PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I'm getting both at launch for a simple reason - if the rumors are true, they're both going to be PC architecture. Which means we can see a repeat of what happened on the original Xbox which got hacked wide open. The initial ones were easy, the Microsoft slowly closed all the holes in later revisions.

There's no reason to expect the first models to not have similar flaws. Later revs will probably fix the holes.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I really hope it's backwards compatible for PS3. I would add PS2 too but I know it's wishful thiking.

I've always thought that the best BC is just to keep the old console until you no longer play it anymore. Then give it to your nephew. That's what always worked for me!

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
I've always thought that the best BC is just to keep the old console until you no longer play it anymore. Then give it to your nephew. That's what always worked for me!

That is good advice. I'm sure my nephew would enjoy it very much.

At this time I really miss playing both Colosseum Road To Freedom and Shadow of Rome from PS2. If Sony would consider bringing them to PSN I wouldn't mind re-buying for a reasonable price.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I don't think that 4k even matters for this generation. I think 4k adoption by the masses will be as slow as 3D if not slower. I think TV manufacturers have gotten spoiled the last 10 years with being able to sell a lot of HD and large LCD TVs to people that wanted to get HD but didn't necessarily need a new TV. From the time in the 1970s when everyone had a color TV until the 2000s, people usually only got a new TV when their old one wore out. There was nothing driving the consumer to "need" a new one. When you did get a new TV it was probably 2 inches bigger than the old one and had the latest comb filter or was a stereo TV but your driving force to get a new TV was that the old one crapped out. I think we've entered a new era where new TVs are mostly going to be sold to people whose old TVs are broken or otherwise unusable - I'm talking about you, shutyertrap! :D I don't think anyone is going to be running out to replace their perfectly good 50" HD TV that they bought 5 years ago just to get a 4k TV. I know I won't! :D


Apr 12, 2012
Right, I don't see 4k even being a factor. Maybe for video playback but I truly doubt it. I surely won't be a part of gameplay.

I think backward compatibility is pretty much guaranteed for AT LEAST stuff purchased through PSN.



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I don't think that 4k even matters for this generation. I think 4k adoption by the masses will be as slow as 3D if not slower. I think TV manufacturers have gotten spoiled the last 10 years with being able to sell a lot of HD and large LCD TVs to people that wanted to get HD but didn't necessarily need a new TV. From the time in the 1970s when everyone had a color TV until the 2000s, people usually only got a new TV when their old one wore out. There was nothing driving the consumer to "need" a new one. When you did get a new TV it was probably 2 inches bigger than the old one and had the latest comb filter or was a stereo TV but your driving force to get a new TV was that the old one crapped out. I think we've entered a new era where new TVs are mostly going to be sold to people whose old TVs are broken or otherwise unusable - I'm talking about you, shutyertrap! :D I don't think anyone is going to be running out to replace their perfectly good 50" HD TV that they bought 5 years ago just to get a 4k TV. I know I won't! :D

Well CRT tech is good for at least 20 years before common failure, while current flat panels are only rated for 8-12 years pixel life. Planned obsolescence.

As for 4K, it's a chicken and egg thing. Without 4K content there is no need for a 4K display, without the display there is no need for content. No, 95% of the public is not going to be replacing their TV in the next 5 years, but if Sony consoles are on a 10 year cycle, you wanna be as future proof as possible. The PS3 single handedly made Blu Ray the winner between HD-DVD and it. There is no clear sign as to how to deliver 4K content, so they may as well see if their way sticks. 5 years ago there were hardly any (if at all) 3D tvs. Now most TVs above 55" are. Same thing is happening with SmartTVs right now. It stands to reason that 5 years from now, 4K sets will be commonly available and relatively affordable, and all those people that bought an HDTV around 2006-2008 will be needing a new TV (again, planned obsolescence).

Besides, making a console be 4K capable, even if rarely used, can't be a bad thing, right?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I think backward compatibility is pretty much guaranteed for AT LEAST stuff purchased through PSN.


Whether it is a PSN game or it is a disc based game is irrelevant. If the game was made for the PS3, it will need the same emulation software and/or hardware to run it.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Well , they support WII U and Ouya , so the Pinball Arcade is a sure fire bet on PS4 , the real question is will all my PSN PS3 store purchases transfer and work on PS4?

I would doubt it. Some games that are ported over to the PS4 might give you a discount for previous purchase but that would be on a title by title basis.

Dinosaur Toy

New member
Sep 10, 2012
For questions of backwards compatibility it could be pointed out that one reason both Sony and MS are switching to the CPUs used in Durango and Orbis (Xbox 720 and PS4 use the same CPU) is the x86 architecture provides future compatibility. The problem is that we've moved into a digital distribution age where people expect to purchase software once on a platform, such as iOS, and then keep using their software when they upgrade their device. Log in, redownload your purchases.

B/C for PS3 and Xbox 360 may be difficult and it's possible Sony or MS have decided to abandon it. If they do, there's definitely going to be a lot of unhappy people with a lot of digital content that won't transfer over. On the other hand, the next consoles should be more inherently future-proofed against this problem. Whatever kind of devices follow the 8th generation consoles (that is, the next ones coming), will probably be fully compatible with PS4 and 720. Because at that point, they'll have to be treated more like the PC is already.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Monopoly and Leathal Weapon 3. The guy is in the way of the fifth one, and the last is too far on the left. I can only see a short glimpse of it near the beginning?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I hope it's nothing like the ps3 controller, so uncomfortable compared to 360 controller. Crap triggers too.


New member
May 15, 2012
I hope it's nothing like the ps3 controller, so uncomfortable compared to 360 controller. Crap triggers too.

Agreed, they are bad enough to keep me from using the system. I heard a rumor that the controller would have a back touchpad like the PSVita and I certainly hope that is not true since it is a useless feature that has only made playing games more difficult and the system harder to hold.

Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
if you don't like the ps3 controller go play xbox we like our thumb stick position just fine, xbox left thumb stick position is just so wrong that's why i don't like xbox much. a bulkier ps3 controller is about all i would tolerate

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