PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List


Feb 26, 2013
^^^ I just tested your theory and you are 100% correct. When I first played the table a week ago, nudge didn't work at all so I thought it was a bug in the table and stopped playing it. As you point out, nudge works when it is your first table played so I am back to playing it again while we wait for a fix. Nice job with your analysis. :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
^^^ I just tested your theory and you are 100% correct. When I first played the table a week ago, nudge didn't work at all so I thought it was a bug in the table and stopped playing it. As you point out, nudge works when it is your first table played so I am back to playing it again while we wait for a fix. Nice job with your analysis. :)

I think it's a little more complicated than that; I constantly play through all the tables in alphabetical order, so I'm generally *not* starting with one of the four non-emulated tables first, but I've only had the no-nudging problem crop up twice so far. And if you quit the game and restart, the nudging problem goes away.


Feb 26, 2013
Ok, cool. When I got it once for whatever reason, I simply stopped playing it until his post. It's a strange bug.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Yeah, and actually I did just start the game, play a few rounds of Attack From Mars, then move on to Big Shot and find nudging was busted. So maybe there's *something* to that.


Art bug: in Black Hole, when the (Shoot Again) "When Lit" light between the flippers flashes, you can see that the illuminated version of the texture is not quite lined up with the unlit version, so the insert moves back and forth slightly as it blinks.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
In Bride of Pinbot, there appears to be graphical artifacts on the skill shot lights, which resemble flickering/scrolling black bars. They're most visible when the camera is moving. You can plainly see them in the following video when the camera zooms in.

Yeah, like right when the camera goes sideways at the start of the game to show you the skill shot lane point values. Was just noticing those when I played it tonight.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Funhouse art bug: there's a black bar over the "Superdog" inserts:


Compare vs original:



Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Does it light up at all during attract mode or does it just stay black all the time?

Black all the time as far as I noticed. During play it looked like there was a light kind of blinking "under" it at one point--could see illuminated rays coming out on either side at about the midpoint.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
General Game Bugs
1. Room brightness selection doesn't save after restarting the game. (Confirmed)
2. Controller vibration doesn't work. (Confirmed)
3. Sound quality issues. (Confirmed)
4. Initial entry background seems stretched out. Should have more rounded corners. (Photo) (Confirmed)
I will look into this issue and thank you for the picture!

5. Reports of nudging that has stopped working on the non-emulated tables. (Unconfirmed)
Thank you for reporting this and I will be looking into this.

6. Reports of game stuttering. (Unconfirmed)
I would need a more specific description as to what occurred.

Table Specific Bugs
Creature from the Black Lagoon - Ball can be seen traveling under the playfield creature hologram after a KISS shot.
This bug is in our database.

Funhouse - When the ball goes down the top ramp to the outer lane and falls out, it sometimes jumps to the inner lane instead.
Funhouse - Superdog playfield insert is blacked out. (Photo)
These two bugs listed will be entered into our database.

Black Hole - Ball reflection can be seen in front of the bottom playfield flippers when the ball is behind them. Normally the flippers would block the ball reflection from showing.
This is in our database however we are unable to fix this at this time.

Twilight Zone - Power ball is chrome instead of white.
Twilight Zone - Right slingshot post is missing. (Photo)
These two bugs will be listed in our database. Thanks for the photos again!

Gorgar - The three bumpers are always illuminated, normally you have to lite them one by one by getting GOR-GAR drop targets.
I will investigate this.

Attack from Mars - No stobe light effect during strobe multiball.
This is in our database.

Bride of Pinbot - The green slice on the Big Wheel reads "10 Billion" instead of "10 Million". (Photo)
Good catch! This will be entered into our database.

Thank you for your bug report and I hope that we can resolve these as soon as possible.
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Feb 26, 2013
Thanks for the continued attention to TPA issues.

