What are your most-wanted tables?


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Top 10?

Wow I haven't had a chance to play real tables for a long long time until recently so the list wont be as long as others.

Lord of the Rings
Simpsons pinball Party
Iron Man
High Speed
Indiana Jones Pinball adventure
Diner (remember playing that one a long time ago)


New member
Jan 20, 2013
I'm sure nothing this list will be new, but...

Simpsons Pinball Party
Family Guy
South Park

High Speed 2

Last Action Hero


New member
Feb 9, 2013
My top 10 most wanted tables:

The Simpsons Pinball Party
Lord of the Rings
The Addams Family
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
Big Bang Bar
The Shadow
Bram Stoker's Dracula
TRON: Legacy


New member
Dec 19, 2012
The one old em table I found in the IPDB is Jumping Jack from 1972. It does look like a drain monster but the layout looks fun for an EM machine.

A pinball machine that had a post that comes up between the flippers. Can't remember names because of having too much fun in the 1980's.

A machine that you have to hit a few in-line drop targets to reach a high bonus.

Cyclone because I want to "Ride the Ferris Wheel ". Doubt this one will happen soon, it does have action going on at the back glass.

I went the obscure route because all the other tables I want are listed.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
In no particular order:
Data East Star Wars
White Water
Fish Tales
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Shadow
Dracula (Bram Stokers)
Simpsons Pinball Party
Fifa (the one with the dog)
Family Guy
South Park
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New member
Feb 10, 2013
Monte Carlo

i will buy most of the tables im really in to the 90s tables onwards do like some of the 80s the i did like back in 1987 was by gottieb and was called monte carlo does any1 remember that1 did ask on face book but no 1 got back to me if any1 remembers it let me know thanks andy.

I loved Monte Carlo, and I doubt they'll put it on TPA, but it would be cool if they did, definitely overlooked and underrated. Another obscure favorite of mine is Radical, as it brings me right back to the glory days of the late 80's and early 90's which was the peak of my childhood! Unfortunately there are so many pinball tables, and only so few they can make for TPA at a time, that we'll have to rely on VP and FP, if not buying the original pins, or going to The Pinball Hall of Fame in Vegas, to get our fix. One love for bringing up Monte Carlo though as it is definitely one of my favorites. It would be nice to see them come out with some sort of casino themed table soon. Maverick would be nice, and is a blast to play, but the licensing would be costly.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Shut, curious which ones you think are realistic?

Big Bang Bar? :)

Here's what I thought was realistic from that list...

The Addams Family
Champion Pub
Big Bang Bar
Terminator 2
The Getaway: High Speed 2
The Pinball Circus
White Water
Party Zone
Cactus Canyon
Roller Games
Judge Dredd
Safe Cracker
Black Rose

Big Bang Bar is not out of the realm of possibility and is on the 'list' of tables FarSight can do. There are certain parties outside of FS that would like to see it happen too. Pinball Circus is also on the list, they'd have to convince Tim Arnold to photograph the hell out of it like they did for PHOF collection tables, but certain parties outside of FS would rather not see it happen. TAF should really be in the next list, but I think if there is any way of making it happen, FS will jump through hoops to make it so.

These are iffy at best...

Bram Stokers Dracula
Simpsons Pinball Party
Jurassic Park
Tales From The Crypt
Dirty Harry
Family Guy
Indianapolis 500
Dirty Harry
Lord Of The Rings

Most of these would either fall into licenses that FS could afford on their own or licenses that a Kickstarter might actually be successful for. I think LOTR would be crazy expensive, Kingpin virtually impossible to find, and Family Guy being dependent on FS figuring out Stern emulation for that

These are when hell freezes over...

