PSN tournament bugged ?


New member
Oct 31, 2012
I'm not finding that PSN ID in the tournament.

I don't know why that would be, some of my scores are posted on the leader board for silver, and I think overall I'm somewhere in the 60's in position.

Other than that I have no idea why it wouldn't show up. Unless I never did make it back from surgery last week. ha ha ha

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
I don't know why that would be, some of my scores are posted on the leader board for silver, and I think overall I'm somewhere in the 60's in position.

Other than that I have no idea why it wouldn't show up. Unless I never did make it back from surgery last week. ha ha ha

Oh nvm. I found you. Try now.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I'm also kinda hoping to get a season pass this time around for the season 3 tables, I'm hoping they will release a season pass when all tables have been released on iOS. (is there actually a chance of that happening?).

Same here. That's why I don't purchase FT and BR packs. It remains 3 packs to release for season 3 and, if all goes right, the season pass will be available in... 3 or 4 months.
As we are in late of 5 packs on PS3 (only 2 packs released), what's the point to purchase now all packs one by one???

Farsight definitely made a bad move by removing the season pass on consoles...

Nice score on Big Shot there, Tann. My all-time highest on that table is something like 290k.

Well, the 1st score is around 660.000 now (Sir Moveenstein if I remember well...). My weak 330K score is 4th now. :p

Is this a timed tournament btw?

Yes, happily.

Here's a question, what happens to your level status if you don't enter the tourney at all?

I would think that your status will remain the same no matter if you were in gold, silver, or bronze and when the next tourney comes around you should be able to still compete in your division.

I think the same. If you don't join, you're not ranked, and you stay in your current tier for the next time (otherwise, all players ID would be displayed, with a 0.0 score)
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Nov 11, 2012
The only downside to not competing in the tournament is you are not adding points to your "All Time Rank" score.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Does anyone know how the scoring works in the tournament? I know that my points total in "Overall Standings" is considerably more than my combined points from all the tables, so I'm a bit confused really. Kind of thought that your points in "Overall Standings" would be your points from all tables combined (with a maximum of 800 available) but obviously not :confused:


New member
Feb 28, 2014
OK guys, a point on the scores at each level before everything disappear?


Firepower: 2.338.310
Monster bash: 1.569.645.100
Big Shot: 484.930
Dr Dude: 55.963.950
Elvira: 63.337.230
Cue Ball Wizzard: 1.364.347.580
Fish Tales: 900.359.990
Black Rose: 565.997.940

If somebody from Golden and Bronze tourney could make a report....


New member
Apr 3, 2013
OK guys, a point on the scores at each level before everything disappear?

If somebody from Golden and Bronze tourney could make a report....


Firepower: 2.597.210
Monster Bash: 1.720.915.450
Big Shot: 661.900
Dr Dude: 67.938.310
Elvira: 67.331.670
Cue Ball Wizard: 1.948.447.480
Fish Tales: 1.468.832.900
Black Rose: 1.180.366.300

(insane players blitzkrieg :p)

Does anyone know how the scoring works in the tournament? I know that my points total in "Overall Standings" is considerably more than my combined points from all the tables, so I'm a bit confused really. Kind of thought that your points in "Overall Standings" would be your points from all tables combined (with a maximum of 800 available) but obviously not :confused:

Yeah, same here...

My scores on 6 tables: 90 + 75.23 + 72.4 + 66.56 + 62.89 + 55.35 = 422.43 >>>> My overal standings points: 473 pts. :confused:

On the previous tournament, everything went right (my overall score = tables points added).
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Nov 11, 2012
I may know what is wrong with the Gold tournament. There is a glitch which caused a user Houndogxxxx (sp? x are numbers) to be there TWICE on almost every table, but only ONCE in the overall standings, at least as far I can see. It looks like all points are added.

I took a bunch of screenshots for the scores and then I noticed this anamoly. FS will have to fix this pronto.


New member
Apr 3, 2014
I noticed at least one double-score like that in silver as well. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more. It's probably the same issue that caused the same thing to happen in prior tournaments. I never actually thought to check my score totals to see if it added up, maybe next time.

A couple of sessions were enough for me to stay put in silver despite not owning the season-3 tables (still not sure if I'm going to just wait for a whole-season combo) and not being very familiar with a couple of the others. First time playing Dr. Dude at all, in fact. I'm not sure exactly why I never bothered to play it until now. Hopefully a tournament will come along soon when I can really put some time into things. I think I ended up about 140th out of 217?

Scored the 3-million shot on EatPM for the first time too. :)

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