Request TPA Website Issues / Requests


New member
May 5, 2013
I am having the hardest time logging in in-game, even after getting the password right, resetting it, and getting it right again. Is this a problem of just down servers or is this something that needs to be fixed?

What happens is it takes about 30 seconds to log in, and then it does...nothing. No message about logging in or invalid password. If I get the password wrong I get told that, but if I get it right nothing happens.

(I suppose this is more of a game issue than website. Oops.)
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
A few things you are probably aware of... but worth mentioning here, maybe?

- In the "My Account" tab, "My Scores" only shows scores up to Xenon. Scores for Road Show, Safe Cracker, HS2 are not available.
- You need to log out and log back in again on the "My Account" tab for your leaderboard display preferences to be implemented.
- Clicking on "Personalized" shows "You have no scores for this table" for all tables.
- Not sure what's going on when I click on a user's name to compare scores against that user, but the display is (using TAF for example):
Addams Family
Addams Family
Tarek Oberdieck
Rank: #1 (pc)
Score: 84,543,403,430
Rank: 26643 (pc)
Score: 5,342,810,560

This second "Rank" looks like it is the total number of scores registered for that table. Shouldn't it be your own personal rank (in my case should be #25).


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
A few things you are probably aware of... but worth mentioning here, maybe?
By all means! Unfortunately QA on the website is below negative celsius on the radar... err... mixed metaphors, but yes this definitely helps!

In the "My Account" tab, "My Scores" only shows scores up to Xenon.
Right you are sir, I've updated this to be accurate

You need to log out and log back in again on the "My Account" tab for your leaderboard display preferences to be implemented
I am unable to directly duplicate this on my end, although it's likely due to the nasty and complicated jump between domains which we are hoping to rectify soon-ish

Clicking on "Personalized" shows "You have no scores for this table" for all tables
Ahhh, indeed it does (legacy code blegh), I've corrected this as well, although scrolling in this view is a bigger problem and is still not working...

Not sure what's going on when I click on a user's name to compare scores against that user...shouldn't it be your own personal rank (in my case should be #25).

Right, so this takes whatever user you've clicked on and shows their scores and overall ranks, and if you're logged in it puts your scores and ranks next to them for comparison. I'm not entirely clear on what you mean when you say personal rank - can you describe that in more detail? When I checked you were #25 on TAF overall. (Also, its SUPER annoying to go into this detail panel and then jump out to a different - defaulted - table in the leaderboard when done, so we are planning on changing this to a more condensed overlay rather than a separate page)


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
Tournaments are nearly ready, here's a sneak peek:
This proved to be technically very challenging, as it requires quite a bit of data juggling. There is a bit more testing to do for when tournaments are live, but otherwise its very close!
Let me know if you see any errors or have additional feature requests.

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Tournaments are nearly ready, here's a sneak peek:
This proved to be technically very challenging, as it requires quite a bit of data juggling. There is a bit more testing to do for when tournaments are live, but otherwise its very close!
Let me know if you see any errors or have additional feature requests.

PC community on tournaments is smaller than I thought. :(

Interesting data...


New member
May 4, 2012
Tournaments are nearly ready, here's a sneak peek:
This proved to be technically very challenging, as it requires quite a bit of data juggling. There is a bit more testing to do for when tournaments are live, but otherwise its very close!
Let me know if you see any errors or have additional feature requests.

This looks marvelous!

(I would love to be able to view tournaments other than the last one, but after viewing the source, that seems unlikely. That's OK.

I have some tiny minor requests:

- The tournament times use the user's current locale. They should probably print the user's time zone, just in case the user's locale is not correct (is this possible?). There is stuff for formatting dates/times in Intl.DateTimeFormat (with using options), and you could get rid of lots of code in VTX_FUNC.js. That might be a fair bit of stuff, but at least please remove this line: "if (hrs < 10) {hrs = "0"+hrs;}", and change 'return hrs+":"+minutes+ampm;' to 'return hrs+":"+minutes+" "+ampm;' as it's improper to write the time as "07:11pm", it should be "7:11 pm" :).