As for the unconfirmed #6, some of us have reported absolutely no stuttering on any table after many hours of play, even when specifically lookng for it. No one who claims it exists seems to be able to specifically describe repeatable circumstances where it supposedly happens, and so far they have refused to produce a video supporting the claim. In addition, none of the streamed PS4 videos of TPA show stuttering either that I have seen.

We know your plate is full, so we're trying to give you as much precise info as possible so that confirmed bugs and glitches can be efficiently addressed.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Thanks Flippyfloppy, but don't forget the table specific bug from page 2 of this thread, Medieval Madness, ball disappears in the pop bumpers occasionally and gets relaunched. I've seen this at least 3 times now.


New member
Dec 8, 2013
I've cross posted this on the TPA Facebook page... Not sure which the better forum is for bug reports, but here it is all the same...

Three bugs here (maybe 4).. as captured in the attached video on Attack From Mars. The first few are minor.. #3 hurt.

Video here:

1. I'm unable to access the table instructions while I'm playing a game, the option simply isn't there (0m28s)

2. While I'm viewing the 'wizard goals' I can use the up/down control and trigger the item selection noise, even though there are no UI elements to be selected (0m50s)

3. Upon resuming the game, the camera angle changed to that used for a new ball... (1m13s) Attempting to change the camera angle simply cycled through those available during a new ball launch - somewhat impeding my ability to play.. The problem rectified itself once I was back down to one ball (2m25s)

Quite a shame, this was just shy of my record score...

Also, just after I finished sharing this video - I returned to the game... to find..

4. The game had not waiting for me to enter my initials. When I returned to TPA I was greeted with the high score table, with my #2 score showing an empty name against it.

In case it isn't obvious, the point at which I hit the 'share' button is at the end of this video.

One other thing... I've noticed some people mention the ball going 'through' the flipper.. I've seen cases where the ball would seem to go through other objects on occasion. But could this simply be the physics engine determining the height of the ball, allowing it to travel 'over' the object? This would certainly be true to life, the number of times I would have sworn the glass should have broken (on a real table) is.. well.. quite a lot :)

Maybe we could have an 'action replay' feature with an 'in table' camera.


Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Funhouse skill shot.
Ps4 leaderboards.
Inconsistent plunger strengths.
The powerball just isn't not ceramic, it doesn't even behave like the ceramic ball in the other console versions.
Try to get an orange skill shot on tz, almost impossible.
Plus a few niggles I'm not bothered about too much.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
1. I'm unable to access the table instructions while I'm playing a game, the option simply isn't there (0m28s)

I think that's more of a design limitation than a bug, strictly speaking. The instructions operate the playfield camera and lights, and they probably don't have a simple way of making that happen seamlessly while a game is being played on the table...or something. : P Anyway the PS3 version is like that as well.

3. Upon resuming the game, the camera angle changed to that used for a new ball... (1m13s) Attempting to change the camera angle simply cycled through those available during a new ball launch - somewhat impeding my ability to play.. The problem rectified itself once I was back down to one ball (2m25s)
An old and awful bug with the TPA camera system. The workaround is to turn the Multiball Camera setting to "OFF." You might also want to set "Event Camera" to "OFF" as well to avoid similar stuck camera problems in other situations. They really ought to fix these.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Minor Genie art bug: in plunger cam 1, you can see z-fighting (texture flickering) on the faces of the Extra Ball and Special spot targets on the right side of the playfield.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
6. Reports of game stuttering. (Unconfirmed)
I would need a more specific description as to what occurred.

Approximately twenty separate persons, between this thread and the official TPA Facebook page, have reported frame rate stuttering while playing TPA on the PS4. I am one of those who have encountered this problem, and I can assure you that it is very real. Whether or not it's internal to TPA, I cannot say, but enough people have reported the issue that I can say with confidence that an above-average amount of TPA PS4 players are affected.

