The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread


New member
May 10, 2012
No complaints about TNG coming out one month before it was supposed to? Sorry could not help myself. We hear the same complaints every month because Ps3 get everything a month or 2 later than IOS and Android. I can understand some frustration (I play on Xbox, let's just leave it at that) but you (you know who you are) should be used to it by know. Getting TZ and TNG before pack 7 would be a good thing in my book. Not aiming my post at anyone in particular just a lot of: Why have they screwed us again posts out there and I felt the need for a childish and totally not needed response. Just a small rant before bedtime and I'll sleep like a baby :)

Nik Barbour

Every time the "Latest News & Information Thread" pings a new post, I keep hoping it's going to be xbox dlc good news.

Oh well - not this time again.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Well I for 1 hope FS doesn't support windows 8 mobile, while it would reach more users I think they have spread themselves thinly enough as it is with 2 tables/month across a ridiculous number of formats.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Awww man. No Scared Stiff on PS3 till end of January? (notice I could care less about Big Shot?!) It's gonna be completely out of fashion by then! People are gonna point and laugh when we finally enter the conversation on the forums. Long dead threads are gonna limp back to life with comments of "duh" and "been there, done that". Any bugs that pop up are gonna get reported to FarSight and they're gonna say "wait, didn't we finish that table last year?"

Oh the humanity.

I guess I can settle for having TZ and ST:TNG in the mean time :rolleyes:

Something us Xbox 360 owners cannot currently do. Think I'll have to pick up a PS3 should the WiiU version be a dud.


New member
Jul 7, 2012
Well I for 1 hope FS doesn't support windows 8 mobile, while it would reach more users I think they have spread themselves thinly enough as it is with 2 tables/month across a ridiculous number of formats.

I have a WP8 device and would love to see the game released for it, but I do see your point about spreading their resources to thin.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Raúl Juliá had been battling cancer a couple of years before dying from a stroke. I can not find anything on the internet but this is what I remember. After his death his wife Merel was commenting about fans wanting another Adams Family movie and Street Fighter movie with Raúl in them in some way aka Peter Sellers in The Trail of the Pink Panther which was made after Sellers death using footage cut from other movies, stand ins and voice over work by a Sellers sound a like. Merel said that Raúl would not want such a thing and implied that he said as much when he was being treated for stomach cancer a few years prior to his death. In my opinion from what I can remember, he just didn't want new works to be made with his face or likeness. I think making a digital version of a pinball table that had already been produced would be along the same lines of making a DVD release of the Adams Family movie even though there was no DVD when the movie was made. Or maybe like creating an anniversary poster for a special anniversary theater run of the movie.

If that's the source of the speculation, it's a huge relief to me!
Obviously, making new material using cut up sources like that is a terrible thing to do to a person who is not alive anymore, and I would never have allowed that either!
Recreating a popular pinball table that already uses his likeness (which is really limited to a picture and a couple of voice samples) is not even closely similar. I'm sure FarSight will be giving it a go.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
HEADS UP: Star Trek TNG Kickstarter emails have gone out today, it's simply asking you to select platform of choice . Since the majority of us (Im assuming ) funded with $10 pledges, it's probably the first batch they sent out.

Nik Barbour

I guess I'm confused as to what your post means.

I was initially meaning 'is it a contractual requirement for Farsight to have to supply the STTNG table for xbox if requested (obviously after legal complications are sorted).

At the time I meant, it may be the only way we get xbox dlc.
But, as usual, I didn't think too deeply when placing the original post, as this probably isn't true anyway.

Sorry for the confusion Brackel. :)
It was due to xbox frustration!

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