The Addams Family - Progress Thread

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David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014

Stuart and Ryan recently moved on to pursue other opportunities and have already been replaced with two new programmers...that is all. Now let's please keep this thread on topic.
sure...bitter taste eh. However, FS has a net of only 1 person lost. TAF & the rest of em are still "on the board".

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
On topic????

You mean the hopefully someday this kick starter actually starts topic and in the mean time just keep the faith topic???


FarSight should have NEVER said anything to us confirming TAF KS until they had all their issues "Ironed Out" so they have said in their latest newsletter. Almost 2 months later is rounding up by the time we get the next newsletter and table release.


Another thing we have been waiting over 2 weeks now for the damn hint pic to be confirmed TPA does not even acknowledge us on their FB page. Most questions lately are not even answered on their FB page period. FarSight is definitely slipping for now anyway.

Just like "Pinball After Dark" they spoke of that last November. Why "HYPE" folks on news that may be not even surface and even if it does it could be years from now.



New member
Oct 26, 2013
Damn... now that you guys mention it... I didn't realize it was almost two months already that they talked about the KS...
damn yeah it's long :mad:


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
True, but neither does a high rating. lol

We can keep going back and fourth on this issue, but in the end, we both just cancel each other out.

Actually, most of his movies have bombed (, and he's now on this endless quest to reboot and remake every classic he can get his hands on from New Line Cinema and just ruin them completely. (Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, TMNT, etc etc etc) I will admit, I enjoyed one or two of movies (The Rock, & Bad Boys), but it stops there. I don't mind explosions, I'm a old school Arnie and Stallone fan after all, but the movie has to at LEAST entertain me. A movie with a stupid story and endless explosions is not entertaining, and that's why his movies bomb, time and time again. In fact, I'm shocked each and every time someone hires him. It seems like after bombing 5-6 movies, he'll FINALLY do mildly good on one, and then he'll get picked up by someone. lol

As for the Turtles, well, you can count me in with the rest. lol

I don't know about all this "People don't want to enjoy anything anymore" stuff, but people are very protective of the things that they love. A lot of us TMNT fans are protective of the franchise, because it was a big part of our childhood. I think most everyone can relate to that in relation to anything.

I'll say this much, I knew the movie was going to be garbage, at least in my eyes, the second they announced it. It didn't even have to be done by Michael Bay, cause I knew they were just going to re-tell the same story, and again use CGI. The same thing happened with the last one that got made, and who the heck even remember that one?

Here's my reasons why I didn't like the new one:

- First off, we don't want endless CGI nonsense. The fans want the live action, puppeteer goodness. I mean, the turtles THIS time around look TERRIBLE!!!! The look of the turtles are EXACTLY in line with what Michael Bay wanted to do, which is say they were Aliens.

- Secondly, the stuff they did to "The Shredder", from changing his name, to the look, to basically making him like "The Silver Samurai" from "The Wolverine" was all just terrible. You know what made "The Shredder" so awesome in the original? They kept him simple, quiet, and realistically intimidating. They also stuck to his story, instead of making things up all over the place.

I'll give it this much, the humor was there in bunches, and that was nice, but they just need to leave that franchise alone.


- A die hard TMNT fan with TMNT tattoos. :p
How did your quote on my post get a tribute to espy?
I miss Gene and Roger bigtime, but I do remember them both giving a thumbs down to Aliens. That's just wrong.
They did give 2 thumbs up to Beavis and Butt-Head do America though.
The Xbox fiasco has delayed this Kickstarter
That's what I think
But I could always be wrong
I agree 100% with you on that last thing.

On topic????

You mean the hopefully someday this kick starter actually starts topic and in the mean time just keep the faith topic???


FarSight should have NEVER said anything to us confirming TAF KS until they had all their issues "Ironed Out" so they have said in their latest newsletter. Almost 2 months later is rounding up by the time we get the next newsletter and table release.


Another thing we have been waiting over 2 weeks now for the damn hint pic to be confirmed TPA does not even acknowledge us on their FB page. Most questions lately are not even answered on their FB page period. FarSight is definitely slipping for now anyway.

Just like "Pinball After Dark" they spoke of that last November. Why "HYPE" folks on news that may be not even surface and even if it does it could be years from now.


Why is it BS just get on with your life until it comes out. Seriously you get all bent out of shape for no reason other than the fact that you are just really impatient and expect everything to move on your timeline. At least we know it's coming.

