The Addams Family - Progress Thread

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Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
^^ +1

Especially the part about turning my brain off and watching explosions.

That said, the Transformers movies are so goddamned painful to watch, I'm wondering how I even made myself watch the second one after sitting through the first.

That said, the last movie I saw had some nature in it. A raccoon(1) and a tree(2).

(1) who liked blowing stuff up;
(2) that walked, talked albeit somewhat repetitively, and smashed stuff up.

... i am groot? ;)

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Sometimes I want my mind challenged (2001), sometimes I want to reflect on my own morals versus the worlds (12 years a slave), sometimes I challenge my fears (exorcist), sometimes I want to laugh (hangover), sometimes I want a reminder on the true definition of hope (shawshank), sometimes I watch movies that come from a different time (the wizard of oz), sometimes I love a movie with energy (raiders), sometimes I want my senses entertained (transformers), sometimes I want to go to another galaxy far, far, away (duh) and sometimes, I just want to watch something that's just fun (GOTG).

Does that make me unintelligent because I enjoy action movies who's purpose is NOT to be cerebral?

It is a pity people think that way...


Apr 7, 2014
That's exactly my point. All of those movies did incredibly well at the box office, but they were all stinkers. The average cinemagoer is not intelligent. High box office returns do not equal good movie.

True, but neither does a high rating. lol

We can keep going back and fourth on this issue, but in the end, we both just cancel each other out.

Micheal Bay Movies aren't all that bad...ok Pearl Harbor was terrible, and I'm hearing really bad things about the last Transformers movie. But seriously, why does every movie in the world have to be a cerebral affair.

Take the new TMNT movie for instance, seriously I think everyone just decided in advance that they wouldn't like it and just stuck to it.
It was entertaining, funny, the action was satisfying and it had some bad dialog thrown in for good measure.
It's the god damned ninja turtles, turn your brain off for two hours and watch it as if you were 8 years old again (how old were you when you watched the cartoon?). Did you watch the cartoon expecting a compelling drama that was trying to explore the fragility of the human condition? Or did you want to see some corny one liners from mutant turtles eating pizza and skateboarding?

Quite frankly, I just think that people just don't want to enjoy anything anymore, and fine, go ahead and let everything make you miserable. Me...I have no problems shutting my brain off and just enjoying visceral fun and mindless explosions. I effing like explosions.

I'm in no way suggesting that Mr. Bay should get any Academy awards or anything, but taken for what they are, his movies aren't that bad.

But then again, i guess people take their talking turtle martial artists and rat ninja masters seriously.

Actually, most of his movies have bombed (, and he's now on this endless quest to reboot and remake every classic he can get his hands on from New Line Cinema and just ruin them completely. (Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, TMNT, etc etc etc) I will admit, I enjoyed one or two of movies (The Rock, & Bad Boys), but it stops there. I don't mind explosions, I'm a old school Arnie and Stallone fan after all, but the movie has to at LEAST entertain me. A movie with a stupid story and endless explosions is not entertaining, and that's why his movies bomb, time and time again. In fact, I'm shocked each and every time someone hires him. It seems like after bombing 5-6 movies, he'll FINALLY do mildly good on one, and then he'll get picked up by someone. lol

As for the Turtles, well, you can count me in with the rest. lol

I don't know about all this "People don't want to enjoy anything anymore" stuff, but people are very protective of the things that they love. A lot of us TMNT fans are protective of the franchise, because it was a big part of our childhood. I think most everyone can relate to that in relation to anything.

I'll say this much, I knew the movie was going to be garbage, at least in my eyes, the second they announced it. It didn't even have to be done by Michael Bay, cause I knew they were just going to re-tell the same story, and again use CGI. The same thing happened with the last one that got made, and who the heck even remember that one?

Here's my reasons why I didn't like the new one:

- First off, we don't want endless CGI nonsense. The fans want the live action, puppeteer goodness. I mean, the turtles THIS time around look TERRIBLE!!!! The look of the turtles are EXACTLY in line with what Michael Bay wanted to do, which is say they were Aliens.

- Secondly, the stuff they did to "The Shredder", from changing his name, to the look, to basically making him like "The Silver Samurai" from "The Wolverine" was all just terrible. You know what made "The Shredder" so awesome in the original? They kept him simple, quiet, and realistically intimidating. They also stuck to his story, instead of making things up all over the place.

I'll give it this much, the humor was there in bunches, and that was nice, but they just need to leave that franchise alone.


- A die hard TMNT fan with TMNT tattoos. :p
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Do I really have to list all the all time classics that Roger Ebert, Gene Siskel, etc have all shunned?

I miss Gene and Roger bigtime, but I do remember them both giving a thumbs down to Aliens. That's just wrong.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Everybody has their own taste, but Rotten Tomatoes is useful in giving a pretty good general consensus.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
what are the chances that the kickstarter will start this week?.
Nearly the end of August
Must be big issues with Xbox still

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Same chances as last week and the previous week. They will release when it's ready and / or have dealt with everything that needs to be done.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I'd bet they're making a tidy sum with the Summer Sale. That could really help with the Kickstarter goal.


Apr 7, 2014
Like I tried telling people, and just like THEY tried telling people:

The table will not be out and ready by Halloween.

Just relax, it'll get started when it gets started. :)


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Like I tried telling people, and just like THEY tried telling people:

The table will not be out and ready by Halloween.

Just relax, it'll get started when it gets started. :)

So we can expect TAF by Halloween is what you're saying?


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Just messin. you should speak in bold all the time though. It really gets the point across
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