Season 3 pack removed from all platforms!

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Nov 11, 2012
"Apple customers are a different species altogether"…

Interesting point of view you have on Apple users. :rolleyes:

It reminds me a bit of my Amiga days. There were some third-party peripherals, but mostly all your hardware was sourced from Commodore itself. And everything at a premium compared to generic PC hardware due to proprietary lock-downs (Zorro II/III bus). And people didn't complain as I've never had any issues with my A2630, A2091, etc. Apple is a bit of a fatherly figure that ostensibly tends its flock with loving care (though there are a few wolves -jailbreakers- among them) protecting them from curse words, "objectionable content", etc. The flock accepts its keeper without question and rejoices in the many blessings they receive. How long has the OSX crowd been waiting for Bluray Disc playback?

Sony's PS3 without OtherOS is also a walled garden (and very high walls at that), but there the reason is right out in the open: cold hard cash. You buy the hardware supposedly subsidized, and Sony's business model is based around generating revenue through content and licensed peripherals. That change is why Sony faced a class action lawsuit over the OtherOS removal in 2010, which was dismissed, but in January 2014 the dismissal was reversed by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (saying 5 out of 15 claims should not have been dismissed).

Most Android and PC owners o.t.o.h. are also used to openness. An Acer PC will accept an ASUS sound card with a MSI graphics card and a Logitech Gamepad and Microsoft mouse/keyboard, etc. You can install anything you want. YOU are the boss, YOU make the decisions and YOU are responsible.

That is why the average Apple user will bend to the will of Father, believing it's for his/her own good, but the average PC owner will be furious that decisions are made for him/her.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
BYTE... my man... I totally agree with you... pc and android pleases me because I can tweak and do pretty much what I want.
That is one I never and will probably never bought an iphone/ipad.
Now I don't say they are bad hardware, I just don't like closed OS.


New member
May 18, 2012
That is why the average Apple user will bend to the will of Father, believing it's for his/her own good, but the average PC owner will be furious that decisions are made for him/her.

Interesting point of view you have on the average Apple user. :rolleyes:


New member
Jan 8, 2013
It was available all the time on Steam. They never pulled it. I checked every few days...
Oh interesting, I didn't even try to buy it on Steam a few days ago because of the Newsletter announcement and this thread. Then yesterday I saw in this thread that it was available on Steam, so I assumed it had been just been added back recently. So yesterday, with joy I promptly bought Season 3 Pro Pack in case it got pulled again (or for the first time). I wonder if they ever pulled it from Kindle Fire, as it was available there yesterday too.
Feb 19, 2014
Interesting point of view you have on the average Apple user. :rolleyes:

I can't speak for all Apple users, but I'd say most of them are like me. We chose Apple for our mobile platform, because it has the best graphics and performance compared to other mobile devices.

I don't overthink it, or get into the whole politics of the whole thing. I just know I bought an iPhone because Pinball Arcade ran much better on it, compared to the Android devices that I tried at the time.

Keep in mind this was mid-2012, and things may have changed since then, but back then the performance on Android devices I tried was absolutely dreadful.

I'm happy with my purchase, I use my phone for Car GPS, Car Stereo, text calls facetime internet browsing etc., no issues. I don't purchase much off the store, save an odd game here and there, and of course Pinball Arcade :)
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New member
May 18, 2012
I use Apple computers since 1997. They are wonderful computers, never had a problem with them. Rock solid systems, no viruses to worry about, and I can make a living on them without any hassle or issues. It just works. For mobile I have an iPad, and an Android phone. I couldn't care less if the iOS system is more closed than Android, seriously, what do I care? It works and does what it suppose to do most of the times. Somehow the only folks that seem to get furious about Apple's closed system are the ones that don't use Apple products. They like to call Apple users 'blinded sheeps' hypnotized by their big leader. Whatever you know. I have yet to meet the first iPhone user that is upset about his closed system. I say different strokes for different folks. Android is fine too. In the end, as an Android user, Google is lurking over your shoulder as well, Google like to put it's nose in our private parts more than we can imagine, so we all serve our own big daddy in some way.


no viruses



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Jun 30, 2013
LOL, apparently you don't even need to get immunizations (virus protection), because Apple products are apparently some kind of super race from planet Krypton. Windows, on the other hand, is a hypochondriac... Mine only goes online wearing a biohazard suit. /satire


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I've been running Win7 with the same installation for 2 years now with no AV.