- I would align the rank and score columns to the right, rather than to the left. But you'd want to zero-fill the point totals. But that's ok, because you should probably print only one decimal place, instead of three. :)

Well I said they were minor. It looks great and I am grabbing the data for posterity right now.)


New member
May 4, 2012
PC community on tournaments is smaller than I thought. :(
Hmm... comparing to mobile, I see 432 Steam players, and 1137 mobile players, so there are 38% as many Steam as mobile players. I can't find my last note on %age of platform players, but I think that 38% is about the ratio of PC+Mac to iOS+Android, or maybe a bit above the ratio.

Oh, here we go:
tpa: platform distribution in top 2000 scores for each table, 2015-08-08 .csv files:
125620 total:
-- psn     47607  38%
-- ios     40160  32%
-- pc      19541  16%
-- android 16578  13%
-- osx      1168   1%

$ perl -le 'print ((19541+1168)/(40160+16578))'

So the platform representation of Steam vs mobile in tournaments is almost exactly the same as it is in the top 2000 of the leaderboard scores. (But PSN looks quite overrepresented compared to both.)
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
(But PSN looks quite overrepresented compared to both.)

Recently, there was a noticeable increase concerning the total number of players in PSN tournament.

After each tournament, I check the total number of unique players in the All-Time tournament standings:

> July 2015: 5832 ranked players
> September 2015: 8007 ranked players

Usually, it increased only by 50-100 players each tournament. And boom, 2000 players more in 2 tournaments.

It seems the recent season sales (-50%) on PS3/Vita worked well.
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New member
May 4, 2012
Usually, it increased only by 50-100 players each tournament. And boom, 2000 players more in 2 tournaments.

It seems the recent season sales (-50%) on PS3/Vita worked well.

Very interesting indeed! Thanks for this.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
I would love to be able to view tournaments other than the last one
We've considered it, and it would be possible (although tricky as we go back further due to inconsistencies in earlier tournaments), but it'll have to sit on the shelf for the moment

print the user's time zone, just in case the user's locale is not correct (is this possible?)
Yes the timezones... hmmm [drums fingers]. Definitely some intricacies there that still need to be addressed.....

as it's improper to write the time as "07:11pm", it should be "7:11 pm" :)
Right you are!

I would align the rank and score columns to the right, rather than to the left. But you'd want to zero-fill the point totals. But that's ok, because you should probably print only one decimal place, instead of three :)
Aha! The reason its aligned that way is because the points and the scores dump into the same space, and the scores can be long. The triple decimals are mostly to make sure we were calculating the points correctly :D


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Tournaments are nearly ready, here's a sneak peek:
This proved to be technically very challenging, as it requires quite a bit of data juggling. There is a bit more testing to do for when tournaments are live, but otherwise its very close!
Let me know if you see any errors or have additional feature requests.

Wow, nice work, there's even a player tournament scorecard when you click on the ID.

Two questions:

- Is it planned to add the All-Time Tournament ranking? (which is broken in-game, i.e. the "My rank" filter doesn't work)
- Will the website display only the current tournament data, or the data from previous tournaments (actually only one so far) will be still available once the next tournament has started?

And once again, it would be so much better to have all this in TPA itself... :rolleyes:

Whatever, thanks for your hard work!
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New member
May 4, 2012
- Is it planned to add the All-Time Tournament ranking? (which is broken in-game, i.e. the "My rank" filter doesn't work)
- Will the website display only the current tournament data, or the data from previous tournaments (actually only one so far) will be still available once the next tournament has started?
I forgot about the all-time rank. Based on their code, it should be pretty easy to fit this in if they want to.

On the other hand, fitting in previous tourneys wouldn't be easy. LAW addressed this in #77 above.

I actually prefer having this on the web. It would be much harder to copy the data from TPA. :)

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