Zaccaria Pinball - PC Steam beta


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Sorry Zolt, I know I'm really nitpicking now but is there any chance some of the lower resolution backglasses might be updated with higher res versions?

Some of them don't look at their best next to those lovely high res playfields you have! :)

Yes, they are also planned :)


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Got a bug on the Combat table: any decent shot that reaches the top of the table gets caught behind that railing:

And calling the attendant forfeits the ball. If it's the 3rd ball and you call the attendant , then the game ends.
I have checked it and the ball was able to go to the drain here. Would anybody experience this issue?


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Hi [MENTION=2322]Zsolt[/MENTION]

Suggestion for the Demo: Could you allow to have all Gold features unlocked for the free table, so people could try out all the cool settings? It would surely be beneficial for the sales of these features.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Hi [MENTION=2322]Zsolt[/MENTION]

Suggestion for the Demo: Could you allow to have all Gold features unlocked for the free table, so people could try out all the cool settings? It would surely be beneficial for the sales of these features.

I heard Zaccaria Pinball PC discussed a lot in the recent Blahcade broadcast (61) and this was discussed. I personally have the Gold and can say that it is all the tuning options particularly in terms of lighting (night mode), physics sim mode that transform the game. By just enabling these just on the free table (and disabling the copy to all ) it would really showcase what Zacc has to offer and would surely lead to more sales - that was also mentioned in the broadcast.

All in all I can say this Steam release is awesome. I hope that if it sells well Magic Pixel will get some more real table licences as their implementations are second to none.

One other suggestion from the broadcast was to make simulation physics the default. Also a great idea.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Anyone having any success getting a better top-down portrait camera view suitable for a cab, since the introduction of the Extended View option?

It still seems to limit the amount of zooming out that can be done, and table angle. To be honest I am a bit confused though as to what each slider does, because on mobile you needed to select the top and bottom view via a check box but that is not the on PC.

Extended view since to have an opposite effect in portrait static mode. It seems to be more zoomed in rather than less. Maybe the answer is to allow us to zoom more outwards?

Here is my attempt at cab view - for this one I used the extended view - but struggled a bit. It is okay, but have a few issues.

* I can't seem to zoom out any more to reveal more of the plunger lane and apron.
* I would like to have slightly less layback - ie: view the table from more of a top-down view - but still with some degree of layback angle.


Here is the Visual Pinball 10 view for the same table (please ignore the yellow circles)


Nudnick had quite a good view showing more of the plunger lane and apron, however for my tastes there was too much layback which I guess he couldn't adjust any further with the existing controls.
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Staff member
May 29, 2013
Suggestion for the Demo: Could you allow to have all Gold features unlocked for the free table, so people could try out all the cool settings? It would surely be beneficial for the sales of these features.
I heard Zaccaria Pinball PC discussed a lot in the recent Blahcade broadcast (61) and this was discussed.

Yeah, I remember discussing it in the podcast with Jared and Chris ;-)


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Yes, I have already tried to teach the guys how to pronounce it ;) But you being french have a different way to pronounce it anyway :D


Jan 28, 2013
I'm finding that after today's update, the RESUME button is invisible after pausing on a table.

Playing at 1440 x 2560 px (DSR 4K, portrait).

It's still functioning, I just can't see it, or the highlight around it.

EDIT: Testing again, the CALL ATTENDANT button is also missing. Seems okay on first go but then both disappear.
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May 19, 2012
I just wanted to chime in and say that I finally got a chance to play it. I run it emulated through Fusion on my Mac Pro. Initially, I couldn't even click the Play button. The flyover was running at less than a frame per second. I was looking for a global setting menu, not realizing that the settings through the Options button on each table is actually global. So I lowered the reflections and a couple of other settings, and now the game is playing fine.

I agree, the tables look great. The lighting is beautiful and the physics are quite good, much better than Age of Pinballs. I'm really starting to like Zaccaria's tables. Some are really clever, with eye-catching artwork and interesting playfields. My favorite is currently Robot.

Congratulations to the whole team! I'm sure this project was a labor of love. It's wonderfully rendered and will give me many years of exciting play.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Action speaks louder than words

I posted yesterday about not being able to get a good cab view because I could not zoom out enough in Extended view.
I was privately little disappointed not to see a response from Zsolt about it, but guess what? Earlier this afternoon another update is posted on Steam with a host of fixes including an increased amount of zooming factor in Extended view! Now that is what I call service. Magic Pixel/Ask might might not speak much in the forums and on Steam, etc. but they certainly deliver the goods. Probably easier to just do the job, than waste time answering.

They have posted 7 to 8 updates already on Steam in less than two weeks with dozens of bugfixes and enhancements. Hats off to them - the product deserves to do well.


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Jan 28, 2013
I'm finding that after today's update, the RESUME button is invisible after pausing on a table.

Playing at 1440 x 2560 px (DSR 4K, portrait).

It's still functioning, I just can't see it, or the highlight around it.

EDIT: Testing again, the CALL ATTENDANT button is also missing. Seems okay on first go but then both disappear.

This appears to be fixed in todays update :)

The extra camera options are great too.

Loving what you're doing with this game :eek:

Many thanks.
Apr 8, 2012
[MENTION=2322]Zsolt[/MENTION]: I also had the "Flippers stuck in up position" problem - this is fixed now, thanks. But I still can't get my gamepad to work. It's an old Logitech wireless and natively supports only DirectInput. For games using XInput I use a tool called x360ce (emulating an 360 controller) and this usually works (ZEN, PinballArcade, ProPinball). But unfortunately not with Zaccaria. I guess you guys are using XInput, too. So I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work.

I use a PS2 controller with x360ce for Pinball Arcade and I'm not having any luck with Zaccaria either. Do I need to resort to a program that converts gamepad input to keyboard presses or is there a way to get this working with x360ce?

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