Bug Very poor audio quality on PS4 version.

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New member
Jun 8, 2012
Do you think we'll see the sound fixed in the month of June? I sure hope so. It has gotten to the point that I don't even play the PS4 version because the sound is so bad. I can't wait until it is fixed!

Yeah, I haven't played it more than a couple times since launch just because of the sound.
There really is absolutely no excuse for them not fixing this right away.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Same here.

Glad to hear I'm not alone. Come on Farsight, lets get this fixed. Pinball Arcade has had tons of technical problems, but this is the biggest one I can think of. And on PS4, which should be their prime product. I personally think Farsight needs to do away with their "build the mobile platform and add on features from there." Why the PS4 even has these low quality sounds from the mobile version in its build is baffling.

Edit: Oh, and not only is this the biggest problem Pinball Arcade has had, 6 months have come and gone. 6. Months. I thought for sure this would have been dealt with immediately. I was expecting it by January at the latest. Embarrassing for both Sony and Farsight.
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New member
Jul 11, 2013
Glad to hear I'm not alone. Come on Farsight, lets get this fixed.

...6 months have come and gone. 6. Months.

I thought for sure this would have been dealt with immediately




NOTHING is ever "dealt with immediately" with FS. *chuckle chuckle*

Sorry, that just tickled me.

"Dealt with immediately" Tee Hee Hee

/wipes tears from eyes


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Well, I'm really hoping this is finally true, but according to Mike on the PS Blog the sound is finally getting fixed.

"Great news! Question for you Mike- Is the low quality sound of the PS4 version going to finally be fixed as well? Hope so. Thanks, keep up the great work Farsight!

Mike Lindsey's Avatar

+ Mike Lindsey on July 11th, 2014 at 2:54 pm said:

Yes. It should be improved with this release. :)"


Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
A 5GiB download just started on my PS4 for the game, could this finally be it?

Also, my PS4 seems to have given up downloading updates in standby, only stuff I manually trigger from the store works in standby now. :(

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Is it fixed?

I just installed the patch and the main theme sound is not any better. Since I was checking for sound I noticed that the sound when pausing and continuing mid game has been addressed. I really wanted the main menu fixed too..

Also both TOM and RIPLEYS sounds worse than today...

The PC version should be used as a template so all the sound issues can be fixed. It just has to be in stereo and not mobile mono like it is now.
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New member
Jun 26, 2012
Sound seems to be fixed for tables now on PS4, but I haven't verified all tables yet. The main menu music seems scratchy like a record, with update today. Four new tables to be downloadable tomorrow!
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Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
It definitely seems to be using the correct sound samples now but there is another sound related bug causing distortion, particularly noticeable on the title music but also affecting the tables.

Hopefully this is just a glitch with the mixer volume being too high and not a problem with the samples. I just hope its not another six months to fix this.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
So, we're on version 1.03. Sound seems to have gotten a lot louder overall, and there's still no volume setting--am I remembering wrong, or didn't they say that had been added in like two updates ago? If it's there, I'm missing it, and it's needed now more than ever. : P

Still isn't saving Pro menu settings, either. : PPP
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New member
May 24, 2013
just downloaded 5 gb of update sounds much better,4 new tables for next couple of days on ps4 BK2000,HS,JY,WD.i`m not tech minded so I got no idea what else is fixed (BOOFHEAD)maybe someone tech savy might enlighten us .thanks to whoever can help boofs like me !!! :eek:

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
So, we're on version 1.03. Sound seems to have gotten a lot louder overall, and there's still no volume setting--am I remembering wrong, or didn't they say that had been added in like two updates ago? If it's there, I'm missing it, and it's needed now more than ever. : P

Still isn't saving Pro menu settings, either. : PPP

Indeed that was the first thing I looked for when I heard the sound distortion, I thought "hmmm, its clipping, reduce the volume" and then sighed when I saw no option to do that.

I don't understand how they are managing to make such a mess of the PS4 version, its one single stable platform. Never had any sound issues on the PC version.

Dinosaur Toy

New member
Sep 10, 2012
Indeed that was the first thing I looked for when I heard the sound distortion, I thought "hmmm, its clipping, reduce the volume" and then sighed when I saw no option to do that.

I don't understand how they are managing to make such a mess of the PS4 version, its one single stable platform. Never had any sound issues on the PC version.

I kind of suspect that their problem is rooted in being far too understaffed to handle so many versions of the product. As well, the PS4 (and Xbox One) are the newest platforms with new developer SDKs. They could be less familiar with every detail, thus more prone to overlooking errors. With a skeleton crew Q/A will inevitably suffer.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I just imagined a basement full of undead skeleton programmer warriors. Awesome.

Warped Trekker

New member
Dec 26, 2013
just downloaded 5 gb of update sounds much better,4 new tables for next couple of days on ps4 BK2000,HS,JY,WD.i`m not tech minded so I got no idea what else is fixed (BOOFHEAD)maybe someone tech savy might enlighten us .thanks to whoever can help boofs like me !!! :eek:

I'm not sure what platform you are on, but it certainly isn't PS4. The PS4 hasnt had a 5GB update. I just started TPA and the sound is no better. It is no longer grainy sounding due to lack of audio bitrate, but it now sounds like they added a filter over it to smooth out the sound. But the higher-resolution sound samples are still not included as of this date.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I'm not sure what platform you are on, but it certainly isn't PS4. The PS4 hasnt had a 5GB update.

It has, I saw the download size listed in the PS4 XMB's (or whatever it's called now) Downloads list yesterday while it was auto-downloading. And according to FS themselves, this update has "the sound fix."


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The audio is very hit and miss...some tables sound better, a few sound the same and others are now clipping. The audio samples used on PC should be used on all consoles as well.
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