Transformers LE Combo
Iron Man LE
Spider-Man LE
The Dark Knight
Indiana Jones ( Stern & Williams )
Star Wars Trilogy
Tron LE
Austin Powers
Star Gate
Doctor Who
Avatar LE
Rolling Stones LE
A Nightmare On Elm Street
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Johnny Mnemonic
Space Invaders
Terminator 3

Indy woulda been in the iffy pile had Disney not scooped up all of Lucasfilm. Space Invaders had production stopped because of it looking like Alien, so good luck smoothing that out now. T3 is a huge licensing nightmare as the rights are completely in limbo due to bankruptcy of the studio and the quagmire of who actually holds the rights to it. Nobody is gonna pay to license Congo. Seriously.

This is all just pure speculation on my part, and solely based on that earlier list of wants. And I'd be pretty stoked for any of those first 21, wouldn't you?


Jan 28, 2013
Shut, thanks for your in-depth reply :)

Pitty about Space Invaders, but you may have expected my disappointment there! I would have liked to see that one converted.

I have to say though, that's still a mighty fine 'realistic' list, and it certainly contains most of the remaining pins I'd like to see getting the FarSight treatment :D

I guess you could add Road Show and Fish Tales to that list too?
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Oh yeah, any of the non licensed tables from Williams and Bally are realistic. There is a set number of tables that FS can do though, and then they have to talk with WMS again. This is why they paid the big bucks to get Cactus Canyon, to make it sooner rather than later. That vote about the Bally EMs, that was to prioritize in case they filled up all the spaces too soon. If you've heard FS mention the '40 tables' thing, it's in reference to this. The 'list' of tables though that FS has to pick from is much, much bigger. Pretty much covers every table you'd ever want.

What this means is, they have the rights to hundreds of tables, and nobody else can touch those. They only have an agreement with WMS to make 40. It's all but a forgone conclusion that their deal would be renewed, so don't panic. With Stern, there is no table limit. WMS has an interest in what tables are specifically chosen, as they get royalties off the sales of the game. So again, Congo might be on the list, but knowing what I just wrote, Congo aint gonna get made! And I'd put money down that the final Bally spot will be reserved for TAF just in case a breakthrough happens. A good guess as to the Williams / Bally breakdown would be something in the area of 26 Williams tables to 14 Bally. That means that by December, a new deal will probably have to be struck.


Jan 28, 2013
That all sounds like very good news for us pinball fans. :D

So the 40 tables thing just accounts for Bally / Williams tables? With any Gottlieb and Stern tables also being added when possible?

It looks like 2013 is going to be a very good year for FarSight and TPA. I just hope they can sort out the Xbox and PC issues ASAP, so we can all enjoy these tables in all their glory. Although judging by the latest newsletter, it is going to be quite some time before this happens.

So how does the licensing issue work if FarSight want to re-visit a table that they have already released, in order to update / improve it?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Nothing to revisit license wise for a table they've already done. Any changes to the art or look of the table just need to be approved once more by WMS or Stern. I don't think physics changes need approval.


New member
Feb 17, 2013
I'll buy every table pack they release for as long as they release them. I love the older EM tables, and would like to see a bigger ratio of EM releases... Space Mission, Grand Prix, Jet Spin, Paradise, Aztec, etc.

I hope FarSight doesn't burn out by releasing all of the "A" tables up front (which they are currently doing). The history of pinball has seen over 3,000 unique tables manufactured, which gives FarSight the potential of being a long, successful enterprise... IF they pace themselves. Releasing all of the "A" tables in the first few years will certainly throw a monkey wrench into their longevity.

I also hope they keep fine tuning their table physics; the tables are fun to play, but the shots that work on the real tables definitely aren't the same on the FarSight tables.


New member
Feb 21, 2013
Ones that would probably need kickstarters:

The Addams Family
T2: Judgment Day
Batman: The Dark Knight (Just love the theme and that music on the table)
Indiana Jones
Judge Dredd

Ones that wouldn't need a kickstarter:

White Water
Fish Tales
Who Dunnit


New member
Jan 20, 2013
Nothing to revisit license wise for a table they've already done. Any changes to the art or look of the table just need to be approved once more by WMS or Stern. I don't think physics changes need approval.

re: Bally + Stern... I thought the only company still in business was Williams, and they're not even making pinball tables anymore...?

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