called Orbis. PlayStation Orbis would have been badass. Oh well, Sony is playing it safe I can see why, they aren't exactly in the strongest position going into next gen.

If Microsoft is actually planning on going through with it's whole used game blockade, always online console, wimpy underpowered Wii strategy... and if Sony keeps it's online free to play... Microsoft. Is. Finished. Before the race even starts.

Microsoft would need to be this breakout, Wii type success and even then, last generation the core market was still bigger than the casual. 100 million Wii sold vs. 150 million PS3+360. Wii U is a non factor, that console has bombed. Casual market has moved on to Ipad/Tablet. Anything can happen but. I think Sony should be rewarded for giving us a powerful gaming box, by true core gamers. You're going to have blind fanboys who buy Xbox no matter what but, trust me, Xbox fanboys are not as blind or as hardcore as Sony's haha. Once it's clear the PS4 is demonstratably more powerful and it's free to play online and you can purchase used games then there is simply not going to be a contest, Sony is going to clean house.

ANYTHING can change. But this is the reality at this point in time.
Last edited:

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
There is a real concern now though that Sony is getting itself into a bad price situation. 4 additional gigs of GDDR5 ram are NOT CHEAP. Now certainly they know better than to get into another five hundred and ninety nine dollars situation... but it would not shock me if the PS4 is at least 100$ more expensive. If Sony does match Microsoft on price, Microsoft will still have much more wiggle room with price drops. Blah. There's too many unknowns, still, to make any kind of call here. I better just save my speculation for a later date.

Sony owns: Japan, and to a lesser extent, Europe. The only reason 360 still has them outsold WW is because of: year head start, 200$ price advantage for good bit of the generation. With those two factors out the window, I think Sony has got this. Factor in this whole used games blockade, always online bullcrap, and it's not even a fight IMO.

Console wars shouldn't matter, it's just big corporations and I like generations where everyone wins to some degree like last gen but, I do not like to see greedy corporations with poor policies "winning" anything. Xbox Live was one thing, but this whole blocking used games nonsense and what's sure to be, an apple like app store full of overpriced crap, ads galore, and weak hardware, I wanna see MS burn :)


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I was really hoping Sony could pull $399. I'm thinking 499 tops now. If it goes over that I'll be pretty surprised. I'll still get it, but I think 499 is a strong price ceiling now.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I wish the would drop all this camera/sensor crap. Where am I suppose to find room for a Wii sensors bar, Sony eye, and a kenect all in front of the tv?


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I wish the would drop all this camera/sensor crap.
Agreed. I've never had a need nor desire to use or bother with the PS Move...not everyone has the space to get up and move while playing a game. I personally like to sit on my butt and stay there while playing. All all this "sharing" doesn't personally appeal to me at all, nor does all this "connected" to everything, everywhere. My internet bandwidth/speed won't support it. I really doubt that Sony will get any of my $ for this "Next-Gen" console.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I was really hoping Sony could pull $399. I'm thinking 499 tops now. If it goes over that I'll be pretty surprised. I'll still get it, but I think 499 is a strong price ceiling now.

I think they desperately need the $399 price point. $499 is still too much. That's 500 bucks, and to the ear, spoken out loud, that just sounds like too much money. Saying 399, I don't immediately jump to calling it 4 hundred for some reason. Plus, that puts it closer to the Wii U price point while offering so much more. They did it with the Vita vs 3DS (lotta good that did though), and you know Microsoft will be going for around that price too.

500 though? That's asking a lot for parents to drop on their kids at xmas.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
In 2006 the PS3 launched with prices of $499 for the 20GB and $599 for the 60GB version. What has changed since then that would require the PS4 to cost less? If it did cost less than the PS3 I think it would be the first console generation to cost less than the previous one.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
In 2006 the PS3 launched with prices of $499 for the 20GB and $599 for the 60GB version. What has changed since then that would require the PS4 to cost less? If it did cost less than the PS3 I think it would be the first console generation to cost less than the previous one.

They went with a PC archatecture instead of the expensive proprietary Cell architecture, to keep the cost lower. Also they didn't exactly fly off the shelves at thier original price point. It wast until the first price drop that they started to move. They'll want deep market penetration early for the PS4.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In 2006 the PS3 launched with prices of $499 for the 20GB and $599 for the 60GB version. What has changed since then that would require the PS4 to cost less? If it did cost less than the PS3 I think it would be the first console generation to cost less than the previous one.

Sony released at that price point and was slammed for it on all ends. That is the reason when they announced the price of the Vita there was rapturous applause, because Sony seemed to have bowed to consumers. I think there is going to be a real cat and mouse over price between Sony and Microsoft. Whether they are or not, they are going to be perceived as equals representing the next gen console. Sony is gonna have to be within $50 of the next Xbox to avoid another backlash. If they are not, then some absolutely stunning marketing is going to have to take place to justify the cost.

We'll just have to see who blinks first.


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Aug 12, 2012
A LOT of PS3s were sold in the early days at $500 and $600 for one simple reason - real Blu-Ray players were $1000! Basically the PS3 was positioned around the price point of an HD-DVD player (around $500 and under), while Blu-Ray was considered a joke because at $1000, the players were just too expensive.

So there was a lot of pricing on both ends - with the Wii at $250, the Xbox at $400, HD-DVD at $500, Blu-Ray at $1000, Sony didn't have a ton of room for pricing. They could've put the PS3 at $400, and anger all the Blu-Ray licensees who couldn't subsidize their hardware (an important point as Blu-Ray was in catch up mode), they could've made it $800 to give it that aura of special, but then be laughed at.

Of course, my first bet would be the next Xbox would be very similar to the PS3 - same chips and everything. As the PC architecture is basically the same across the board, the first homebrew running on either system would be to play the other's games. PS4 games on your Xbox, Xbox games on your PS4.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I remember when my brother bought some PS3's for $600 when they came out and then sold them on ebay for around $1200.

Some people would spend anything to get one...

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