Request The Addams Family (videos)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
They can't rely solely on kick starters for that amount of dough repeatedly. There are plenty of high profit margin things they could sell like swag, designer balls, access to operator menus, etc. or maybe just forego some of their profit margin. Eventually they will be taking money in so these up front licensing costs should not keep being so high either.
I do agree there's a limit to how often FarSight can go the kickstarter route, but they may not have to do it more than once. If the TZ kickstarter screams past its goal (quite possible), and especially if gets to the point where it pays for ST:TNG as well (more of a stretch, but still doable at this point), it may cause FarSight to reassess how "commercially viable" these heavily licensed tables would be at higher price points. They might be more willing to take a risk on the upfront licensing costs after they've seen evidence from the TZ kickstarter that there will be strong demand and that people are willing to pay a premium for the tables.


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Just on an off tangent musing. Unfortunately licensing doesn't work this way..
package it for sale with the DVD as bonus content. Price as needed.

Initial installation scans your DVD for the relevant audio. Processes a 8bit filter on the samples so they sound right.

*um.. no. They never say multiball jackpot in the movie. Okay the bonus content is the pinball recording sessions wink wink.

Reality: not this. But somebody should investigate if the bundle thing would clear a lot of license issues,
Even if the game is stuck on the historical content.

1. They get a fresh batch of sales of the movie
2. Farsight gets sales from Addams fans into pinball
3. Somebody gets paid in that way they do.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
The Addams Family really is amazing. Attack from Mars and Addams Family are my home flippers. Tipp fpr the skill shot. Only shoot the ball with medium strength...pulling back the launching pin not even half way (of course depending on how tight/strong the spring is). The aim is to get the ball to just fall over the edge at the end of the lane.



is there no way to change from star trek to adams family - so far nothing happend so a change should be possible. i think people would love to kickstart the af much more. farsight should start a vote.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
The reason they named Star Trek: TNG as the next big licensed pinball is that they're done with the necessary negotiations for that one; the licensing requirements are a known quantity. Star Trek and The Twilight Zone are both now CBS Corporation properties, so at least some of the details carried over from one to the other. If they can raise $55,000, same as TZ, they can do it.

The Addams Family is a whole other ball game, and I don't think they know if it's even possible. They've said there will be no Addams Family Kickstarter unless/until they're sure they can do it for some achievable sum.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
The Addams Family is a whole other ball game, and I don't think they know if it's even possible. They've said there will be no Addams Family Kickstarter unless/until they're sure they can do it for some achievable sum.
I am confident it is possible, but I am nervious that it might be too cost-prohibitive to be feasible even with a kickstarter. But I hope they at least try. I have a feeling there is even more enthusiasm and a bigger audience for TAF than TZ even though TZ is rated slightly higher. At least we know they want to.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
This is one of my faves! Please Pinball Arcade! Used to play it with a good friend of mine, now deceased, would mean a lot to have this one. Great app btw!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I used to see this table in a lot of movie theatre lobbies. Most of the time it was more entertaining than the movie. If I could own just one table it would probably be this one. Bet you've heard that before.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Where did I read that the estate of Raul Julia has nixed licensing / re-licensing his likeness for any reason ? Then you have a Hollywood legend Angelica Huston , Christoper Lloyd , Christina Ritchie, and whoever played Pugsly .

Was not aware MC Hammer had music rights ,wasnt too long ago IRS got him on tax evasion (or am I wrong ?) , so there are tie ups all over this property , if any of that is half true . So it's not like they are avoiding the table for considerations , but the legal red-tape for it is a mess that makes pursuing it very dubious.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
They can't rely solely on kick starters for that amount of dough repeatedly. There are plenty of high profit margin things they could sell like swag, designer balls, access to operator menus, etc. or maybe just forego some of their profit margin. Eventually they will be taking money in so these up front licensing costs should not keep being so high either.

Now there's a thought! Designer pinballs or flippers encased. Collectors item styling could do wonders...


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Now there's a thought! Designer pinballs or flippers encased. Collectors item styling could do wonders...
The Kickstarters do already have designer pinballs as some of the incentives. They also have operator menu offerings. I would assume (but no sure) that outside of the Kickstarter some of those options will be available for sale as well. It would only make sense.

