What are your most-wanted tables?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
My personal top five wish list:

Bad Cats (Williams, 1989) - hope to see this one someday, seems like a possibility.
Monopoly (Stern, 2001) - hope to see this one too, though I wonder if licensing would be an issue.
Super Mario Brothers (Premeir, 1992) - would LOVE to see this one, but understand it'll probably never happen.
The Simpsons Pinball Party (Stern, 2003) - another I'd love to see but am not sure if it will really happen.
Pinball Pool (Gottlieb, 1979) - just a random oldie but goodie for me, though I know there are other more popular pool pinball tables.


Aug 31, 2013
New revised list:

1. Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street
4. Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street
5. Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street


New member
Oct 27, 2013

New member here...

I would like to see
1. BALLY space invader
2. Williams Defender (Rare machine)
3. Orbitor 1 (again rare machine)


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Orbitor 1 will probably never happen for a number of reasons, FarSight actually made fun of it on their Facebook page recently!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Everyone pretty much despises Goin' Nuts, but it's downright enjoyable compared to Orbitor 1. That table wears out it's novelty factor within your first game. I know it's unique and all, but lordy is it terrible.


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Sep 9, 2013
I always think a contoured playfield could have had potential if it wasn't overused like in Orbitor 1. The odd ramp, sinkhole or "path" could work really well. But at the end of the day it would be too pricy to produce.


New member
Nov 11, 2013
Would be awesome to have those 3 mega hits:

Gottlieb Amazon Hunt
Gottlieb Super Mario Bros (1992)
Williams High Speed and The Getaway: High Speed II

The Gottlieb Royal Flush sould be nice also.

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Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
My Pinball History

I was born in the late 60's and always had an affinity for electronics and games.

These are the tables that are special to me that are not available yet for Pinball Arcade.

  • 1966 Williams 8 Ball with the fantastic 500 point loop in the middle of the table.
  • 1980 Bally Xenon
  • 1986 Williams High Speed
  • 1988 Williams Cyclone (no multiball? hell no, who needs it?)
  • 1989 Williams Black Knight 2000 (always got the highest score at Mission Beach arcade in San Diego back in 89-90.)

Love flow, and my favorite table is Medieval Madness, although I have NEVER had the opportunity to play on a real version. Star Trek: TNG was the last pinball machine I played with the specific purpose of playing pinball, and not just something I stumbled upon and played to pass the time at a restaurant or movie theater.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Not sure if I've posted in here earlier, or not, but given how long it's been, I think it's time for a new list anyway.

In chronological order of release, these would be the tables I would be super excited to see appear in the future.

1) High Speed
2) F-14 Tomcat
3) Cyclone
4) Banzai Run
5) Earthshaker
6) Black Knight 2000
7) Diner
8) The Getaway: High Speed II
9) Fish Tales
10) Bram Stoker's Dracula*
11) Jurassic Park*
12) Indiana Jones*
13) World Cup Soccer*
14) The Shadow*
15) Road Show
16) No Fear: Dangerous Sports*
17) Who Dunnit
18) Big Bang Bar
19) The Simpsons Pinball Party*
20) Lord of the Rings*

The starred ones denote ones that I concede may be difficult from a licensing standpoint without a Kickstarter, but we can always dream.

If I had all those tables, I think I'd be pretty much set for life. Everything else from there would be icing on the cake. I'm really quite impressed with how many of my must-haves have already been hit in the previous releases. By my count, of all the tables released so far, 23 of them would have been on this list if I made it before the game had released.


New member
Nov 19, 2013
CYCLONE all the way!!! Loved playing that at the local bowling alley when I was a kid. Plus any other Horror themed tables that they havent already made Like Mephisto, Nightmare on Elm Street, Frankenstein and Phantom of the Opera... to name a few.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Right now I definitely want any of the roller coaster themed tables. Would prefer a Williams but Stern's RCT would do. The theme has produced lots of tables over the years ad it simply isn't represented. Black Rose would be nice for some Pirates and Getaway would be great since the driving theme games so far are not enjoyable for me at all.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
The Getaway (Just for the "Shift Gears" voice and booming bass)
Earthshaker ("Oooooooh, *****in'!")
Black Knight 2000 (Just thinking of the game the music immediately jumps into my head. Love the table)
Addams Family (Doesn't even need to be mentioned)
Indiana Jones (Same)
Revenge From Mars (This even possible?!?)
!!!!Rollergames!!!! (Sorry, have a soft spot for the table, practically owned it at my local arcade and one summer probably played it almost every day)


New member
May 30, 2013
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Data East)
Wizard! (Bally)
Capt. Fantastic (Bally)

The 45th anniversary of the release of the original Tommy album is May 2014 (hint hint)!


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard (Data East)
Wizard! (Bally)
Capt. Fantastic (Bally)

The 45th anniversary of the release of the original Tommy album is May 2014 (hint hint)!
If it were only possible that would be fantastic . I still have that album after all these years.
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New member
Nov 23, 2013
1. Lord of The Rings
2. Indiana Jones (Williams 1993 version, not to be confused with the new Stern version)
3. Bram Stoker's Dracula
4. Fathom
5. Blackout


New member
Aug 20, 2012
a great collection

wouldn't it be great if farsight just happened to create 5 or 6 of the tables that are sitting in the back of your mind somewhere, you know the tables you are always hoping to see pop up next on the up and coming list...o.k. so maybe not your favorite tables, but how about at least some of the pretty good ones you remember, it just seems as though some of the tables released that wish you never bought(haunted house, black knight, elvira...)could have been better games from the "pretty good" list. i don't know, i guess everyone has their favorites but my collection of "pretty good" machines would include-PLAYBOY, FIREBALL, KISS, ELVIS,...i keep waiting for some of these machines to appear on TPA but i think i'm going to be waiting a long time.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
My wish list:

Black Knight 2000
Banzai Run
Orbitor 1
Strange Science
Any Gottlieb pinball from 1985 to 1991
The Comet trilogy
Black Rose
Road Show
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Mousin' Around
Flash Gordon
The Pinball Circus
Lord of the Rings
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New member
Dec 10, 2013
wouldn't it be great if farsight just happened to create 5 or 6 of the tables that are sitting in the back of your mind somewhere, you know the tables you are always hoping to see pop up next on the up and coming list...o.k. so maybe not your favorite tables, but how about at least some of the pretty good ones you remember, it just seems as though some of the tables released that wish you never bought(haunted house, black knight, elvira...)could have been better games from the "pretty good" list. i don't know, i guess everyone has their favorites but my collection of "pretty good" machines would include-PLAYBOY, FIREBALL, KISS, ELVIS,...i keep waiting for some of these machines to appear on TPA but i think i'm going to be waiting a long time.

Yeah, if it weren't for VP i'd be a lot more PO'd about that.

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