Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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New member
Feb 21, 2012
The one thing that does annoy me is how kickstarter and kicktraq put 3 days to go when it is really 3 days and 21 hours or whatever. It then calculates the amount left per day without factoring the fractional day. Just a nitpick but it does annoy me.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Are you serious? "not allowed" why on earth is that? surely Sony would only be to happy if it's improving/fixing a game on their console?

Sorry! if this has been discussed before, but why would Sony want to stop them? makes no sense at all.:confused:

There's a lot of talk about this in the PS3 section. In a nut shell...Sony (and microsoft for that matter) treat DLC (added) content differently from title games. They created the store infrastructure thinking that title games would be the large executable downloads like Little Big Planet or Call of Duty and DLC would be small added content like clothes or weapons. The pinball packs kind of fall in an area in between. They aren't the full game but they aren't a simple costume pack either. They aren't the title game so they're DLC and have no patch or update process. Even scarier is that Sony has not commented on whether DLC will be able to be patched for the PS4 but they have hinted that it will still be the same PSN store. Go figure. Hopefully Bobby can clear this question up in the next interview with Jeff.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Well, there are two ways to add DLC to a PS3 game.

1) You release the DLC as a large download that hooks into the original game.

2) You update the original game to include the DLC, then offer an unlock to access the content.

#2 is the "best" way to do it, as it allows any of the content to be patched. #1 is what FarSight did. I wonder whether FarSight could offer a massive patch which updates the PS3 game with all the DLC, and then continue with incremental patches for future DLC releases.


New member
May 1, 2013
Thanks! for all the info on the reason for TPA not being patched on the PS3, all I can say is WOW! I had no idea this was the case, seems ridiculous to think Farsight can't improve/fix things when needed, have to admit it's very disappointing to hear.

I just hope they can somehow find a way around this one day, I love TPA and for the most part it plays great! on the PS3, but there are certainly areas where the game could be improved via a patch/update if it's ever made possible.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Thanks! for all the info on the reason for TPA not being patched on the PS3, all I can say is WOW! I had no idea this was the case, seems ridiculous to think Farsight can't improve/fix things when needed, have to admit it's very disappointing to hear.

I just hope they can somehow find a way around this one day, I love TPA and for the most part it plays great! on the PS3, but there are certainly areas where the game could be improved via a patch/update if it's ever made possible.

The main game mechanics can still be patched. Like how they added "Event Camera" toggle :)

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Getting there guys and gals. A big thanks from me to all the backers, especially the higher tier backers, we're so close!


New member
Mar 26, 2013
Well, there are two ways to add DLC to a PS3 game.

1) You release the DLC as a large download that hooks into the original game.

2) You update the original game to include the DLC, then offer an unlock to access the content.

#2 is the "best" way to do it, as it allows any of the content to be patched. #1 is what FarSight did. I wonder whether FarSight could offer a massive patch which updates the PS3 game with all the DLC, and then continue with incremental patches for future DLC releases.

Ah, so this explains it, I didn't realize there were two ways... I was wondering why they said they couldn't update DLC when I've had other PS3 games (PAIN, for example) that did plenty of updates to DLC. It's kind of a no-win situation. If they went with #2, redownloading the entire game each time there's a new pack is a huge hassle... because I don't believe you can just download the most recent version and be done with it. For PAIN, if you are new you have to download and install each subsequent version until you get to the current one. It takes forever. Option #1 makes for a smoother update process for the customer... which is understandable given how many DLCs they were planning.

I'm sure that with PS4, there won't be a problem updating DLC. Surely, Sony can't be dumb enough to let this continue into the next generation.

Anyways, on topic, $5K more to go! Oops, I mean $3K.
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New member
Jun 18, 2012
so i must say i am not a kickstart fan, and dont donate...but for the love of this game i have buyed all tables, on ps3/vita and some on android, without any season pass.
i think thats enough ;)
but i would buy this table for sure ! :)


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I was just watching the KS video and noticed a yellow table to the left of the T2 table. Any idea what table that is and if it has been discussed before let me apologize now.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Only 3k more! It's definitely in the house!
Don't stop sharing the word, though. :)


New member
Jan 1, 2013
Guys and gals. There are only eleven $400 'all future beta' spots left. If you don't get one soon you may never have the opportunity again. How cool would it be to get to test and play the tables before everybody else?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
I'd be so amazing to test out these tables. Unfortunately, I don't have the kind of cash to even take part.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
On one hand it's the ability to test out all these amazing tables...

On the other, most of us will be too busy with the PC version that's just about to hit to play any of the unreleased tables ^_^


New member
Sep 18, 2012
How cool would it be to get to test and play the tables before everybody else?

Maybe 20 years ago, when I was a kid, I thought it is "cool" to be the first to play a game. Beta testing is work. I have enough of work and I usually don't work for free. :)

The last table I bought was TZ on the PS3. In the future I only want to play this game on the PC, so I'm waiting for the Steam release to buy all packs. That means I haven't even played all the lastest tables yet. See how "uncool" I am.
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New member
May 29, 2013
and I thought we were friends?
( I chipped into the Kickstarter , i also bought both season 1 & 2 because I love Pinball and I want to show support for the developer that does the work. Of course I will buy both seasons on PC asap )
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