The planet is vast and societies around the world have come up with so many things to pass the time with. Find one of those things and the wait won't seem so long.
Better if they had just kept quiet about the kickstarter unless it was going to start within a week or two.Been 6 weeks now and counting.
Except it wouldn't have been better. It would have just left us wondering and debating what the licensing holdup is.


New member
Jul 21, 2013

Oh...Patient One!!!

You talk about time lines we have bugs since Season One in our apps. that will probably never be fixed.

Patients?????? Seriously?????

FarSight is falling off lately they don't hardly even respond on their FB page PERIOD!
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
They were vague and just said summer. Summer still has a few weeks left, so it's no big deal yet.
They probably only announced that there will be a kickstarter to stop all the requests for Addams Family.
Maybe they are trying to line up a cool stretch goal or making some videos for the kickstarter launch. Let's not be so pessimistic and quick to panic. :)

"Push out the jive, bring in the love" (Monty Burns)

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014

They were vague and just said summer. Summer still has a few weeks left, so it's no big deal yet.
They probably only announced that there will be a kickstarter to stop all the requests for Addams Family.
Maybe they are trying to line up a cool stretch goal or making some videos for the kickstarter launch. Let's not be so pessimistic and quick to panic. :)

"Push out the jive, bring in the love" (Monty Burns)
Assuming FS just gives their customers a top table in the next 2 chances, I see no panic. Otherwise...there is reason to.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Assuming FS just gives their customers a top table in the next 2 chances, I see no panic. Otherwise...there is reason to.

Based on the clue it sure sounds like BS Drac. That should keep our mind off Addams for a bit.
I'm just happy we will have a kickstarter shot at Addams Family. For a long time it looked nearly impossible. Hope it's not some crazy large sum of money.


Apr 7, 2014
I thought it was 2.

Was it 2? Well the, that's even worse.

As for the delays, like I said, it is what it is. I use to get mad as a Season Pass buyer, because I had already pre-paid for things that seem to take months upon months to come out, while everyone else was enjoying their product. Now that I chose to stop buying Season Passes, the anger and frustration has really just gone away. I just figured we'll get things when we get them. I think, by now, EVERYONE should be used to how Farsight operates. I'm not saying it's neither good or bad, because some things are out of their control, but we we should automatically expect slow release dates, bugs, and endless delays. It's just how it is.

I'm also glad they confirmed TAF, as people can finally shut up about it. lol I'm surprised more people aren't glad that it's confirmed? (I really wouldn't compare this situation with the PAD situation. In this case, I'd think that TAF is more wanted and will be a lot more profitable than PAD.)

Sure, I know they mentioned PAD, but I never expected to see that anytime soon, at least not with all the other crap they had going on. In fact, I'd be shocked if we EVER saw PAD. lol They just have way too many things going on at once, a very small work crew, and now rookie programmers. This is one of the main reasons why I wish they would STOP putting their game on every single device known to man. I mean, all I ever see are complaints about gameplay and visuals on the Vita. In fact, I don't know a single person who even owns a Vita. What the heck does one even look like? lol Now they're talking about the Wii U, a system that has had declining sales and failed expectations. The more systems and devices they go with, the more delays and bugs we're ALL gonna get.

I know WHY they do it, but it's really not helping anyone else out. I think things will be a lot better once these damn xbox systems finally get figured out and released.

...but back on topic. Like I said a while ago, I doubt we'll see TAF until at least November.
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New member
Oct 26, 2013
I'd hate to be the guys who are going to do the next twitch for the new table.
One of the first question: WHERE THE HELL IS THE TAF KS...


New member
Oct 26, 2013
And they will come up with a fabricated answer I bet
Exactly... they'll say something like "we have no news at the moment... when we know you'll know" as usual...
Even if they do know but I guess they are told to say those generic answers, like for facebook...


And if that happens... wich one will you play with first... TAF or kate upton???



New member
Sep 14, 2013
There's no reason not to collect the kickstarter money as long as they are still planning to release TAF. It's $money$

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014

Oh...Patient One!!!

You talk about time lines we have bugs since Season One in our apps. that will probably never be fixed.

Patients?????? Seriously?????

FarSight is falling off lately they don't hardly even respond on their FB page PERIOD!
yea...didn't FS say that they will try to get TAF out in Late Summer?
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