PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
Internet in Canada and TV/Satellite is a expensive racquet. I live in Ontario. For the past 5 years Ive been smart only paying $62.00 a month.

I have a TekSavvy Dry loop DSL Internet 8Meg (300 gig), MagicJack and Netflix. That costs me $62.00 a month for all with Tax. This is the highest quality and cheapest set up I could find.

I burn for guaranteed live sports but I can usually find a stream somewhere.


Apr 12, 2012
PS4 is official.

x86 CPU, 8 gigs of DDR5 RAM, so form of PC CPU and "a hard drive".

Dualshock 4 is basically what we saw in the leaked images with a touchpad, a light bar, headphone jack, and a share button. A bit more streamlined than the leaked images.



Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Thanks for that, Tabe--can't seem to get into their "live" stream of the announcement thingy.


Apr 12, 2012
Thanks for that, Tabe--can't seem to get into their "live" stream of the announcement thingy.

Lots of great social interaction and massive changes/improvements to the PSN/sharing aspects. Live watching of your friends' games, easy sharing of gameplay footage and more...



Apr 12, 2012
No backward compatibility for PS3 games. They maybe will have something in the cloud Gaikai service to allow playing of ALL games from every Sony game console.

Showing the new Killzone game now and it looks fantastic.



Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Yeah I didn't really think PS3 backward compatibility was too likely. Easy sharing of gameplay footage would be handy.

EDIT: Ah yay I can get in now.

EDIT 2: Hm someone wake me up when they show Pinball Arcade running on it. :p
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New member
Jun 20, 2012
Started late watching The Drive simulator demo was quite impressive, I mistook it for a car commercial before the conference footage , you know an advertisement? But no, the foootage of a guy climbing into a sports car and turning the key was PS4 rendered.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So I guess now we wait until E3 to maybe actually see what the console looks like?

And all that Gaikai cloud service and social interaction...smells like premium priced online interaction to me.

Smart move though essentially making any mobile device capable of playing Playstation content.

FS wont' have to develop for the Vita anymore, you can just continue your game straight from the PS4 with those graphics through the cloud. Nice.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Would have been nice know...actually see the damned thing.

If it is premium, I'm certainly not paying extra so I can watch others play a vide game. And I have a feeling that cloud gaming will suck on my pathetic DSL.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Would have been nice know...actually see the damned thing.

If it is premium, I'm certainly not paying extra so I can watch others play a vide game. And I have a feeling that cloud gaming will suck on my pathetic DSL.

Well they can't show everything just yet. They need to show a lil something at E3. lol I'm excited for the PS4. I have to admit that I don't particularly like the design of the controller, but I might grow to like it. As long as it doesn't have those triggers on it like the PS3. That's what I don't like about. However, I still like the PS3 controller better than the 360 one.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I did just think of something regarding playing on other devices and the Vita...obviously playable not just on Wi-Fi, but 4G services too. Does that mean the Vita might actually come out from under the AT&T contract? If they made it open to whoever your carrier was, allowing you to data share, that'd be a huge plus.

Not that I have a smart phone or data plan for that matter. Or a Vita.

I think the cloud stuff is for sure premium, just like it is now for PS+. My hope would be that the social gaming aspect, as integrated as they're trying to sell it, would be free along with online multiplayer. You know the store is gonna be free, as you can now access and purchase from it on the web, and since they wanna tie that in with the personalized shopping 'suggestions' (big brother much?) that are based on you and your friend's playing habits, it would seem like that would be part of the basic free online experience, along with the in-game chatting and messaging. Another way to look at that is Facebook is free, as is Twitter, Sony just wants you doing all this under one hub (for those nefarious marketing purposes). Doesn't make sense to charge for what you can do for free.

That's why I think continuing games on other platforms, being able to instantly play the PS3 (and eventually PS1 and 2) catalogs, things you CAN'T do on anything were it not for Playstation, those are what they'll add the extra charge for.

There was a bit of mention about continuing with PSN for PS3 but merging it with PS4 and Vita. I like the way they're approaching integration.

Anybody else feel during Media Molecule's sculpting with the Move that the only thing you'd be able to sculpt would be a poo? I remember the demo of creating tracks for Mod Nation Racers and it seemed so easy and fluid. First time I tried it I was able to make a figure 8 and that was about it! The little rock band thing was pretty slick though.

So when does Microsoft reveal their hand?

And how much jockeying on price do you think the 2 will have? Sure Wii U will see a price drop just in time for the launch. Think Vitas will get bundled with anything?


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Final controller pics,



Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I can care less about all this social media crap. Just give me deeper, better looking, better playing games. As far as that goes, the new games look nice, but aren't a graphical quantum leap over the best the currents systems offer. The continued trend of diminishing returns? PS3 wasn't as big a leap over PS2 as 2 was over the original PS.
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Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
watched the live stream the only gameplay footage was destiny from bungie hmm does that mean halo on ps4 as well?.. also Watch Dogs from ubisoft looks vary cool, killzone shadow fall aww hell ya, the rest was CG demos not really a good example of what it can do :/ making a video recording while playing sounds neat , giving your friends control of your game for help o_O , transfer you game from PS4 to vita screen via remote control o_O this stuff sounds Dope!! unreal engine 4 sounds vary yummy too :D

i laughed out loud when Blizzard came out diablo 3 on PS4&PS3 wtf lol lol not impressed Blizzard :p

the stream is cycling so check it out

Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
No backward compatibility for PS3 games. They maybe will have something in the cloud Gaikai service to allow playing of ALL games from every Sony game console.

Showing the new Killzone game now and it looks fantastic.


yes killzone shadow fall does look fantastic the Rail Gun is sexy.. they said ps3 digital stuff would be used in ps4 that's not too bad


New member
Sep 14, 2012
watched the live stream the only gameplay footage was destiny from bungie hmm does that mean halo on ps4 as well?.. also Watch Dogs from ubisoft looks vary cool, killzone shadow fall aww hell ya, the rest was CG demos not really a good example of what it can do :/ making a video recording while playing sounds neat , giving your friends control of your game for help o_O , transfer you game from PS4 to vita screen via remote control o_O this stuff sounds Dope!! unreal engine 4 sounds vary yummy too :D

i laughed out loud when Blizzard came out diablo 3 on PS4&PS3 wtf lol lol not impressed Blizzard :p

the stream is cycling so check it out

Microsoft owns Halo. So nope...
Since Bungie broke off from MS they handed the Halo game to another studio.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Yea, some of the demo footage looked pretty good. But then again, so did the Alien Colonial Marines demo. I'll reserve judgment until a actually see a game played.

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