Contrary to the accusations of one certain individual on this thread, who will go unnamed, another user who has also observed frame rate stutter attempted to document the stutter with the PS4's share feature, but upon reviewing the recorded footage, the stutter could not be seen, presumably due to the fact that the PS4 does not record at 60 frames a second. I cannot say with certainty that the stutter is caused by an actual drop in frames, because I have no way to view the active frame rate while playing the game. It certainly looks like frame rate stutter, however. Assuming it is frame rate stutter, it never appears to drop to anything as extreme as, say, 30 frames per second, but because TPA usually runs at 60 frames per second, it is generally noticeable when it does occur, at least by those of us who have experienced it.

No one who has suffered frame rate stutter has yet to pin it to any specific cause, because, as you will plainly see by reading this entire thread, it is unanimously attested by those who are affected to occur almost randomly. What I can say, though, is that it appears to be more pronounced when using the dark light mode; and from my own observations, I seem to encounter it more often on graphics-intensive tables like Funhouse, Cirqus Voltaire, Bride of Pinbot, and Star Trek than I do on older tables like Gorgar and Big Shot. I don't know if it makes any difference, but for the sake of documentation, I'm playing on a 42" LG LCD with game mode enabled (video interpolation disabled). Aside from the controller, I have no peripherals connected to the PS4, and I access the internet via Wi-Fi.

I hope that this helps with finding a resolution to this issue, and I thank you for taking the time to read my post and for replying to this thread.


New member
Dec 23, 2013
6. Reports of game stuttering. (Unconfirmed)
I would need a more specific description as to what occurred.


Its just a dip in frame rate. Complete random and out of the blue. Its like it goes from steady 60fps and bam, maybe 30fps or lower for a second or two, then right back to 60fps. Its noticeable hit for that duration.

I have had instances of this when the ball is going hot and fast up ramps, down ramps, richoceting like crazy off bumpers. I have had it during various multiball runs. I have had it when just trying to hit a target like Drac, or an alien on AFM. Either on its way to hit a target, or hitting the target and coming back to the flipper. I have had frame rate dips maybe a minute or two in, or 15-20 minutes in. I have played a table, multiple games in a row in an hour or so time without a dip. Then play a get it once or twice in a few minutes. If I go frame rate dip free in a game or few on the same table and play again on same table it will happen. During a great run, or a crummy run, it has happened.

Its not like, oh I replicated that shot [insert shot/scenario here] you mentioned and I didnt get any dip in frame rate. There is no rhyme or reason to when and where it might dip. it may or may not happen. when it does... its very noticeable. It has happened on any of the three lighting settings I have played on. I have tried different balls. Smiley face, green, chrome etc... still happens. A poster said something about switching to green ball.

The ps share button isnt any good for trying to capture. I have tried it. I have 3 minute clip on CV. It happened twice in that span. When I went to check it out and watch the play back. It was smooth as can be. Best thing I can try to do is hijack a friends hauppaugge hd pvr at some point.

I have tinkered with a few things. Wired connection. I have always had game mode enabled. I have toggled with automotion on and off on my samsung tv. I have a keyboard and my controller plugged in at all times. I have unplugged both to see if these for whatever reason could be a factor, its not.

I might try to redownload later today and see if that could fix this.

and off topic and @ FlippyFloppy. When can we see the different colored menagerie balls and different tube/track lighting like on the ps3 version of Cirqus Voltaire on the ps4 table?

And thank you. I can assure you that those of us experiencing this arent just imagining things with frame rate issues.
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Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
Funhouse art bug: there's a black bar over the "Superdog" inserts:


Compare vs original:


I haven't got a PS4 yet but I've noticed these on the photos above:

1. The 0 above the 12 is still missing.
2. The DMD still overlaps the table way too much. Most of the other tables have the DMD/HUD tucked right up in the top corner/s apart from a few (not forgetting the ones where the player/ball numbers are at the bottom, why can't these be up with the scores?)

and has the Firepower cabinet artwork been fixed on the PS4 yet as it's still skewed on all the other platforms:

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