The PS3 "super patch"


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Yes. We submit the updated to Sony US and EU at the same time. If things go how they are supposed to, the SCEE release is one day after the SCEA release. Seems SCEE is very understaffed because the turnaround for any request is like weeks or even longer. Sucks big time!
Chatting with a buddy of mine who works at SCEA. It appears that indie companies who have multiple locations can coordinate releases better than those that only have one location. This will explain why Zen Studios can get things released simultaneously. The developer is located in Europe (Hungary), while they also have a small US branch for PR and certifying purposes.
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Nov 11, 2012
Yes. We submit the updated to Sony US and EU at the same time. If things go how they are supposed to, the SCEE release is one day after the SCEA release. Seems SCEE is very understaffed because the turnaround for any request is like weeks or even longer. Sucks big time!

I am glad that an FS employee can just come out and say this. Normally these things are not commented on for fear of deteriorating a business relationship even further. We can all guess it's SCEE but an official acknowledgement is even better.

Solution-wise, if I were in EMEA region, I'd have a US PSN account and get my stuff day 1. I'd have my TV picked out based on support 60fps of course, among other criteria.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I really don't get the comments on farsights lack of communication. Mike reitmeyer has over 1000 posts on this forum himself. A lot of his posts are informative and highly communicative. No company is ever going to give every detail of what's going on behind closed doors. It shouldn't be expected. They give out whatever information they can and it's a lot more than most companies would ever divulge.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
That's all we (I?) were wanting to hear, apologies if it sounded like we were asking about something else! Thanks for the response :)

This has been mentioned several times already - glad you finally "heard" what you've been wanting to hear.

I am glad that an FS employee can just come out and say this. Normally these things are not commented on for fear of deteriorating a business relationship even further. We can all guess it's SCEE but an official acknowledgement is even better.

Is there a reading comprehension issue somewhere here? It's been public knowledge for weeks that both patches were submitted and SCEE is the one dragging their feet. No guessing involved, if you'd been paying attention.

I really don't get the comments on farsights lack of communication. Mike reitmeyer has over 1000 posts on this forum himself. A lot of his posts are informative and highly communicative. No company is ever going to give every detail of what's going on behind closed doors. It shouldn't be expected. They give out whatever information they can and it's a lot more than most companies would ever divulge.

I don't understand it either man. The FS guys come here of their own free will to pass along information. It's not their site, they have NO obligation to tell us jack-squat other than what they post on their official website or FB page. But they do, and it's great, but for some reason a group of impatient whiners doesn't seem to get this.

They give us plenty of info, and they have been totally transparent about this Super-Patch (which technically shouldn't have even been allowed according to Sony's policies). We're getting a bonus, and should be appreciative whenever it comes.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I really don't get the comments on farsights lack of communication. Mike reitmeyer has over 1000 posts on this forum himself. A lot of his posts are informative and highly communicative. No company is ever going to give every detail of what's going on behind closed doors. It shouldn't be expected. They give out whatever information they can and it's a lot more than most companies would ever divulge.



New member
May 23, 2012
I really don't get the comments on farsights lack of communication. Mike reitmeyer has over 1000 posts on this forum himself. A lot of his posts are informative and highly communicative. No company is ever going to give every detail of what's going on behind closed doors. It shouldn't be expected. They give out whatever information they can and it's a lot more than most companies would ever divulge.

To put it bluntly, people are ignorant.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
If we do get it today (a month and one week since the USA did), I still think that the patch will go live with the content when the PSN updates some time this afternoon, so as to avoid breaking the game for everyone trying to play it beforehand.

*crosses fingers*


New member
Sep 9, 2013
It has to be this week. FS said that Sony told them it would be last week or this week. Any more messing around and Sony are moving into "seriously damaging Farsight's business" territory.


New member
Feb 22, 2014
It has to be this week. FS said that Sony told them it would be last week or this week. Any more messing around and Sony are moving into "seriously damaging Farsight's business" territory.

It doesn't have to be this week, and it wont be this week. You aren't really that naive, are you? ;) Its out of FSs hands and do you really think SCEE give a damn about damaging Farsights business? They certainly haven't in the past and certainty didn't with regards to Temco/DOA5 and a few other devs. I said it would play out like this 5 weeks ago, and personally i wouldn't be at all surprised if we will still be waiting in 6 months time.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
This has been mentioned several times already - glad you finally "heard" what you've been wanting to hear.
Wanting, or waiting? I admit I don't trawl through Farsight's FB page, but I'm fairly active on here and didn't see any official word, only non-employees assumptions. If there are other threads/areas of the forum I should be keeping an eye on, feel free to let me know so I know where to look in the future.


