What Licenses Would You Like To See Made Into Pins?


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Oh man, that's sweet. I like the lighting, modes, and the DMD info.



New member
Apr 28, 2013
I would love to see an Aliens pin. Christ, I spent over $100 on a 6in dropship with micro machine APC that fits inside.


would it really end, or would you suddenly have no score and the music changes slightly?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
LOST we be an amazing theme. Break-apart toy airplane. Enter the hatch to start modes. Electro-magnetism out the wazoo and of course.....Hurley.

Oh yeah. A DMD mini-game similar to CPUB's spittin' gallery where you have to catch Matthew Fox's non-stop tears.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'd like to think the progression of a Lost pinball would be this...

Play starts out normal, with a few scoring quirks that aren't quite explainable. Completing certain combos flashes the score back to much lower. You must not lose the ball during this 'flashback' or you'll be stuck with the much lower score. To really sell the flashback sense, scoring would be like that of an early 80's table.

There's one flashback for 'X' amount of characters, and finishes off with getting rescued. Only problem is, this clears everything (including score) and now you play flash forwards multiball. Scoring is now ridiculously high, but the table is prone to sudden dead flippers, scoring banks that don't work, and yes magnets all over the place. Oh, and there's a hole you have to shoot into every 108 seconds or it's game over.

Completing the jackpot goals of flashforward multiball results in the table returning to it's original playing state. The score keeps randomly alternating between the normal scoring and the crazed scoring and it's quick (no just letting the ball drain to collect the higher score). This would be flash sideways scoring, and the remaining goal of the table would need to be completed, Jacob vs Man in Black. Always 2 targets lit, player simply must choose correctly which ones to shoot. Man in Black gives more points, but causes more table anomalies to happen, Jacob scores less but keeps table stable. Win as MiB and all high scores stored on table, even if yours isn't the highest, are completely lost with only yours remaining. Win as Jacob and risk not having the highest score, but knowing you didn't take the easy way out.

No matter how many extra balls you have saved up, the game ends. You then have the option of returning to the island, which just starts the game all over but with half your points (this being the only way a 'Jacob' score could eventually be tops), or calling it quits there and walking away angry and confused.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
While I think the idea is thematically appropriate and very original in terms of gameplay, I think I would just be really frustrated by that amount of randomness and pressure.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
While I think the idea is thematically appropriate and very original in terms of gameplay, I think I would just be really frustrated by that amount of randomness and pressure.

Which ties directly into the sensation of watching the show!

Actually I thoroughly enjoy Lost, have no issues with the ending, and have it in my top finished shows of all time (Sopranos, Twin Peaks, Buffy/Angel, Cowboy Bebop, and Firefly rounding out the list*). My wife on the other hand, would just scream and curse at the TV because while she couldn't stop watching, she hated 'lack of planning' that was evident with the writers. So while frustration was never a thing for me, it sat next to me on the couch every week!

*Game of Thrones will no doubt land on my list, but I reserve judgement until the final outcome.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I guess it's not really a license, but I think a bermuda triangle table could have some possibilities.
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New member
Jul 6, 2012
Some of these have already been mentioned. In those cases, count this as a +1. Some may have already been turned into pinball machines, but if they have, I haven't heard of them.

Monty Python (the complete works), The Big Bang Theory, Any Mel Brooks movie, Airplane!, The Naked Gun, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Time Bandits, Hugo, The Transformers (old 80's cartoon version), Thundercats, Robotech (the old Macross era), Starblazers, War Games, Ghostbusters, Saturday Night Live, Peanuts / Charlie Brown, Calvin And Hobbes, The Far Side, Harry Potter, The Chronicles Of Narnia, His Dark Materials (or at least the Golden Compass), The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Atlas Shrugged, The Matrix, Battlestar Galactica, 24, Sesame Street (pre-Elmo if possible), Three Stooges, Laurel And Hardy, Abbott And Costello, Rowan & Martin's Laugh In, Beetlejuice, The Fifth Element, Any Pixar movie, Fight Club, Chicago (the musical), Avenue Q, Les Miserables, Cats (the musical), The Rat Pack (Sinatra, Martin, Davis, etc.), Coming To America, Beverly Hills Cop, Trading Places, Secret Of My Success, Land Of The Lost (the original Sid & Marty Kroft version), Press Your Luck (the game show), Card Sharks (the game show)

There are a lot of other licensed movies, TV shows, and other things that I'd have liked to have listed, but I don't believe they would translate as well to pinball.
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