Request The true "Earn a Credit" sound (SHHHTACK!)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Hi, a very minor request.

In Williams Pinball Classics, when you are granted of a credit (replay score reached), the sound was right and loud: SHHHHTTACKgling! (the video starts at the right time, 4mn35s)

In TPA, you hardly notice it...: Shtak. :( (video starts at the right time, 4mn35s too!)

Remember those days, in arcade room, when you earned a credit: everybody knew it, and you were so proud.:cool:

OK, it's TPA, it's very easy to earn a credit (and it has no utility), but... SHHHHTTACKgling!:cool:
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New member
Mar 22, 2013
Agreed, the "earn a credit" sound should have more of a THWACK to it. I remember wasting many quarters on Eight Ball Deluxe in my youth, and loved hearing that pop along with a siren style, woop-woop sound.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Many of us have been asking for mechanical sound improvements for a while. FarSight knows. Bumper sounds have improved. Whether the rest follow suit, only time will tell.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I'd want the Addams Family theme as my ringtone, with the last two finger-snaps replaced with the knocker, just like the machine does when you make the Grand Champion score. :)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
The entire mechanical sounds package, as someone has already pointed out, needs redone. Imo it's no where near accurate. The flippers don't sound like real flippers, the drops sound nothing like real drops they sound like an old cash register, and the fart sound on the kickouts is also bad. Of all the mechanical sounds actually, the kicker is probably the least wack sounding imo.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
The knocker sound in PHOF plays simultaneously with the cash register sound for earning a credit (not present in TPA). That may have something to do with the difference.
Jul 2, 2012
The entire mechanical sounds package, as someone has already pointed out, needs redone. Imo it's no where near accurate. The flippers don't sound like real flippers, the drops sound nothing like real drops they sound like an old cash register, and the fart sound on the kickouts is also bad. Of all the mechanical sounds actually, the kicker is probably the least wack sounding imo.

"Fart" is an interesting description (for the kickout sound) that never occurred to me but fits perfectly now that you said it... :p

Anyway, it's not just the sounds themselves but also where they are used. One of the most audible inaccuracies coming to my mind are the ball trough sound effects. There are at least 7 different ball trough mechanisms used in TPA tables: WMS DCS, WMS pre-DCS multiball, WMS pre-DCS single-ball, Gottlieb multiball, early Gottlieb EM (which should also have manual ball serve), late Gottlieb EM like Big Shot and modern Stern games. However, a single set of sounds is employed for all of them. The closest thing they currently resemble is the DCS-era WMS ball trough.

I know it sounds like a small thing (pun unintentional) and players unfamiliar with the underlying mechanics probably don't even realise something's off, but it's the details like this that make the experience one step more authentic when given the care and attention they deserve.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I have been asking for more robust , read: LOUDER , sound for the ball rolling on the wood table , this was erroneously reported back to FarSight as requesting the sound be dampened . Get it through your heads , the noise as it stands is not authentic and needs to be deeper like a miniature bowling alley , they are taking sound samples with glass off , which is why they dont notice it. Go watch a Youtube PAPA video of any table , hear that rolling sound? notice how it sounds like a low thunder cloud in the distance? THAT is what I want.

New member
Aug 20, 2012
i'm finally happy to hear that someone else actually commented about TPA's wimpy recreation of what to me is supposed to be the most recognizably distinct euphoric sound that a pinball machine can make. i don't want a louder version of the current atari sounding noise, i want to hear that true wooden sound. this is absolutely doable, and is probably one of the easiest fixes that TPA could attend to, it baffles me that TPA(who's attention to detail is top notch) has somehow overlooked that one sound that defines pinball....the one sound that signifies success and re-enforces quality effort.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
i'm finally happy to hear that someone else actually commented about TPA's wimpy recreation of what to me is supposed to be the most recognizably distinct euphoric sound that a pinball machine can make.

Moreover, there seems to be problem with the overall sound of the core tables, especially on ToTAN (because we can compare with PHoF/WPC)

1- The main music seems to be in a "low quality MP3 bitrate" (96kbps/22050HZ ^^). In WPC, the music is much clearer.

2- Everything is at the same volume (music, sound FX, voices). Sometimes it becomes a big mess, so that the female voice is hardly noticeable. In PoHF, voices are "over the top", louder and catchy, as some sound FX (Fireball start for example).

When you relaunch ToTAN in PHoF, the difference blows in your face (or your ears precisely)

I was worried about Medieval Madness sound mix in TPA, but thanks the Gods of Pinball, the sound is perfect, as it is in PHoF. Overall, the sound mix of DLC tables is ok, on the contrary of the core tables.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
reply to ktronis: i dumped my share into said table (8 ball deluxe) in the '82 - '84 era as well. then the table disappeared from the area. about circa '90 or so i came across the old table (8 ball deluxe) in an amusement park arcade. However what i seen was disgusting. All the red specials which normally scored a replay were disabled and only scored 50,000 points. Certain scores that were supposed to score a replay were disabled and instead only an extra ball was awarded. the deluxe on the backglass was disabled so no 3 replays for completing deluxe on the backglass. the high score only awarded one replay if you could reach it. and the most disgusting thing was even the match was disabled at end of game. about a year later the amusement park went defunct .
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New member
Jan 5, 2013
Ah, I, myself do not care for that loud noise of the knocker. Yes, it's quite rewarding to some, but my hearing is a bit sensitive, so you might as well be shooting a gun by my ear, that's how loud it is for me. But in TPA, it's not that loud, so it doesn't really bother me. Though it's amusing how the CV "knocker" can be turned off in the system menu. Ehh. We get extra balls, not credits. We don't go through a few seconds of pain when we get an extra ball on a real table, why is it so common, here? :p


New member
Mar 15, 2013
My family has owned an arcade since '78, and I remember being scared as a little kid every time a customer would get a match, scoring a free game. But not many years passed before I'd grown to love that definitive, hollow wooden "CRACK!" evocative of a Major League homer. It was literally the first thing I noticed missing from TPA. To be fair to other users with sensitive hearing (or nerves), the volume of the sound isn't the issue, it's the sample itself. The current one just lacks... conviction.

That said, I'd prefer it's volume cranked, too. :p


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
My family has owned an arcade since '78, and I remember being scared as a little kid every time a customer would get a match, scoring a free game. But not many years passed before I'd grown to love that definitive, hollow wooden "CRACK!" evocative of a Major League homer. It was literally the first thing I noticed missing from TPA. To be fair to other users with sensitive hearing (or nerves), the volume of the sound isn't the issue, it's the sample itself. The current one just lacks... conviction.

That said, I'd prefer it's volume cranked, too. :p

First of all, welcome to the forum.

Second, your family owns an arcade???

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