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New member
Apr 27, 2012
With all it's debts? Yeah that would have been a wise move :p

You wouldn't buy the entire company. You buy the assets of the company from the bankruptcy court. So they probably could or could have bought the Crave name and its publishing rights. But it all depends on where Crave is in the bankruptcy process.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
How hard or what does it take to call yourself a "PUBLISHER", FS should have bought out CRAVE for itself.

I read somewhere that the way to become an online publisher for xbox online is to have already been a publisher of xbox discs. I guess any other path is a gray area and there is no published track for a company to become an online publisher on the xbox.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I will provide more insite into bankruptcy, any law pros can refute what Im saying if it's wrong. From what I witnessed in 1992 , The anime company StreamLine Pictures made a horrible mistake agreeing to be distributed by Orion Pictures after Orion had filed Chapter 13 . This meant that all profits due Streamline Pictures from films or DVDs went to Orion's creditors , they in effect , screwed themselves out of business with no ability to make a profit .

So buying CRAVE Entertainment would be akin to buying all CRAVE's debts as it's assets were probably seized to pay creditors.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I will provide more insite into bankruptcy, any law pros can refute what Im saying if it's wrong. From what I witnessed in 1992 , The anime company StreamLine Pictures made a horrible mistake agreeing to be distributed by Orion Pictures after Orion had filed Chapter 13 . This meant that all profits due Streamline Pictures from films or DVDs went to Orion's creditors , they in effect , screwed themselves out of business with no ability to make a profit .

So buying CRAVE Entertainment would be akin to buying all CRAVE's debts as it's assets were probably seized to pay creditors.

Assets are sold to pay off creditors. Once a company reaches the liquidation stage of bankruptcy, only their assets are sold. I don't know how Streamline got into that position. But creditors would get paid off before business profits would be shared with partners. Its possible that Streamline went into business with Orion when they were in bankruptcy restructuring but then that didn't work and they went into bankruptcy receivership and then liquidation of assets.

Its not uncommon for a profitable company to buy some of the assets of their partner company when the partner company goes into the liquidation stage. These sales have to be approved by the bankruptcy court. Sometimes liquidation goes quickly and sometimes it takes a long time. The company that I worked for before my current job went into bankruptcy liquidation a few years after I left and the bulk of the assets were sold off within 5 months leaving only a 40+ year old factory and warehouse as its only remaining asset to be sold. A year later and it is still for sale and there are creditors still waiting to get some of their money back once its sold.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
"We’d like to take a minute to explain our reasoning in giving the Pro versions and the custom pinball away to all of our Kickstarter backers. When we ran the Kickstarter campaign we anticipated that we would have to charge $9.99 for the Twilight Zone table when we released it- that’s why the first reward tier was $10. However, thanks to the growth of our user community in between when we ran the campaign and when we released the table, we found we could charge $4.99 and still pay for the development effort. Since our goal has always been to expose these great tables to as many people as possible, we didn’t feel comfortable charging more than we had to. However that left us with a dilemma- what should be do for our backers? It wouldn’t be fair that someone who pledged $10 as a backer could have just waited and bought the table later for $5. We decided that the right thing to do was to give more rewards away at lower levels. The consequence of that is that some of our backers at higher levels could have pledged less and received the same rewards. But we feel it is clear that at the higher levels, the incentive is more to help get the table made than to buy a reward. We really appreciate the contributions of all of our backers- under the circumstances we think this was the fairest way of treating everyone."

This was posted on Facebook.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
"It wouldn’t be fair that someone who pledged $10 as a backer could have just waited and bought the table later for $5. We decided that the right thing to do was to give more rewards away at lower levels. The consequence of that is that some of our backers at higher levels could have pledged less and received the same rewards. But we feel it is clear that at the higher levels, the incentive is more to help get the table made than to buy a reward."

Nice assumption, but wrong. Wasted $200. I guess $180, would have donated $20 to get the tables released anyway. Still having problems getting the table on Mac. You guys have a black cloud following you.

Why didn't you up the $100 backers and have them at least beta test? Could have at least done that. Won't be backing anything for more than $10 in the future that's for sure.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
If you're looking for a return on your investment then kickstarter is not the place to be putting your money.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Sorry to hear that, Pin Wiz! Hope everything goes well for you :)

I'm not leaving the community, I'm just done with Facebook after someone had to go so low as to create a FAKE "Pin Wiz" account just to try and ruin my reputation. I'm not going anywhere.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I actually found out that someone made a dummy "Pin Wiz" account and started posting with it, but FarSight has taken care of that already.

Nik Barbour

I actually found out that someone made a dummy "Pin Wiz" account and started posting with it, but FarSight has taken care of that already.

Did you know your also simultaneously position #49 & #507 on the TZ leaderboard too.
The price of fame mate!
Everybody wants to emulate you!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I want to apologize for the "low life" remark I made earlier. I normally don't stoop to such levels, but seeing that FAKE post on Facebook really got under my skin, yet the remark I made was unjust. Again, my apologies and it won't happen again.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I want to apologize for the "low life" remark I made earlier. I normally don't stoop to such levels, but seeing that FAKE post on Facebook really got under my skin, yet the remark I made was unjust. Again, my apologies and it won't happen again.

No worries. I'd be pretty ticked if someone did that to me, so it's understandable.

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