PS4 Announcement Feb. 20th?

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I remember when my brother bought some PS3's for $600 when they came out and then sold them on ebay for around $1200.

Some people would spend anything to get one...

There are always idiots that will pay through the nose to have it in the first week. People were paying a premium for the WiiU when it first came out. Two weeks later, you can't walk through Best Buy without tripping over a pile of the things.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Worf, good points. It's hard to remember sometimes, but the format war was vicious. Heck, they had to shut down avsforums for awhile because of death threats over HD DVD vs Bluray. And btw, I'm so glad we got Bluray. Sure it was more expensive for awhile, but in the end it's a great system. I highly doubt HD DVD would've been able to support 3D. And if so, it would've been way over compressed.


Apr 12, 2012
In 2006 the PS3 launched with prices of $499 for the 20GB and $599 for the 60GB version. What has changed since then that would require the PS4 to cost less? If it did cost less than the PS3 I think it would be the first console generation to cost less than the previous one.
First and foremost, the blu ray drive. In 2006, they were obscenely expensive. Now, they cost basically nothing.

Secondly, the hard drive will be cheaper.

Third, by using non-proprietary equipment for the most part, Sony will save on components across the board.


Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
You would be surprised. How many people buy a new cell phone for hundreds of dollars because it has a few new pointless features and is no better than the version before it? People always want new and shiny. That's how these companies survive. Look at apple ffs.

Keep in mind those are people buying things to show off - they want to be seen with their fancy new whatevers. You don't take a console out in public, so that's not really a valid point.

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