Which table did you first beat the Wizard goals on? Why that table?


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I've just beaten Centaur's last goal (the five ball multiball).

I think some luck was involved in getting through it that fast - I'm not very good, though I played a fair bit of Pinball Dreams / Fantasies back in the day...

I love the table. I love the unique Gigeresque biomechanical theme, the stark black and white look, the eerie speech...

I find it's a good table for practising nudging as well, because you've got plenty of warning when a ball is dropping into the outlane to try to bounce it back through the gate. I'm new to playing pinball on a device with an accelerometer, so it's tricky trying to make that work instinctively. Getting better though.

I really seem to be gravitating to those early SS tables generally. I find there's sometimes too much chance involved in the earlier tables, and the later ones can be too complex. Which isn't to say I don't enjoy either, and as I get better at nudging and more accurate at aimed shots respectively I'll no doubt enjoy them more. At the moment though, Centaur, Black Knight, Gorgar, Genie and Firepower are really hitting the spot... I like the wide open play fields, and the erratic game style where the ball seems to suddenly and unpredictably change pace and direction. I find the goals complicated enough to keep you interested, but simple enough to get somewhere with even as a relative beginner.

I might try to work on Black Knight next - again, it's a good table for practising nudging because of the vicious inner right ramp. It's got a nice set piece for new balls, trying to ping them up into the ball lock. And the magnasaves add a bit of desperate excitement, and are good practise for hitting virtual buttons. All round I think a good 'training table', though I know a lot of people don't think that much of it (it seems it's often people who have played the real thing who perceive it as buggy, which is fair enough. It plays OK to my naive eyes and ears though... :) )

So which table did you beat first? And what was it about that table that motivated or allowed you to beat it?
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New member
Nov 23, 2013
For me it was Elvira and the Party Monsters. I did alot of work on the VPM version way way back, so I had quite a lot of practice from that and from the real thing that was close by at the time of development.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I haven't played that much yet. I had a quick bash at Scared Stiff, and maybe I was lucky, but it just seemed too easy to keep the ball in play, which kind of turns achieving a high score into an endurance feat rather than a skill per se. I'm enjoying the more 'bite sized but difficult' goals at the moment.

It was funny though. When I'm looking for giggles right now, I load up Attack From Mars. I love B-movie sci-fi, and it's absolutely perfect :D

I definitely should go for one of the more modern tables soon just for variety - the electromechanical ones aren't on the cards yet.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I honestly don't remember. there are a lot of 1st's I don't remember..my first smoke..my first drink.. my first sin.. but I do remember my 1st kiss and my first car.
if I had to guess, I think its gorgar.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Rather Gorgar than Centaur, I reckon...

I'm starting to think Black Knight was ambitious. It's evil, and really ruins your chances when it spits the ball straight back out of the ball lock.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
You first kissed gorgar in you car?

He took a standard wiz on Gorgar while kissing his first car?

Tales of the Arabian Nights was my first. Should have been Theater of Magic but I just can't get through the wizard mode ever


New member
Dec 23, 2013
He took a standard wiz on Gorgar while kissing his first car?

Tales of the Arabian Nights was my first. Should have been Theater of Magic but I just can't get through the wizard mode ever

I cleared grand finale once but the goal did not tick.
OnT: Can't remember. But I'm guessing ToTAN or FH.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
TOTAN was the first set of wizard goals I completed. They were just easier than the other wizard goals on the first bunch of tables.


Nov 9, 2012
Gorgar, because I played it a whole lot in the early '80s. I'm not a completist when it comes to achievements, so there are some tables that I will never get all of the goals. For example, I enjoy TOTAN, but won't see Harem Multiball unless it happens by chance. If one of the goals for a table happens to be a video mode then that is definitely never going to happen.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
I'm getting more and more into Gorgar, and that definitely could be next... Only the 1-2-3-4 goal to go.

Weirdly, I'm only the 250,000 point goal away from Big Shot on my phone, but have further to go on my tablet. I'm using the touch controls there, because the accelerometer isn't sensitive enough, and it's *much* easier.

Might have to give up on the accelerometer on my tablet too... Although I like being able to vary how hard to nudge, and it does somehow feel more 'immersive'.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I believe it was TOTAN. I was already familiar with the goals because of the PHOF version, so I knew exactly what to do.

A lot of us have been playing since the game first came out, so you'll probably see a lot of TOTAN answers.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Bride of Pinbot. I really got into that table. I loved the theme, felt kind of menacing. And also it's really easy, which helps.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Taxi.......... because it's one of my favourite table and the only one I actually ever had at home. It wasn't mine but I managed to borrow it when they were redoing some nearby bar.

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