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Jan 28, 2013
Okay, thanks gooche.

When I said 'expect', obviously I meant 'hope'. Didn't mean to sound demanding!


New member
May 10, 2012
All this talk about delays to xbox because of new publisher bug testing is so far out there. My guess would be the delays is for other reasons. Paperwork, waiting in line for publishers other games etc. There could be a million things and things tend to go slower when a publisher is involved.(especially if they will re-launch the game) Every time there is a delay to any platform people say at least we get fewer bugs even though Farsight has said on many occasions that delays almost every time (I said almost) has nothing to do with game playing bugs. Farsight has been and will continue to be the only company who cares enough and knows enough about the tables to be able to bug test them. I just wish people would understand this. Do you people really thing Microsoft, Sony, Nindendo or any publisher plays the game to see if you really get to lock all the balls or if the phyics is no good? In Dream world perhaps, but please get down to earth or Gorgar might come over and swallow your soul.

EDIT: Ehh! I sounded bit ruder than I meant there. If you feel I was talking about your post (anyone) I was not. Only my view on things in general and it came out somewhat wrong.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
I may ***** a lot about lack of communication. But Farsight definitely knows how to recreate great pinball tables. Are they perfect the first time?, no. Do I enjoy every single one of them, hell yes. I may be easily amused but I can't think of anything giving me such pleasure and that I enjoy playing in a very long time, if ever.
I know, I know, I said I wouldn't back any more kickstarters. But if they communicate the process well, let everyone know EXACTLY when to expect their game, who knows. Maybe I could be talked into another kickstarter. Keep up the great work!!
Bring on the dude.


New member
May 10, 2012
I feel the same way. Everything is far from perfect. I am also afraid that another kickstarter will not be successful right now. Wait six months, get on track with xbox, release for the pc and Nintendo. 3 to 4 great new packs. (lots of good ones coming) and then start another kickstarter in the autumn. If they have license options that run out sooner than that they will have to do another kickstarter sooner of course.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I feel the same way. Everything is far from perfect. I am also afraid that another kickstarter will not be successful right now. Wait six months, get on track with xbox, release for the pc and Nintendo. 3 to 4 great new packs. (lots of good ones coming) and then start another kickstarter in the autumn. If they have license options that run out sooner than that they will have to do another kickstarter sooner of course.
They did say they wouldn't run another kickstarter until they relaunch on the 360. It wouldn't hurt to also get Wii-U going.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Sadly, I have to agree. Why would I want to pay extra for a table I don't want? Eg: Monster Bash / Gorgar... Personally, I think Gorgar is boring.
I considered buying MB separately, but I felt Gorgar was worth the extra dollar. If it was two dollars, I might have skipped it, like I did with BOP. I would have probably bought Dude alone for $2.99, but 2 extra dollars for FP is asking too much.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I considered buying MB separately, but I felt Gorgar was worth the extra dollar. If it was two dollars, I might have skipped it, like I did with BOP. I would have probably bought Dude alone for $2.99, but 2 extra dollars for FP is asking too much.

Yea, cuz paying the same price as a cup of coffee that lasts 15 minutes is just not worth paying for a game that you'll have for a few years. :D


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Seriously? Is asking $2 too much for ANYTHING, unless you're buying said thing in large amounts?

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Seriously? Is asking $2 too much for ANYTHING, unless you're buying said thing in large amounts?
When "contraction" is used to describe what the economy is doing, every little bit could eventually mean the difference between life and starvation.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I considered buying MB separately, but I felt Gorgar was worth the extra dollar. If it was two dollars, I might have skipped it, like I did with BOP. I would have probably bought Dude alone for $2.99, but 2 extra dollars for FP is asking too much.

I kinda assume the pricing for the Dr. Dude Firepower pack would have been similar to the Big Shot Scared stiff one.
When you bought them separate they were each priced a little higher. Scared Stiff at 3.99 and Big Shot at 1.99. So chances are if they were separate you would be grabbing Dude at 4 bucks and if you went in for the pack it would be 5. I'm not the biggest FP fan either but that is half the price of the TZ ball they just released. I think anyone could get a buck worth of fun out of it. Might just like it more than you expect.
I kinda like being forced into buying two. I may pick up tables I normally wouldn't and be pleasantly surprised by how great they are. Big Shot was my favorite off the Gottlieb game years ago ... I would have bet money that would have bored me to death and passed on it if I were able to pick them up separate.

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