On an unrelated note... I have neglected this thread a bit... there was some possible Addams Family related news in one of the updates for the Twilight Zone Kickstarter:

"...although we can't name names yet, we are very close to lining up all the licenses we'd need to do an extremely famous top-ten table. Stay tuned!" You can read the whole quote here:

Looking at the top 10, I don't see how that could not be for Addams Family... here is the top 10:

#1 Twilight Zone (in progress)
#2 Star Trek: The Next Generation (Kickstarter going now)
#3 Medieval Madness (done)
#4 Theatre of Magic (done)
#5 The Addams Family (gotta be this one)
#6 Monster Bash (done)
#7 Tales of the Arabian Nights (done)
#8 Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (could be this one, but I doubt it)
#9 Cirqus Voltaire (done)
#10 Funhouse (done)

If the ST:TNG Kickstarter fails... then they might not even try for Addams Family... so PLEASE donate to that one if for no other reason... to make sure they at least try AF. For me, ST:TNG is my 2nd favorite pinball table ever, only second to Addams Family, so it was a no-brainer for me to become a backer.

Here is the link: Only 13 days, and $5,000 to go:


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Have you been to Pinballz Arcade here in Austin, Tx? You're only an hour and a half away and they've got 125+ pinball tables in great condition including The Addam's Family.
I almost forgot to thank you for letting me know about that place... I actually did go to and spent $40 on pinball, and had a blast. I got to play pretty much every table that I had memories of, or that I've been introduced to through Pinball Arcade. If I ever get around to it, I might post more in the "Real Pinball" area of the forum. I took quite a few pictures too. Their Addams Family was mechanically working well, but it was behaving like it was missing a ball or something. I locked my ball like 5 or 6 times in one game and never got multiball. So that was disappointing. But I had some REALLY good games on Star Trek: The Next Generation. In fact, I'd say that was my favorite table of that visit. Of the new tables I've never seen before, I had a lot of fun on Avatar, Lord of the Rings, and Tron Legacy. There was also a newer Indian Jones table I'd never played, and it did this crazy thing where it dumped like 10 balls at once out of the Ark, and that was pretty awesome.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Addams family came out at the height of my pinball obsession. Basically, I couldn't get girls to talk to me so the early 90's arcade was my home. There were a slew of licensed tables coming out at this time with each having it's own charm. World cup '94, flints tones, the shadow and many others. Good times, indeed.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
On Halloween my wife and I watched The Addams Family movie. It reminded how much better the pin is than the movie. But it was fun to watch and listen for movie lines that were used in the pin. I think there is a drinking game to be made there.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I played it like hell years ago in the local bar.

Just wanted one to place it next to mij TOM, so i say goodbey to my Whirlwind, and i bought yesterday a TAF.
Not in great condition but i will do a restoration next year !!

Damn i still like this pinball after all those years, and it is still one off the best ever made !!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I played it like hell years ago in the local bar.

Just wanted one to place it next to mij TOM, so i say goodbey to my Whirlwind, and i bought yesterday a TAF.
Not in great condition but i will do a restoration next year !!

Damn i still like this pinball after all those years, and it is still one off the best ever made !!

Congrats on buying a TAF. I'm more than a bit jealous. I've played it more than any other pin and I never tire of it. When you start to restore it, start a thread and let us see how you progress. Best of luck with her.

Also, welcome to the forum.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I want to start with the restoration in January, but i have to see what i want to do with the playfield. (restore it or buy a reproduction field)


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Never even heard of it... but I'm already intrigued. :D :D

Holy Cow!!! That place looks awesome!!

Addams Family right there on the top photo!

Next time I'm in Austin, I'm there!

I work in San Antonio and live in New Braunfels -- less than an hour's drive from Pinballz. I stop in usually once a week, after 10 pm.
Some local pinball wizard regularly posts a Grand Champion score in the Billions with a B.
Last time I checked, it was 3.6 billion before they restored the score table to factory defaults.
They do that periodically to keep it fun. The next reset should be on or before December 2, 2012 - for their 2-year anniversary party.

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