Table Pack #45 Speculation Thread


New member
Jan 20, 2015
I've been looking at those .rez spoils for the last 2 seasons come every new official build and those guys are sitting around playing a dozen or so tables that we havent ever seen, I do believe they are more than aware that there are more than a few of us that look deeper than the majority of players that simply launch thru steam and never even peek in that pinball arcade folder deep with in the bowels of steam's directory and I personally think Mike gets a kick out of F*&@ing with us!! Just a hunch based on what i've seen cause i am yet to see Teightball.rez and some half dozen other tables they all sit around playing at lunch, the head honcho of farsight recently ordered and recieved a virtual cabinet from those guys at vpforums as was plastered everywhere for a day or two in what i believe to be a rather poor business practice as that is really nobodys effin business, but tell me he ordered that to beta test vpx or play zen pinball and i'll slap myself retarded til i'm reduced to diapers, i'd love to see what his version of pinball arcade looks like and what tables they have available within their private builds unavailable to us non farsightian simpleton lifeforms living within the boundaries of licenses and monthly releases...


New member
Jan 20, 2015
thanks dedpop! there was a couple close calls and some more than slightly startled parents receiving phone calls at work from their mortified teenagers as they begged and pleaded for me to keep the bus over 50 mph after i thought it would be in good fun to act out the plot from the movie speed but it turned out they were all about 20 years to young to have even the slightest idea that i was living out a lifelong fantasy of being keanu reeves before he was neo altho i was so intoxicated i probably looked about as lost as bill and ted in their phone booth combined with the dumb ass look on neo's face as he stumbled into the matrix, anyway they'll all be fine after some PTSD counseling and a heavy daily dose of Xanax for the next couple 30 years or so...I'm just kidding i didnt really do that really it was a more personal almost spiritual experience for me this morning and, well, well i'm just lucky to not be in jail or dead despite the fact i didnt actually hijack a school bus and it was all just an exciting series of dimensia-like lucid dreamstates i acheived by mixing massive amounts of opiate pain killers with whiskey and cocaine plus a touch of severe dehydration and sleep deprivation left me with no other possible explanation as to why i woke up with vomit all over my shirt with no pants on in a bright yellow power wheels with the words "skewll bhus" written in red crayon along the side of it sitting in the bottom of a public swimming pool that had been drained for the winter...

anyway i'm al tuckered out now, i'm gonna check and see if this months beta build is up yet and then get some real rest before i die of exhaustion, good nite all!


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Sorry I deleted my previous post thinking you wouldn't answer.
Telling you : "Glad you're back safe from your field trip drive."
Not disappointed by your comment ! ;)
Get some rest and be back soon.

And thanks for the laughs.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
i'll slap myself retarded til i'm reduced to diapers,

Nate, one of the best quotes ever, IMHO. I am not really worried about any spoilers or hearsay. There will always be surprises in TPA table releases.

Again Nate, thanks for the great quote..ROFL :D


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Yes, I know we're only supposed to speculate on table pack 45.

But shouldn't we be getting table pack 44 soon? Yes it's about that time to "jump this!".

I am seriously looking forward to this one. F14 and MSF have been good editions, but NF is the first one I'm excited about since TG:HS2.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
We haven't seen a Gottlieb game in a long time. To be honest, many of them aren't actually that bad. And we've already had 3 Williams games this season.

TX-Sector, perhaps?


Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
TX-Sector is so... ehhhh. I'm pretty sure that review is the only reason anyone cares about it. The game itself is absolutely forgettable, and that's coming from someone who actually likes Gottlieb for the most part.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
It's a very simple game, but it's fun like most other 80's table. Everything just comes together so well, I love the artwork and the music.

If you want something boring, try playing Bad Cats.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
It's a very simple game, but it's fun like most other 80's table. Everything just comes together so well, I love the artwork and the music.

If you want something boring, try playing Bad Cats.

TX Sector looks interesting on video, but I didn't care for the music. Never played IRL so I don't know how fun it is.

TPA still needs some Gottliebs, and this one will suffice. Still, I prefer their tables to the 1982 era, and from 1989-on.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
TX is one of my favorite Gottliebs. I enjoy the music and sound. The art on the table is good, and the backglass is so awful that it's appealing in a weird way. I just like the shots. That's what makes is fun for me. Two good spinner shots, drop targets, multiball, and the transporter gimmick which I like. The shots Kind of remind me of Earthshaker a bit (which I also like a lot). It has a very 1980's pin feel to it, which won't appeal to some. No DMD or bash toys to be found. It just isn't that kind of pin.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
It's a very simple game, but it's fun like most other 80's table. Everything just comes together so well, I love the artwork and the music.

If you want something boring, try playing Bad Cats.

I admit that I've never played it, but the videos I've seen of it don't look all that exciting. Bad Cats, that is.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Since the basketball season is underway, I say the next Gottlieb table should be Shaq Attaq. I liked the swinging hoop target.

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