timeframe on dx11

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New member
Jan 26, 2014
I wasn't offended. I agree, that Farsight could do better on multiple platforms.

Didn't think your were. Ah it's complicated in those forums.
You still have join in and come to the pinball lounge :) afraid of some real pinball? (meant in a joking way)

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
I understand the whole point of DX11 lighting & effects but what if people want to revert back to the standard lighting? Switching exe isnt gonna happen which is why PC should allow us to use sliders to manipulate the room and table lighting. Putting both sliders in the middle somewhere should result in the current standard look and feel..

Plus the lighting on some of these newer games out there makes depth perception so much better. The graphics, art and lighting still looks flat to me.

Hell, I love this game still and cant wait to fork over $80 on pro for seasons 3&4


New member
Jun 4, 2012
mike if im reading you right know that the dx9 exe will still be there as a standard dx11 is simply a bonus

if you canr use two shortcuts for the different versions then frankly your just being lazy

i just recently purchased a new lappy and dx9 works just fine but i imagine it will struggle on dx11

ifs its a request for sliders just say so man instead of beating around the bush

the product as we know it will continue dx11 is all eye candy so again just use two shortcuts

maybe i misunderstood?

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
mike if im reading you right know that the dx9 exe will still be there as a standard dx11 is simply a bonus

if you canr use two shortcuts for the different versions then frankly your just being lazy

i just recently purchased a new lappy and dx9 works just fine but i imagine it will struggle on dx11

ifs its a request for sliders just say so man instead of beating around the bush

the product as we know it will continue dx11 is all eye candy so again just use two shortcuts

maybe i misunderstood?

Nope, I was just trying to change the subject here.


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
PinballArcade.exe + PinballArcadedx11.exe
Should be that easy.
Yep. That's how Civilization V does it. It's slightly annoying from a developer standpoint since you now have two executables to maintain, but for a group like FarSight that's targeting every platform but the kitchen sink already, it won't bother them at all.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Yep. That's how Civilization V does it. It's slightly annoying from a developer standpoint since you now have two executables to maintain, but for a group like FarSight that's targeting every platform but the kitchen sink already, it won't bother them at all.
And that was only, what, 5 years ago...?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Civilization V was realized 5 years ago, but I didn't think the DX11 version came along until a bit later. I could be wrong on this, I didn't jump on the Civ bandwagon until last year.
It had both out of the box. Or pretty soon after anyway. I'm kinda the reverse of you, I was into Civ in a big way but dropped it after Civ V.


Jun 27, 2012
Civilization V was realized 5 years ago, but I didn't think the DX11 version came along until a bit later. I could be wrong on this, I didn't jump on the Civ bandwagon until last year.

I believe Civ5 shipped with DX11 out of the box, though the additional Windows 8 Touch Screen mode was added in a later patch.


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Dec 9, 2012



New member
Mar 17, 2012
Any chance that the DX 11 implementation might be more robust than that of the XB1 and PS4?, as in a greater degree of controlling the light source, like pitch black and only the lights from the table illumination the environment?. As currently on the XB1 and PS4 there is a no 'room lights off' setting just a 'dim lights' setting.

Be be great to see an actual slider rather than just 3 presets for light illumination. Something like this....

Speaking of which we need Judge Dredd in TPA!!!
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Lettuce - have you seen what Zacarria pinball have achieved on mobile devices, iOS and Android? 30 tables like this, with light sliders galore including one for inside lighting, outside lighting.

The new physics are also incredible (Android out now, iOS soon), nothing like the appalling physics from not so long ago.

Actually looks better in real life, and when all table lights go out, there is complete darkness.

If this can be done on mobile, then on PC the world should be their oyster.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
i think they said one of the issues with the dynamic lighting is they have to limit the range of the lights or it gets to complex and performance really suffers, so you can't have it illuminate the whole table just via the built in lights since light sources on the table don't' illuminate as far as the real lights do.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
i think they said one of the issues with the dynamic lighting is they have to limit the range of the lights or it gets to complex and performance really suffers, so you can't have it illuminate the whole table just via the built in lights since light sources on the table don't' illuminate as far as the real lights do.

Based on the engine FarSight has built, this very well might be true. I'd also say it's probably true a better, more efficient engine could be built to handle everything. Not that they'll do that.
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