New member
May 1, 2013
FYI the store has updated and there's no DLC and no title update. (and no PS4 DLC either)

Not in the slightest bit surprised, I also noticed that nearly all the posts on here saying they are happy with Farsight's effort are from people who have had the Super-Patch for well over a month now, I wonder if all these posts would be so kind if things were the other way round, I think not!

Either way, this is simply not good enough, how much longer will it be before White Water works properly again for people in the UK/Europe, totally disgusting support for all those who have bought most/every table released.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Not in the slightest bit surprised, I also noticed that nearly all the posts on here saying they are happy with Farsight's effort are from people who have had the Super-Patch for well over a month now, I wonder if all these posts would be so kind if things were the other way round, I think not!

Either way, this is simply not good enough, how much longer will it be before White Water works properly again for people in the UK/Europe, totally disgusting support for all those who have bought most/every table released.

Its not a lack of effort on the part of FarSight that has kept Europe from enjoying the newly improved tables. Several people from FarSight have confirmed that the update was submitted to SCEA and SCEE at the same time. SCEE keeps saying "maybe next week" which is confirmation that they have the update.


New member
Feb 22, 2014
Not in the slightest bit surprised, I also noticed that nearly all the posts on here saying they are happy with Farsight's effort are from people who have had the Super-Patch for well over a month now, I wonder if all these posts would be so kind if things were the other way round, I think not!

Either way, this is simply not good enough, how much longer will it be before White Water works properly again for people in the UK/Europe, totally disgusting support for all those who have bought most/every table released.

Yep funny how all the Yanks say its not important and we should suck it up. Even though if it were the other way round they would be complaining bigtime. I seem to remember last year the was a global big game release or something that was released on a Friday (rather than the usual Tuesday). The gaming sites were flooded with them whining cause they assumed all games were released on Tuesdays worldwide and they had to wait an extra 3 days LOL. God help them if they had to wait months, or maybe even never got the patch (which is a very probable outcome for us).


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Yep funny how all the Yanks say its not important and we should suck it up. Even though if it were the other way round they would be complaining bigtime. I seem to remember last year the was a global big game release or something that was released on a Friday (rather than the usual Tuesday). The gaming sites were flooded with them whining cause they assumed all games were released on Tuesdays worldwide and they had to wait an extra 3 days LOL. God help them if they had to wait months, or maybe even never got the patch (which is a very probable outcome for us).

I might be complaining but not at FarSight.


New member
Feb 22, 2014
I might be complaining but not at FarSight.

Not once have i complained @ Farsight. Far from it - Ive always said its 100% down to SCEE dragging their feet, as it always is in these instances. Fairsight have as much knowledge and clout as the rest of us (ie none). As a matter of fact Farsight were most helpful in aiding me purchase the discounted pinball pack on ps4 (replying to my emails same day) - something which unsurprisingly i don't think SCEE even now has fixed on the UK store.

What does make me angry is the same old false promises by SCEE (predominately Jawad via EU Blog always using the same stock responses as predicted) shortly followed by them ignoring customer anger and burying their heads in the sand. As soon as i heard about the mega patch requiring re-upping DLC i knew that there was fat chance of us getting it, which i really wanted on the Vita since many aspect of it are broken. However, im more surprised that there is still no PS4 dlc, since that requires little work from SCEE.
Oh well, lets see what reply (BS) Jawad gives this week - not that ill be asking him LOL ...
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New member
Sep 9, 2013
I don't believe it. It's not there. Sony Europe really need to get their act together. Can't believe they'd delay it so much, then tell Farsight "It will be out in these two weeks", then delay it again.

I foresee Farsight putting packs 21-24 on the EU store at the same time now, or at least closely together. If the packs released when they should have we would be anticipating 23-24 soon. That is if Sony finally lets them.
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New member
Feb 22, 2014
I don't believe it. It's not there. Sony Europe really need to get their act together. Can't believe they'd delay it so much, then tell Farsight "It will be out in these two weeks", then delay it again.

I foresee Farsight putting packs 21-24 on the EU store at the same time now, or at least closely together. If the packs released when they should have we would be anticipating 23-24 soon. That is if Sony finally lets them.

Dont hold your breath ...

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