What tables did you play today?


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I don't mess with the operator's menu too much. Last time I did, I deleted all my local high scores by accident! There should be a warning message on that reset button before it sends the signal to the ROM.


May 10, 2013
Oh yeah, totally deleted my scores. Did it a couple of times. No biggie for a leaderboard bottom-dweller. Kind of excited to try to re-occupy the high-scores board.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Had a long-ish round on Goin' Nuts and actually kind of enjoyed it a little : o


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Went with a friend to the local pinball arcade / ice cream parlor, got nowhere in a game of Fish Tales (had never played before, layout seems awfully...lane-y?), butchered by Jack*Bot, and then settled in to play a bunch of Wizard of Oz. That game is just so neat. Hit some kind of multiball mode where like every LED on the table was strobing rainbow colors, I'm not sure what the heck mode it was but it was so bright I couldn't even look at the upper part of the playfield, and worth more points than I've ever seen this game give out. Crazy outlane ball save modes and a bunch of other stuff that wasn't in the old prototype version I played before. Fun fun fun : )


May 10, 2013
Cracked open Gorgar for the first time in a couple of months. Gorgar was the table I played most as a kid and it was the reason I bought Pinball Arcade in the first place. I’ve never gotten one million, scoring over 900,000 only four times.

Today, on ball one, I scored almost 700,000! Ball one! I had picked up an extra ball, so I had three more chances to score 300,000 points. Well, I finished with… almost 700,000 points. It was possibly the most dismal 3 ball run in the history of Gorgar. Had my eyes been closed I could not have done worse and I wouldn’t have had to watch those three balls suicide dive down the outlanes one after another. So sad.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I hear ya jefferyd. I have had the almost exact game. 700,000 on the first ball and wasn't able to complete 1,000,000. I still haven't reached 1 mil on gorgar but I still try a few times a week. I love that table.


Gorgar was the first table I played after cashing in some credits and getting season1 on steam.

had been playing my KS reward tables for the past few days. Only so much TZ, STTNG and T2 a guy can take.


Aug 31, 2013
Just finished all the Wizard goals for Gorgar and Bride of Pinbot. I'm one wizard goal away from completing Big Shot as well. :)


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Gorgar seems popular today. My new iPad lost all the goals and scores so I've been going a-z down the list. Just finished with Gorgar. Love that game, got 1.46 million just missed out of 1000 hof points. That one house ball cost me. Oh we'll, on to HD now :(


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I played some games on MB, T2, BH and GORGAR, and got utterly destroyed on all of them. I can usually get monters of rock 90% percent of the time but not even close this time.


New member
Oct 16, 2013
I played a bit of Elvira, I just can't get enough of that multiball (lights! organ! uu nice organ! :D), and then I went to Big Shot and then I tested a bit of Star Trek: TNG.

By the way, let me confess something: I just purchased the PC version today (season 1 only), since I had problems with my credit card and I only managed to solve it today. I felt a bit nervous having so many tables fully avaliable for me, I was carefully picking up tables and trying not to "overplay" them. I always do that with new things that I like too much. So I started with Big Shot, because I don't know, it's a simple table, and an old one, so I thought that would not be an overplay situation. I was not "spending" all those resources, lights, and so on. And I had to test the Star Trek table, since I am a huge fan of the TV series and sci-fi in general. Now I can't wait to get home and slowly taste any of those tables!

A long night waits for me :cool:


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Been Learning Terminator 2 Like all tables feels far more fun and rewarding when you learn how to play it.


CV, how I loathe that buggy pos of a table.

Ball vanished shooting the loop to start wizard mode, call attendant, missing ball comes back just as a second ball launches and the right flipper goes dead. :banghead:


May 10, 2013
FINALLY! Absolutely clobbered my goal of getting 1 million on Gorgar with a score just shy of 1.4 mil. My first ball went straight from the plunger, through that “C” slot up there at the top, and down the right outline with nary a point on its journey. The lesson I learned from both ball one and my year-long quest for a Gorgar 1 million: Never give up!

Flush with success, and looking for a short game before sleep, I hopped over to Medieval Madness, a table I've never done well with and have never found all that appealing. For the first time on any table, I was able to hit a spot at will and repeatedly. The Castle Multi-Ball–– that narrow slot between the left ramp and the castle gate–– was automatic. Go figure. I didn’t try for any other shot until the multi-ball started. I rung up five, maybe six Castle Multi-Balls and even scored a couple of Super-Jackpots while I flailed around amidst the excitement. I ignored all else. Seriously, this was the only time I ever had fun playing the table.

I hit almost 150 million, double my previous score! I know, not all that great for the MM devotees, but a totally shocking performance from the peanut gallery.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Nice! I keep playing MM fairly regularly but I've yet to feel like I've really cracked that nut.

What I did tonight:

The Add-A-Ball pinbar in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood recently expanded into the area next door, adding a big new room to their existing three room layout filled with pinball, classic arcade machines, and beer. The near end of the big room boasts a gigantic mural painting of Kurt Russell...hm dang I guess I was too dazzled to remember to take a photo of it, come to think of it. Anyway it's neat. The far end has an all-star line-up of pinball machines: Stars (pretty much the best little pinball game ever), Star Trek: The Next Generation modified with a color DMD screen, and an Attack from Mars--although this was promptly taken offline after I got in there. :p

Filling one side of the length of the room is the single most impressive row of pinball machines I've ever seen in person: all five Bally widebody machines, in pretty much immaculate condition:


Fantasy table Paragon was by far the most popular, but I think I had the most fun hitting the chain-reacting middle three captive balls to light up the inner birthing chamber on Embryon next to it:


Space Invaders, with its bizarre Geiger-esque art not going at all well with its awful Space Invaders arcade sound effects:


Future Spa, an old favorite of mine, and the thematic odd man out, the bright, ski-filled Hot Doggin':


You can just see Attack from Mars across the way there, before it was shut down for maintenance. At the end of the night we finally got a chance to play doubles on Paragon; I didn't have enough quarters left for another game but we got a Match! and I had enough for the other credit, and on this second try I spelled all the letters in P-A-R-A-G-O-N! And jumped up and down and clapped, but then promptly drained before I got to shoot for the resulting Special. Still felt nice. : D


New member
Sep 27, 2012
i finally got over 1,000,000 on gorgar. i didn't think i was gonna make it, by the start of my 3rd ball i only had about 600,000. when i finally did lose my last ball, i still had two diff extra balls lit (the hole and the roving arrow) that i could of collected that i didnt get to cash in. so i guess my new goal is to reach 1,500,000, that's gonna be tough.

to gorgar: sorry i had to hurt you tonight, but you have smacked me around so much and so often, you deserve your butt kicked once in awhile. i hope we can still be frienemies. i'll be back soon, so we can resume our lil war. but for this week i'm pulling a george costanza and leaving on a high note.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I started on the tourney today and put up some decent time on Class of 1812 and RBION. Then I went up to Lanes & Games in Cambridge,MA to try out the new Star Trek table from Stern. It's much nicer in person then the screenshots for it show and I think it's one of the better Sterns out there.

Also played Tron,TAF,TSPP,Iron Man,Metallica & AC/DC as well. Good times!

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