Table Pack #28 Speculation

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Nov 6, 2013
I'm not sure how anyone can argue that LCA isn't the next table? The clue is blatantly obvious.

As has been posted in a few places, Farsight (in theory) gave the answer away to the next three tables in the PC resource files (of which one, Diner, we know about). I guess the mods on here frown on specifically calling out the table names, but it looks like several others have posted the results. So really, most likely, the only "unknown" table for this season is the last one.

The only catch is if one of those resource files actually doesn't end up being used. I don't see that as likely personally. But that is what happened to "Ace High". :)


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Oct 20, 2012
Like I've said before, they're not my favorite games, but I'll still buy em.

My top most wanted is "Freddy", and my most wanted Gottlieb besides "Freddy" is "Rescue 911".... All I can do is keep holding out hope. As long as they keep going by these Top Ten Polls, I'll get my "Rescue 911" eventually. I remember the show like it was yesterday. It's so funny to look back on it now, so cheesy. lol

When the first PHoF Gottlieb Collection came out ten years ago, I was only familiar with Black Hole and Tee'd Off!. Not a strong collection of tables, but the playability and physics were well enough received that we got the Williams Collection a few years later. Then, thanks to the success of the Williams game, we got TPA a few years after that, along with much-improved playability for the tables featured in the previous two collections.

As much grief as I've given FarSight in recent times (mostly due to the many 360/PS4 troubles), I have to commend them for following through. Plus, our support has resulted in some truly great tables being digitally reproduced and preserved. With so many to choose from, it's always "hit-or-miss", but I'll continuing to support them, even through the titles I don't necessarily care for.
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New member
Sep 13, 2012
What's the deal with everyone on here being such ***holes when it comes to table leaks?

Farsight slipped up with the PC files with an update and instead of keeping it secret and hush hush, knowing that they're not set in concrete, lots of people have plastered it all over the internet and possibly given a developer a strike against his name,

It's fun to speculate, but there's a pretty big reason why they can't announce what they're working on, so seeing people on here ask really probing questions in the hope of a slip up seems pretty childish, given that there is nothing that we can do to change the potential line up of tables.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
What's the deal with everyone on here being such ***holes when it comes to table leaks?

Farsight slipped up with the PC files with an update and instead of keeping it secret and hush hush, knowing that they're not set in concrete, lots of people have plastered it all over the internet and possibly given a developer a strike against his name,

It's fun to speculate, but there's a pretty big reason why they can't announce what they're working on, so seeing people on here ask really probing questions in the hope of a slip up seems pretty childish, given that there is nothing that we can do to change the potential line up of tables.

It's the internet... not that I think it's fair, but if you make a slipup like that, it will be everywhere.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It's the internet... not that I think it's fair, but if you make a slipup like that, it will be everywhere.

The files don't mean anything. In the past, there have been table names found that never came to fruition. Until a table is confirmed, the files you see mean absolutely nothing. They could also put in Addams Family and Indy Jones but it would be meaningless. Of course they could also throw those in there as a red herring, too. No way to tell what is on their minds when they put those files in there, too.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
But if Diner can't be pack 30, then if we get to pack 28 and it's not Diner, we'll know Diner must be pack 29, so there'll be no point in a clue, so Diner can't be pack 29, meaning Diner must be pack 28, though there's now no point in a clue for pack 28 if we all know it must be Diner, so the only option for FS is to not do Diner at all this season.

So Diner is cancelled. I was looking forward to it too.:(

Here's a pro tip from me to you. Never go up against anyone with a resistance to iocane powder. :)


New member
Jul 6, 2012
At this point, I'm thinking it goes:

#27: Lights, Camera, Action
#28: Diner
#29: Monopoly
#30: Red & Ted's Roadshow

Then, they start Season 4 approaching Halloween with Bram Stoker's Dracula in Pack #31.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Here's a pro tip from me to you. Never go up against anyone with a resistance to iocane powder. :)

I actually (most likely from this thread) had a dream that Diner was cancelled due to Mark Ritchie refusing to license his work. I thought it was pretty weak and argued his other tables are included and WMS licensed it out but he refused to relent. Then it continued with the successful licensed tables of Metallica and Spider-man so it was a very nice but weird dream.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I actually (most likely from this thread) had a dream that Diner was cancelled due to Mark Ritchie refusing to license his work. I thought it was pretty weak and argued his other tables are included and WMS licensed it out but he refused to relent. Then it continued with the successful licensed tables of Metallica and Spider-man so it was a very nice but weird dream.



New member
Jul 5, 2013
BTW... been working on it for a while, but I've now posted three new unofficial top 10 polls.

Just thought it'd be fun. Links are in my signature. :)


New member
Feb 21, 2012
BTW... been working on it for a while, but I've now posted three new unofficial top 10 polls.

Just thought it'd be fun. Links are in my signature. :)

The polls are great but sad there's been not one Stern since the original. I wonder if the results would come out the same way as the original poll since there is a different membership and some people have probably changed their point of view or have been able to experience more tables since the last poll.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
The polls are great but sad there's been not one Stern since the original. I wonder if the results would come out the same way as the original poll since there is a different membership and some people have probably changed their point of view or have been able to experience more tables since the last poll.

I'll do a Stern one as well. Just wanted to go ahead and get the first 3 up.

I'll also do a series of licensed table polls.
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