The On-Going "What has FarSight said about ___ table?" List Thread


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I know this may have been sour grapes, but there were 3 tables from my childhood that I wish had made it. Bad Cats, Mousin' Around and Jokerz!, those three would have made this feel complete. Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of these tables growing up, some with my Dad who passed this past April (Haunted House) some growing up (BK2K, EarthShaker!, The Machine) and even some in college (Attack From Mars, Medieval Madness) and I'm very grateful to have them but I just feel like they could have done those instead of a few of the clunkier tables, like say Xenon.

oh and I almost forgot the first pinball table I ever remember playing.... Playboy. I still can hope for the 2000s version from Stern.

We all have those "if they just had included that" tables. Mine has always been Rollergames and NBA Fastbreak. Although Xenon is not exactly a great game, I do think it was good FarSight did it. There were some visual things that were a first for FarSight with that, and the audio proved a tough nut to crack too but led to other tables getting the benefit.

But dude, you live in Las Vegas. The Pinball Hall of Fame is in your backyard, so go play the real things! Although lemme guess, Tim doesn't have your 3 machines out for play?


Jun 11, 2018
We all have those "if they just had included that" tables. Mine has always been Rollergames and NBA Fastbreak. Although Xenon is not exactly a great game, I do think it was good FarSight did it. There were some visual things that were a first for FarSight with that, and the audio proved a tough nut to crack too but led to other tables getting the benefit.

But dude, you live in Las Vegas. The Pinball Hall of Fame is in your backyard, so go play the real things! Although lemme guess, Tim doesn't have your 3 machines out for play?

two out of four. According to the web site, they have Bad Cats and Jokerz! but not Mousin' Around or Playboy '78.

Seems odd, tbh, that the only table in the top 100 they don't have (MA is #91). That said, one day it will happen. I just honestly hope that the end of the B/W licenses will lead to something more positive in the future, like another emulator.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Legality Q: Now that T2 is going away, could Farsight go back to Columbia/Tristar and transfer the license to Stern's Terminator 3 table without having to drum up another Kickstarter drive?


New member
Sep 21, 2014
I'm curious if the Kickstarter tables are even coming back at all, if Farsight ever manages to get the license again. So many questions...


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Legality Q: Now that T2 is going away, could Farsight go back to Columbia/Tristar and transfer the license to Stern's Terminator 3 table without having to drum up another Kickstarter drive?

T3 wouldn’t be up to Columbia/Sony. They would have to get a deal with Warner Bros.

And I think to do that would for sure require a Kickstarter, from what I understand.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The rights revert to Cameron next year.

I think they already have, which is why a new Terminator is being shot right now. Tim Miller, director of Deadpool is doing it and Cameron is producing. It’s a direct sequel to T2, ignoring the other films, and Linda Hamilton is even back.


New member
Oct 5, 2017
I know. It's supposed to be 2019. He sold it in 84. The only way he could already own the rights would be if they were given back to him or he decided to buy them instead of wait. Both seem unlikely.

I don't know how it works that he was able to begin working on T6 a couple of years early, either. Probably some legal loophole. Maybe because it isn't technically officially named as a Terminator movie yet. Or maybe because it isn't a commercial product yet.


Nov 11, 2012
Should contact Cameron and if he agrees to license T3 to FS for a Very Reasonable Fee, it will start drumming up interest in the Terminator franchise and we also promise we'll all go see his new movie at least twice (Friday and Saturday) and take our families the first time. Stern should also jump on the bandwagon so they can do the new movie official Pinball machine including digital (which we will get a year later?)

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