TPA PS4 US launch countdown!


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
We know that season one is coming as a set in the coming week or weeks. Any word on how we're getting season two on the PS4? As a set or individual packs? I'd guess season two will also come as a set sometime early next year with the season three packs following at least two months behind the mobile platforms like the way it is now. Thoughts?

No word. I'd think it would come as a set too, at some point.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
in that video on CFTBL when they get into the KISS you can see the ball go through the lagoon area...BUG! :p

Yeah I brought that up in the "Live stream NOW" thread; asked FarSight about it and they said it was a pre-release bug that's already been fixed.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Man, I sure hope it comes anyway, I'm getting tired of the FIFA demo. : P Guess I'll just be Netflixing for however long TPA takes to show up...


New member
Feb 6, 2013
"Pinball Arcade is going to be a PS4 launch game!"
"Oh, nevermind, but don't worry it will only be delayed a couple weeks."
"Three weeks."

Excellent communication going on here. Last week they told someone on facebook that the game might even come out that day.

Every release, farsight...


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I'm guessing they don't actually know beyond the 2-3 week estimate they came up with based on Sony's time to test and release stuff in the past (for instance, yesterday they said "we are still waiting on word from sony." Some other game *did* come out on PS4 this week, according to the blog, and FS haven't indicated that Sony found any problems with the updated version they presumably sent them to fix whatever issue Sony found with the original launch candidate, so I wonder if at this point Sony isn't just holding onto the game to release it on a Tuesday where they don't have another new title to put out--their release schedule *does* look pretty thin for the next three months or so, after all.
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New member
Feb 6, 2013
They told someone on facebook last week that they not only had no clue when it was coming (but that it should have been there by today) to the extent that they said it could launch literally that day.

I'm uncertain why farsight has NO IDEA when their product is actually supposed to launch when other people seem to have access to that information.

They'd be such a better company if they communicated honestly.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I think they communicate honestly, they just don't do it very effectively.

Nobody we know of outside of Sony has access to TPA release date information. The stuff you see people saying on Facebook is simply based on the "2-3 weeks after system launch" estimate FarSight gave us once it was clear that Sony had held TPA back from its original Day 1 release date.


New member
Feb 6, 2013
I think they communicate honestly, they just don't do it very effectively.

Nobody we know of outside of Sony has access to TPA release date information.

I don't see how this can be true, considering other devs seem to have advance knowledge of when their product will release on the platform.

And no, I don't think they do communicate honestly. They certainly didn't when they released busted tables on the vita and they don't when they send consumers to go sit and wait for releases farsight knows won't be hitting.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I don't see how this can be true, considering other devs seem to have advance knowledge of when their product will release on the platform.

And no, I don't think they do communicate honestly. They certainly didn't when they released busted tables on the vita and they don't when they send consumers to go sit and wait for releases farsight knows won't be hitting.'re made 10 posts to the forum and every single post is unconstructively negative. If you joined the forum just to rant and belittle FarSight instead of looking for answers to problems you may have or provide suggestions on how FarSight can improve The Pinball Arcade, then you've come to the wrong place.


New member
Feb 6, 2013
0're made 10 posts to the forum and every single post is unconstructively negative. If you joined the forum just to rant and belittle FarSight instead of looking for answers to problems you may have or provide suggestions on how FarSight can improve The Pinball Arcade, then you've come to the wrong place.

So, you want me to leave because I have a problem with some of the things farsight does, and because my post count is low.

I see.

You know what? No. People need to point out when a company does something they disagree with, or in some of these cases when they've failed to provide what a consumer paid for.

If you want to try and decry people for having an issue with farsight, try being constructive yourself rather than trying to dismiss them because they haven't posted much. God forbid people use an avenue of communicating with a company sparingly.

Is it NOT an issue when farsight releases broken DLC?

Is it NOT an issue when farsight repeatedly fails to make release dates and doesn't communicate well with its customers?

It certainly is. I enjoy this product, but I don't enjoy how spontaneous and disorganized releases are, or paying money for dlc that is NOT in playable condition.

If voicing concerns over how farsight is handling something, and making them aware that these are issues for me as a consumer, isn't constructive enough for you, then I don't know what you want. I've stated how I'd like things to change.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
So, you want me to leave because I have a problem with some of the things farsight does, and because my post count is low.

I see.

You know what? No. People need to point out when a company does something they disagree with, or in some of these cases when they've failed to provide what a consumer paid for.

If you want to try and decry people for having an issue with farsight, try being constructive yourself rather than trying to dismiss them because they haven't posted much. God forbid people use an avenue of communicating with a company sparingly.

Is it NOT an issue when farsight releases broken DLC?

Is it NOT an issue when farsight repeatedly fails to make release dates and doesn't communicate well with its customers?

It certainly is. I enjoy this product, but I don't enjoy how spontaneous and disorganized releases are, or paying money for dlc that is NOT in playable condition.

If voicing concerns over how farsight is handling something, and making them aware that these are issues for me as a consumer, isn't constructive enough for you, then I don't know what you want. I've stated how I'd like things to change.

Please read what I posted before posting another rant. Here's what I posted, "... looking for answers to problems you may have or provide suggestions on how FarSight can improve The Pinball Arcade..."

What you are currently doing is not constructive and doesn't help FarSight improve the product. I'm not asking you to leave, but I am asking you to reconstruct your feedback posts to where they're more helpful to FarSight.

You know what you need to do now so please do not respond to this post.

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