Table Pack #32 Speculation


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I would've said R&T but there's already another Lawlor table coming in S4! But then, I thought it would be R&T to kick off S4, so what the heck. Red & Ted's Roadshow it is.

Well, here's what happened in season 3:

Two tables from each "Ritchie" were released.
Two tables from Barry Oursler and Dwight Sullivan were released.
Two consecutive Jon Norris tables were released (Norris just conceptualized HRC, and Keith P. Johnson designed it.)

Plus, there hasn't been a Lawlor table in TPA since Whirlwind, in season 2.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Well, here's what happened in season 3:
Plus, there hasn't been a Lawlor table in TPA since Whirlwind, in season 2.

To be fair, that was mostly because Season 1 and two were completely stacked full of Lawlors, and with them spending a fair amount of time trying to get TAF it's understandable why they'd lay off him for a while.

There's only maybe one or two other than TAF that could be used in TPA: Family Guy, CSI, Good Morning America, Monopoly, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Wizard Blocks and Shrek are all pretty much off limits for various reasons.

That basically leaves Banzai Run, Earthshaker and Red & Ted, and to be honest, all of them are a big step down from the rest of the Lawlors we already have.


New member
Jul 18, 2014
Actually, I think RCT is a lot more likely than the others. No movies, no stars, and no EA exclusivity agreements to deal with. The only real issue is Atari's licensing cost. Since the new Roller Coaster Tycoon game is coming out, Atari may charge more than they would if nothing had been out for a while, because the brand would theoretically seem "bigger" to them with a new game out.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I think it will be a non-licensed WMS game. Maybe Party Zone, Earthshaker or Cyclone. I think there will be other Data East/Sega this season, just not all at once.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Good Morning America

I had to search this to make sure it was a real thing. Wow. It is indeed a Lawlor design, but... no thanks.

As for table 32, I'm guessing it will be something big that people have been asking for since POTO, while cool, is not exactly at the top of most people's wishlists. Remember, they kicked off Season 3 with Fishtales, which many, many people had requested. I'd look for something like High Speed II or Red & Ted.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I'm going to say that table #32 will be a dmd, probably Safe Cracker. I just don't think any of those Sony titles are likely since they all require licenses in addition to the one from Sony. I am not sure about Krull, but I think it is pretty rare.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I'm going to say that table #32 will be a dmd, probably Safe Cracker. I just don't think any of those Sony titles are likely since they all require licenses in addition to the one from Sony. I am not sure about Krull, but I think it is pretty rare.

Krull is extremely rare,with only 9 tables having been made. Tim Arnold who owns the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas has one,though it's not on the floor - it's in their storage area & not running. (there is a video on YT where they roam the PHOF storage warehouse & point it out).

Since FS was able to get Goin' Nuts into TPA via the PHOF,I would think that the only way for Krull to get into TPA is for Tim to get his copy up & running,and the give permission to FS to use it like they did with GN.

If Table #31 is POTO,then #32 will be a DMD most likely. That's why I think it's either Road Show or Safecracker.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I think they bust out another Sony License early to space it away from TAF. I'll go Johnny Mnemonic, but wouldn't be surprised to see Krull or StarGate.


Apr 7, 2014
Actually, I think RCT is a lot more likely than the others. No movies, no stars, and no EA exclusivity agreements to deal with. The only real issue is Atari's licensing cost. Since the new Roller Coaster Tycoon game is coming out, Atari may charge more than they would if nothing had been out for a while, because the brand would theoretically seem "bigger" to them with a new game out.

The last I knew, the RCT license was up for sale, so I'm not sure how feasible that one is at the moment?


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I think it will be a non-licensed WMS game. Maybe Party Zone, Earthshaker or Cyclone. I think there will be other Data East/Sega this season, just not all at once.


I'm going with Cyclone.

Also, if they do another pool table themed pin that's not EBD, people are going to lose their sh!t around here.


New member
Feb 21, 2012

I'm going with Cyclone.

Also, if they do another pool table themed pin that's not EBD, people are going to lose their sh!t around here.

While it's not my favorite table, EBD is really the only way to go. Sharkeys Shootout and Golden Cue (basically the same game) are pretty much a total ripoff of EBD with a ramp and dmd. If it was Williams that would be fine but stern really went too far in making those games.
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New member
May 4, 2012
Actually, I think RCT is a lot more likely than the others. No movies, no stars, and no EA exclusivity agreements to deal with. The only real issue is Atari's licensing cost. Since the new Roller Coaster Tycoon game is coming out, Atari may charge more than they would if nothing had been out for a while, because the brand would theoretically seem "bigger" to them with a new game out.

Believe it or not, RCT is (or will be) a movie.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I'm going to go with Krull. They said on the latest Blahcade that one of the licenses they have is one that wasn't ever produced. Does that mean it wasn't produced commercially? I doubt FS would be able to design a game on their own (at least, one that stands up to the others they've ported) but one that's already been designed and just never released? I'd think that's kinda likely.

Either that, or they'll follow up from their poll a few months back and release either Cyclone or Earth Shaker (hoping it's the latter).

Edit: Or possibly follow up with a heavy-hitter like Getaway to launch DX11 lighting on PC (with the topper creating a dynamic lighting glow across the table/room).

Oh, and Spider-Man is a S.A.M. title too, so unless they've seriously optimised their emulation (which I doubt, given that HRC sometimes struggles on my iPad) it'd be out of the running. Hope not, but logic indicates otherwise.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Wouldn't Farsight have all the rights to make Godzilla now?

No. Godzilla still is and always has been a property of the Japanese movie studio that created him, Toho. Even though the Sony Godzilla doesn't resemble the Japanese Godzilla, Toho still owns the right to the name and (i am pretty sure) the design that Sony used.


New member
May 4, 2012
I'm going to go with Krull. They said on the latest Blahcade that one of the licenses they have is one that wasn't ever produced. Does that mean it wasn't produced commercially? I doubt FS would be able to design a game on their own (at least, one that stands up to the others they've ported) but one that's already been designed and just never released? I'd think that's kinda likely.

I understand "not produced" to mean a table that could have prototypes made. Which fits Krull and Goin' Nuts. And Total Recall.

Krull sure is pretty.


David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
anyone who likes 1940 stories will love Starship Troopers.
Since the first table of Season 4 is pretty much a given, we might as well get the ball rolling early on this one.

I'm going to take a wild swing here, but with the long awaited inclusion of Data East, I'm going to say that Sega is the next big surprise. Now, with all the talk of Sony, I figured what table would be a minor, cheap license? I noticed someone posted a list a few days ago in a Sony discussion:

- Krull
- Starship Troopers
- Last Action Hero
- Godzilla
- Goldeneye
- Mary Shelley ' s Frankenstein
- Johnny Mnemonic
- Spiderman

I know that "Krull" isn't popular or requested enough, "Last Action Hero", "Godzilla", "007 Goldeneye", and "Spider-Man" seem like they would need Kickstarters. So, that's leaves "Johnny Mnemonic", "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein", & "Starship Troopers".

I was going to say "Johnny Mnemonic", but I have a feeling that having Keanu Reeves all over the table and DMD would be an issue. I also don't think "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" is feasible, seeing how huge that DMD is, though I could be wrong. So, that leaves "Starship Troopers".

I'm sure how popular it is around here, as I rarely see requests for it on the FB page, but I have a feeling that they're going to hit us with a curveball. (Just like they're doing with POTO)

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