You can have the safest car in the world but if you don't know how to drive you will still probably crash the car.

Windows, Mac, whatever who cares. A lot of Apple users are Apple snobs and they are annoying. A lot of Android users are Android snobs and they are annoying as well.

I was definitely annoyed by the closed sandbox that iOS was. Of course, I got around it when I wanted to, but still I liked my iPhone4 when I had it, it was a good phone, good hardware and the OS was very highly optimized for it, overall it gave me a pleasant experience, but ultimately, it aged and I moved on.

The Galaxy S3 was kind of a disappointment to me. It felt really snappy at first, but lost it's luster pretty quickly. The Note2 has been solid since I first got it.

Android is pretty awesome, but Google is making it harder and harder to do what you want with it. Essentially, most stock Android firmwares are pretty closed sandboxes, and rooting is always thwarted on OTA updates initially and has to be figured out, hell to carrier unlock my Note2, I had to flash back to Firmware version 4.1 in order to be have the baseband options in the service menu, then bring it back.

What I'm saying, is fanboyism is STUPID. If you are a fanboy, you are mentally lazy. This is fact.

All that said, the current Mac Pro is an orgasmic machine.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I've been running Win7 with the same installation for 2 years now with no AV.

You can have the safest car in the world but if you don't know how to drive you will still probably crash the car.

Windows, Mac, whatever who cares. A lot of Apple users are Apple snobs and they are annoying. A lot of Android users are Android snobs and they are annoying as well.

I was definitely annoyed by the closed sandbox that iOS was. Of course, I got around it when I wanted to, but still I liked my iPhone4 when I had it, it was a good phone, good hardware and the OS was very highly optimized for it, overall it gave me a pleasant experience, but ultimately, it aged and I moved on.

The Galaxy S3 was kind of a disappointment to me. It felt really snappy at first, but lost it's luster pretty quickly. The Note2 has been solid since I first got it.

Android is pretty awesome, but Google is making it harder and harder to do what you want with it. Essentially, most stock Android firmwares are pretty closed sandboxes, and rooting is always thwarted on OTA updates initially and has to be figured out, hell to carrier unlock my Note2, I had to flash back to Firmware version 4.1 in order to be have the baseband options in the service menu, then bring it back.

What I'm saying, is fanboyism is STUPID. If you are a fanboy, you are mentally lazy. This is fact.

All that said, the current Mac Pro is an orgasmic machine.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
What I'm saying, is fanboyism is STUPID. If you are a fanboy, you are mentally lazy. This is fact.

All that said, the current Mac Pro is an orgasmic machine.
Orgasmic? Odd choice of words. Well, I guess everyone has their fetishes. Mine is blowing 25 year old game cartridges, cause it's the only way to clean 'em off! :eek:


Orgasmic? Odd choice of words. Well, I guess everyone has their fetishes. Mine is blowing 25 year old game cartridges, cause it's the only way to clean 'em off! :eek:

Erasers work better without adding more material to increase oxidization to the contacts, ie moisture in your breath. The only hard part is needing the proper security screw heads.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Erasers work better without adding more material to increase oxidization to the contacts, ie moisture in your breath. The only hard part is needing the proper security screw heads.
I'm aware of this as it was meant to be a pun. I generally use denatured alcohol (moisture free unlike rubbing alcohol) and Q-tips as my preferred method. Compressed air cans also work for removing dust from carts as well as console cartridge ports. I have security bits but they are rarely needed to open carts except in cases of heavy corrosion, or mods/maintenence (replacing batteries, etc). Sometimes however I just like to just open the carts stare at the naked circuit boards. It's like retro porn. Good stuff.
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Nov 11, 2012
The truth is that I'm still hoping that with the Super Patch on PS3 and the 1st of the Season 3 tables, FarSight accidentally forgot to disable the Season Pack 3 purchase option, which will then be corrected in the next patch. I just happen to have the $30 in my PSN wallet...


New member
Jun 30, 2013
The truth is that I'm still hoping that with the Super Patch on PS3 and the 1st of the Season 3 tables, FarSight accidentally forgot to disable the Season Pack 3 purchase option, which will then be corrected in the next patch. I just happen to have the $30 in my PSN wallet...
Has season 3 even started on PSN yet? If not, I feel sorry for them.
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