Table Pack #22 speculation

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New member
Jan 29, 2013
BR and HS2 make sense. They do seem to be trying to knock off the top requests from the polls - which is very cool. Especially if it means Kickstarters for LOTR and TSPP this season. I think they mentioned on FB that IJ would be very difficult, and the sale of the property to Disney last week won't help.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
BR and HS2 make sense. They do seem to be trying to knock off the top requests from the polls - which is very cool. Especially if it means Kickstarters for LOTR and TSPP this season. I think they mentioned on FB that IJ would be very difficult, and the sale of the property to Disney last week won't help.

Is LOTR really feasible? There must be a dozen actors' likenesses on that, never mind the rights to the movie itself and soundtrack. Simpsons is more likely as there are no likenesses, just voices. I don't know how cartoons normally work, but they might not have to go to each actor for them, just whoever owns the Simpsons.


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Jul 6, 2012
My only hope is that the mediocre performance of the original High Speed in PinWiz's polls this past summer (#13 of the Williams 30) doesn't dissuade FarSight from bringing High Speed to The Pinball Arcade. High Speed II did very well (#2 in that same poll), and is pretty likely to make it in before long. If they do II, you'd think they'd do I. And, Jay even mentioned the original High Speed by name during the T2 Kickstarter promo video as an exemplar of Steve Ritchie. So, all those factors see to indicate that the original High Speed will probably be done. But, if FarSight adheres too closely to PinWiz's polls directly, my hope for High Speed may be in peril. Fingers remain crossed...


New member
Feb 21, 2012
My only hope is that the mediocre performance of the original High Speed in PinWiz's polls this past summer (#13 of the Williams 30) doesn't dissuade FarSight from bringing High Speed to The Pinball Arcade. High Speed II did very well (#2 in that same poll), and is pretty likely to make it in before long. If they do II, you'd think they'd do I. And, Jay even mentioned the original High Speed by name during the T2 Kickstarter promo video as an exemplar of Steve Ritchie. So, all those factors see to indicate that the original High Speed will probably be done. But, if FarSight adheres too closely to PinWiz's polls directly, my hope for High Speed may be in peril. Fingers remain crossed...

I believe you will see High Speed. It has greater recognition than most tables due to the infamous NES version so it can potentially cross over with video game fans. It was also pretty historically significant for Williams and had a couple other industry firsts. The machine had a huge run. Finally it has been met without being dismissed by Farsight on their facebook page (unlike other tables recently such as Xenon and Hurricane).


New member
Jul 6, 2012
I believe you will see High Speed. It has greater recognition than most tables due to the infamous NES version so it can potentially cross over with video game fans. It was also pretty historically significant for Williams and had a couple other industry firsts. The machine had a huge run. Finally it has been met without being dismissed by Farsight on their facebook page (unlike other tables recently such as Xenon and Hurricane).

Thanks, Bowflex. Hoping you're right. I've highlighted the historical significance before in these fora, and I'm glad that FarSight seems to recognize that. It's just the low showing in PinWiz's polls that has me worried a bit is all. FarSight does seem to be attaching considerable weight to those polls (which is entirely reasonable). That, and if they do decide to go to single-table packs from now on, then the wait for High Speed may be long indeed.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Thanks, Bowflex. Hoping you're right. I've highlighted the historical significance before in these fora, and I'm glad that FarSight seems to recognize that. It's just the low showing in PinWiz's polls that has me worried a bit is all. FarSight does seem to be attaching considerable weight to those polls (which is entirely reasonable). That, and if they do decide to go to single-table packs from now on, then the wait for High Speed may be long indeed.

I hope so too. They have released tables in the past more for the historical aspect of it then anything. Goin Nuts was a prototype of a unique concept andwas never popular in the original HoF collection. They still re-released it based largely on the unique aspects of the table. They also take into consideration the rankings on independent websites and High Speed has a relatively strong standing on those. Certainly higher than most with a 39 on the ipdb which puts it ahead of Centaur, Black Knight, Haunted House and plenty of the tables that placed higher in the polls on here.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm gonna go with EBD since I think it's been waiting in the wings for a while. I believe we'll see a lot of late 80's and 90's Bally/Williams in this season so I think they'll probably get what I think will be the oldest table out of the way.
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