TPA licensing agreement with Sony Pictures


New member
Sep 9, 2013
An interview that I think slipped under the radar... (I promise it's not porn, that's just the shortened URL)
Bobby King: A few months ago we were very excited to sign an agreement with Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) that gave us the rights to create an original Ghostbusters table. This is the same agreement that gave us the rights to Bram Stoker’s Dracula (which we released for mobile in September) and a few other classic tables – that you can probably figure out without too much digging.

This is actually really exciting. Farsight have the rights to quite a few licenses that would otherwise be impossible.

I'd say Hook is almost a definite given the lack of actor likenesses, but given that Farsight could use the Ghostbusters cast, I'd imagine that wouldn't be an issue for a lot of the tables. Personally I'd rule out Spider-Man and Godzilla due to the other studios owning key licenses there. Spider-Man would need big bucks from Disney, and from what I understand, the Japanese owners of Godzilla would like to brush the 90s movie under the carpet. The fact that they're Japanese is an issue in the first place, the Japanese are very touchy about other countries using their licenses. The new Godzilla movie is WB, so I'd imagine whatever Sony owned is expired.

Just some ramblings from me that may end up being completely false :)

P.S. Don't think Goldeneye is Sony-owned. According to Wikipedia, anyway.
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Jul 7, 2012
So as mentioned on Blahcade Podcast #21, Farsight had a deal for 5 tables.

We've had Bram Stoker's Dracula and Starship Troopers, what does everyone think the other 3 are most likely to be? I'm guessing:

1. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
2. Johhny Mnemonic
3. Last Action Hero

Wonder if they'll do one a season, might want to spread them out a bit.
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
So as mentioned on Blahcade Podcast #21, Farsight had a deal for 5 tables.

We've had Bram Stoker's Dracula and Starship Troopers, what does everyone think the other 3 are most likely to be? I'm guessing:

1. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
2. Johhny Mnemonic
3. Last Action Hero

Wonder if they'll do one a season, might want to spread them out a bit.

Ghostbusters was the third, so there are two more.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I'd rather have Johnny Mnemonic over Last Action Hero as it's a Williams over a Data East. I'm yet to find a DE that I love. Some are alright. Would be a shame to miss the chance for a Williams DMD as we're running out of those.

I suppose it's possible that they could license more movies to them when the five run out.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I would rather have LAH for the sake of variety. We currently have 26 WMS tables with DMDs and no Data East tables with DMDs. However, I have never played LAH.

I did happen to play both Johnny Mnemonic and The Shadow a year ago. I remember really liking one but not caring for the other. But I don't remember which is which :/


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
So as mentioned on Blahcade Podcast #21, Farsight had a deal for 5 tables.

We've had Bram Stoker's Dracula and Starship Troopers, what does everyone think the other 3 are most likely to be? I'm guessing:

1. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
2. Johhny Mnemonic
3. Last Action Hero

Wonder if they'll do one a season, might want to spread them out a bit.

Based on everything I've heard and read, I'm expecting to see MSF and LAH. JM would be more of a surprise, but it would be super to see all three.


New member
May 10, 2012
If I remember correctly, Arnold has a fee of ca 50 000 for using his likeness. I would guess JM would be a lot cheaper (and better) if there is no problem with Keanu Reeves.


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Keanu dont give custom speach for JM, only Ice-T. Keanu speaks only some lines from movie.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So what tables are being put into the probably not gonna happen category with Fox and Warner Bros wanting too much? Off the top of my head I come up with...

Warner Bros
Dirty Harry
Lethal Weapon 3


Anyone care to add to that list? Was Demolition Man WB?

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